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non fossil fuel natural gas |
It is from the 1912 noble prize in chemistry. Published by the French scientist Sebatier. He hydrogenated carbon dioxide, and got methane. At the time he was not realise that methane under pressure would burn.
1 CH₄+P+3O₂+spark→CO₂+2H₂O+L+E+X-ray
So you form the gas by chilling carbon dioxide air to the air, as dry ice. At -28° C. You do the electrolysis of regular water in cases separate strains of hydrogen and oxygen gas.
He makes the dry ice with a hydrogen, and heat to 400° C. We pass it through a tight aluminium helix, and methane and water comes out. The aluminium is not used up - it is the cheapest face centre cubic metal which capitalises the reaction.
2 CO₂+4H₂+(Al)→CH₄+2H₂O+(Al)
We use a water tank to condense the water out. And then use a refrigeration cycle to chill the methane into liquid natural gas. Which is very nearly free!
As to form the methane by sucking carbon dioxide as the air, he'd only releases the same gas when burnt. So totally carbon neutral.
Global photosynthesis on land and sea, then it's free carbon dioxide to just two parts per million. It's static level in the present epoch. Before mankind even evolved.
In the Jurassic there was four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. A generally warm period, with three natural ice ages. And 85% more biological life in the one periods.
The limit to life on earth is available carbon dioxide. Man's burning of fossil fuels has increased active life on earth. But had no affect on the weather!
That is paid fiction on behalf of nuclear power. Man made global warming was a fallacy! The world has been cooling naturally since 1995. Manmade climate change is based on the erroneous notion that burn the fossil fuels increases the carbon dioxide level in the air.
It does not. It increases active life on earth. Nuclear power kills all life! Go figure.
Germans make natural gas
It is from the 1912 noble prize in chemistry. Published by the French scientist Sebatier. He hydrogenated carbon dioxide, and got methane. At the time he was not realise that methane under pressure would burn.
1 CH₄+P+3O₂+spark→CO₂+2H₂O+L+E+X-ray
So you form the gas by chilling carbon dioxide air to the air, as dry ice. At -28° C. You do the electrolysis of regular water in cases separate strains of hydrogen and oxygen gas.
He makes the dry ice with a hydrogen, and heat to 400° C. We pass it through a tight aluminium helix, and methane and water comes out. The aluminium is not used up - it is the cheapest face centre cubic metal which capitalises the reaction.
2 CO₂+4H₂+(Al)→CH₄+2H₂O+(Al)
We use a water tank to condense the water out. And then use a refrigeration cycle to chill the methane into liquid natural gas. Which is very nearly free!
As to form the methane by sucking carbon dioxide as the air, he'd only releases the same gas when burnt. So totally carbon neutral.
Global photosynthesis on land and sea, then it's free carbon dioxide to just two parts per million. It's static level in the present epoch. Before mankind even evolved.
In the Jurassic there was four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. A generally warm period, with three natural ice ages. And 85% more biological life in the one periods.
The limit to life on earth is available carbon dioxide. Man's burning of fossil fuels has increased active life on earth. But had no affect on the weather!
That is paid fiction on behalf of nuclear power. Man made global warming was a fallacy! The world has been cooling naturally since 1995. Manmade climate change is based on the erroneous notion that burn the fossil fuels increases the carbon dioxide level in the air.
It does not. It increases active life on earth. Nuclear power kills all life! Go figure.
Die Deutschen machen Erdgas
Es stammt aus dem Nobelpreis für Chemie von 1912. Herausgegeben von dem französischen Wissenschaftler Sebatier. Er hydrierte Kohlendioxid und erhielt Methan. Damals war ihm nicht klar, dass Methan unter Druck brennen würde.
1 CH₄+P+3O₂+Funken→CO₂+2H₂O+L+E+Röntgen
Sie bilden also das Gas, indem Sie Kohlendioxid an der Luft abkühlt, als Trockeneis. Bei -28° C. Sie führen die Elektrolyse von normalem Wasser durch, wobei Wasserstoff- und Sauerstoffgas getrennt werden.
Er stellt das Trockeneis mit Wasserstoff her und erhitzt es auf 400 °C. Wir führen es durch eine enge Aluminiumspirale, und Methan und Wasser kommen heraus. Das Aluminium wird nicht aufgebraucht – es ist das billigste Metall mit kubischem Flächenmittelpunkt, das aus der Reaktion Kapital schlägt.
Wir verwenden einen Wassertank, um das Wasser zu kondensieren. Und verwenden Sie dann einen Kältekreislauf, um das Methan zu flüssigem Erdgas zu kühlen. Was fast kostenlos ist!
Um das Methan zu bilden, indem er Kohlendioxid wie die Luft ansaugt, würde er nur das gleiche Gas freisetzen, wenn es verbrannt wird. Also absolut klimaneutral.
Globale Photosynthese auf Land und Meer, dann ist es freies Kohlendioxid auf nur zwei Teile pro Million. Es ist ein statisches Niveau in der gegenwärtigen Epoche. Bevor sich die Menschheit überhaupt entwickelt hat.
Im Jura waren vier PPM Kohlendioxid in der Luft. Eine allgemein warme Periode mit drei natürlichen Eiszeiten. Und 85 % mehr biologisches Leben in den Einphasen.
Die Grenze des Lebens auf der Erde ist das verfügbare Kohlendioxid. Die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe durch den Menschen hat das aktive Leben auf der Erde erhöht. Hatte aber keinen Einfluss auf das Wetter!
Das ist bezahlte Fiktion im Namen der Atomkraft. Die menschengemachte globale Erwärmung war ein Trugschluss! Die Welt kühlt sich seit 1995 auf natürliche Weise ab. Der vom Menschen verursachte Klimawandel basiert auf der irrigen Annahme, dass die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe den Kohlendioxidgehalt in der Luft erhöht.
Es tut nicht. Es erhöht das aktive Leben auf der Erde. Atomkraft tötet alles Leben! Stelle dir das
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