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AIDs cure 2002! |
But medicine will never admit it! As if in some magical way, as low as doctors to still prescribe AIDs treatments. Allowing Dr.s to medicate haemophilias to a Bio chemically assisted death within a decade.
As haemophiliacs contracted HIV aids, through contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent. Produced using blood taken from people with AIDs. How did this happen? The medics must have known the danger, you are still allowed it.
The CDC report provided strong evidence that AIDS was spread by blood. Altogether, almost 5000 hemophiliacs were to become infected with HIV before concentrates were rendered safe, and more than 4000 of the estimated 10,000 hemophiliacs in the US would eventually die of AIDS
So no Dr. can now prescribed the defective HIV treatments. They must apply ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest. And cure them.
- 1Review
This was the idea developed from the 2002 Moffitt centre medical document on the cure of all cancers and viruses. Viral and bacterial infections above cleared by ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to either side the chest.
Every registered Dr. Pledges to be aware of medical developments, verified and then use new medical science. I wrote a paper on AIDs 2008. And another four years before my American contact who was HIV⁺ to forget the paper, by his own ultrasound massage device and cure herself.
During the five day delivery window had to get the unit from China, he was a very very excited! I was worried, because I was not sure it would work! The Moffitt Paper was 100 patient double blind trial on clearing cancer and viruses.
And he had worked stag really well and cancers! There stopping doctors prescribing cancer treatments, was very difficult! They should have taken up the idea the next day. It a problem for years.
My friends ultrasound device arrived, he used it, and the same way he was fully discharged from all Medical Care by his Dr.. We are cured the most pernicious viral infection in history.
And just singer was haemophiliacs who are paying 5000 pounds a year, to be intentionally medicated to death within a decade. No doctors can cure all haemophiliacs of HIV in 1 minute.
Using the 8 W 3 MHZ unit, they've purges had to validate the cancer cure! ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear the inflated cell structure the Eccles is all viral and bacterial infections.
Infections like cancers require an inflated cell structure, to induce cell replication. Medicine has always prohibited work on a vaccination for Covid flu all the common cold: as those viral family is change too quickly for the vaccination process!
The Covid flu vaccination is obsolete within six months of starting drug trials. Which are last two years! So the Covid19 vaccination was never legal human medicine.
Any prescribing Dr. Realized the infection was obsolete an unlicensed. And was an illegal injection! Striking off the Dr. and drug company. Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.
What is being no medical reaction to the AIDs cure? I have read 1 Medical Paper in last 10 years, and never being too strains of AIDs. Which Foree does not matter. As he action of HIUS this to clear all cancers and viruses. Also clearing bacterial infections! It very does cure everything.
So we came cure haemophiliacs in 1 minute. Not to do sir is to warrant the striking off of the Dr. and health centre. AIDs is cured, due to my work on nuclear fusion at Sheffield University 2000.
1 H₂O+US→He+O+E² so at 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound, converts regular water into massive heat with helium and oxygen gases. Work Sheffield did not think worthy of a Ph.D.!
This also taught me that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the chest will clear all viral infections. Making every medical department in any university in the world economically insolvent.
And no academic medic has real to study biochemistry and cancer or HIV since 2002.
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