The Covid viral line started causing human influenza in 1949. And we have a new version every 1st of October. A viral vaccination would take two years to licence. And Covid flu and the common cold have a more rapid viral evolution.
The Covid 19 vaccination was only half licensed, when already obsolete. We're on the year of Covid20. But in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published a paper on using High Intensity UltraSound to clear all viruses and cancers.
The ultrasound causes nuclear fusion in the inflated cell types - like cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
Source of the X rays cancers and viruses give off in ultrasound scans. So at 5 W 40 kHz we get the emission of X rays. But the Moffitt found out e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, all cancers and viruses experience cell content boiling.
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The foreign cell type ruptured, inducing the local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type from the body. So or one session total cure to all cancers and viruses.
So 2002 and the prescription of cancer drugs became criminal and fatal medical malpractice. Just one prescription of cancer drugs used for chemo and radio therapy, and the Dr. and drug company struck off. Cancer surgery also became criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the surgeon!
Nurse is 80% of Dr. and drug company income. Other medics found that ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clear coronary heart disease. Making the prescription of heart medication also are medical malpractice.
Again striking off the Dr. and drug company.
2013 I found that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, cleared type two diabetes. I cleared him for mother and stepfather.
My American friends found that 1 minute was required for type one diabetes. Which I have personally confirmed 2016. Again the prescription of the metformin became criminal medical malpractice.
Diabetes medication kills they had diabetic horribly within a decade. So he is now also are illegal medicine.
My contact in New York validated that ½ minute each side the chest cleared AIDs. The most pernicious viral infection in history cured.
So remember medicine strictly prohibits research or application of a vaccination to a fast changing viral I'm the Covid flu and the common cold. Covid19 was just the regular influenza from 2019. Which ceased to exist 1st of October, 2020.
So the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed. After the 1st of October, 2020 totally useless. Never a legal human medicine. No registered Dr. Could ever give one Covid vaccination, without being struck off and removed from medical practice.
½ minute or HIUS to each side the chest will totally clear all viral and bacterial infections: stopping the formation of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.
2013 I have personally validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression.
All dementia cleared! Medicine stop making a fuss about Alzheimer's - considering the disease is cured, and all biochemical research year's unethical and illegal.
They have refocused on Parkinson's. But in 2013 I already used HIUS to totally clear the condition in 1 minute.
Year of is going into meltdown! As the general population resist the idea of a Compulsary vaccination: which is two years out of date, and will kill 0.5% of the vaccinated. All person in 200.
The Covid19 vaccination to nominee affect on Covid20. Animal automatically on the year of Covid21. Any Dr. It giving just one the Covid19 vaccination ever, the struck off.
Just as all doctors who ever gave one prescription of cancer drugs as they have personally validated the Moffitt Paper, was also are struck off. A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, for each cancer patient medicated to death.
A fine of 20,000 UK pounds to every surviving vaccination victim. The next he came getting the full 10 million. The Dr. losing all Health Insurance after his first unethical and criminal vaccination!
Europe and or America came clear all viral and bacterial infections, using 1 minute of HIUS to the chest at home. Never have been to see a Dr. or use drugs! Which is why medicine has gone frantic!
Compulsary vaccination is a staff of George Orwell's 1984. It is the worst excess of a despotic government. So the route's in Europe or totally justified!
Criminal doctors have vaccinated 3.5 billion people with the unethical and are obsolete unlicensed Covid19 vaccination - only after the Covid19 virus no longer existed.
They have deliberately killed 17 million people around the world. For amusement and personal profit! But really the worst medicine in history.
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