In 1934 the Covid flu viral family star to causing human influenza. And medics realise that a vaccination to a fast changing viral line like covet flu all the common cold, was not possible.
In 2019 the Covid19 vaccination was obviously never created by a registered Dr.: He was prohibited globally from such unethical work.
The vaccination was obsolete only halfway three testing. We were automatically on the year of Covid20. That does not respond to the Covid19 obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.
Locally all viruses are cleared by the medically published High Intensity UltraSound - that also clears all cancers and bacterial cells types. As there cells boil and rupture. At power levels benign to body cells.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
This is why ultrasound scans or cancer and viruses, results in the emission of X rays at 5 W 40 kHz. There is no biochemical source of X rays. We are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion. Basic first year undergraduate physics!
2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of e.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to totally clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
A1 minute total cancer cure! Making all cancer drug prescriptions criminal and fatal medical malpractice: killing the cancer patient in two expensive agonising years. 1 minute of HIUS was purse invalidated to clear all cancers on earth.
For earlier to validate the Moffitt Paper struck the Dr. off! Who lost Dr. Registration and Health Insurance, making subsequent medical practice all criminal. And invalidating all future prescriptions. No registered pharmacist should ever have filled one drug order for cancer drugs after the Moffitt Paper 2002.
And doctors are bound by the Hippocratic oath! They are pledge to be aware off, validated and then use best new medicine, or strike themselves off and leave medical practice for ever.
There is no legal challenge! The doctors were all required to strike themselves off their first cancer drug prescription after they verified the Moffitt Paper. Which they have no choice in doing! Or they were automatically struck off anyway.
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So doctors and drug company is lost 80% of the income. Registered Dr. Subsequently published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left of the chest and the kidneys and the back to totally clear coronary heart disease. Making all subsequent heart drug prescriptions criminal medical malpractice. From 2002. Again every prescribing Dr. Was legally obliged to strike themselves off.
2013 I've published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, to clear type two diabetes. Which is caused by an inflated viral structure left behind from a viral infection.
2016 I confirmed the experience of my American diabetic contacts, that 1 minute of HIUS totally cleared type one diabetes. Making all subsequent prescriptions of insulin or metformin criminal medical malpractice.
Again each registered doctors prescribe diabetic medication after 2013, the struck off. The Health Services are the NHS key their medical records in three Data Storage units around the country. That are resistant to atomic bombs!
So every Dr. Who has prescribed cancer, heart disease and diabetes medication since HIUS was published as a one session cure struck off. Having to repay all wages back to their first illegal prescription.
And rowing no pension! Losing all medical registration.
Drug companies are also constrained by the same Hippocratic oath. So are prohibited from manufacture and sale of obsolete and unlicensed medication or by the Covid19 vaccination.
So Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and Monanter struck off! But Astra Zeneca Air was struck off 2002, as the manufacture and sale of cancer drugs became criminal after the Moffitt Paper. All other biochemical drug patents and by these corporations, invalid. There drugs outside legal medical prescription.
So each cancer patient death and or medication since the Moffitt Paper, invokes a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. The Dr. plus assisting nurses and pharmacists all struck off. Along with the involved biochemical drug company.
India found that the Covid19 vaccination is totally in eight against the next year's Covid20. The the medicine was always obsolete an unlicensed! So never a legal Dr. Drucker application.
They applied the usual 1 minute of HIUS to the chest and totally cleared last 77,000 cases of Covid20 in India. Bahrain also exterminated Covid20 using HIUS in three weeks.
Every Dr. Who prescribed a Covid19 vaccination around the world, struck off! Every Dr. Has pledged never to prescribe obsolete an unlicensed medication. Or strike themselves off the first time they did!
And around the world all doctors are taught that the Covid vaccination is always medically prohibited. Is research or application been criminal.
Who then developed the Covid19 vaccination? Certainly not a registered Dr.. And no registered Dr. Could ever give the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
Now European nations are thinking of implementing a compulsory Covid19 vaccination programme. Totally bloody pointless! Also the most horrendous idea ever. No registered Dr. Could ever be party to such illegality.
And only registered doctors could have prescribed the Covid19 vaccination. Which means that nobody on earth has ever been able to prescribe the obsolete an policy fatal medication.
Medicine depends on its good name. The compulsory vaccination would intentionally kill one in 200 people. For absolutely no medical gain.
America has seen 150,000 people doubly vaccinated against Covid19, dying from Covid20. The vaccination giving absolutely no protection.
And now we're on the year of Covid21 - the Covid number increases every year 1st of October. It is an internationally agreed standard medical naming convention. Like all viruses Covid21 is totally cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
The idea my personal contact used 2012, to clear his AIDs. Since that date the medical prescription of AIDs treatments has been criminal. And the doctors must return or all medical fees to their unfortunate patients, or strike themselves off for life. To face criminal charges for first degree medical murder. For each patient they have intentionally medicated to death.
So there is no legal challenge! The Covid19 vaccination could never be researched. The drug could never be manufactured and sold. And no Dr. Could ever prescribe and have a nurse give it.
Every involved drug company, Dr., Nurse and pharmacists struck off. The biggest intentional cull of medicine ever. To which the Hippocratic oath allows no legal challenge.
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