The world is fixated on Covid19: the regular influence or strain from the 1st of October, 2019, that cease to exist on 31st of September, 2020. The drug company is don't tend to mention the second part!
By medical definition we are then on the distinct Covid20. Which is why it the CP 4 double or triple vaccinated against Covid19, who are dying in droves from Covid20 and now Covid21.
150,000 Americans had died from the Covid virus, says a Covid19 vaccination process started. Three times the global deaths from influenza. So the Covid19 vaccination is 20 times more lethal than the Covid virus.
Which ceased to exist the end of September 2020. A year before the drug company is started selling the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
It would have taken two years to fully licence any serious medical intervention like a vaccination. So the drug company is it just didn't do the human drug trials! The Covid19 vaccination was never licensed, even while Covid20 still existed!
And he India had a a Covid20 outbreak - the Covid number is are determined by medical naming convention. Reflecting the four genetic changes in the previous year.
The clear all viruses respond to the same High Intensity UltraSound, that was published as a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses 2002.
It totally cleared the AIDs virus, and personal friend applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side use chest. These treatment market was still $680 million business in 2018 - six years after AIDs was cured.
The prescribing medics are automatically required to return the AIDs treatments money from 2018. When there doctors were aware that HIUS was the best and only legal AIDs medicine. The biochemical treatments were defective and criminal medical malpractice.
There published extensively about Chinese doctors are applying ½ minute of HIUS to each side the Corona viral patients in Wuhan Province China. Curing last 43,000 cases of the disease on earth!
Covid19 was the regular influenza strain from the next year, after Corona was identified 2018. So no direct relationship!
Corona virus is cleared by just 1 minute of HIUS to a patient's chest. A 100% total disease cure! So Covid19 would be cures by the same idea.
As a purse invalidated November 2019 and published our work freely on the Internet. The territory read, verified and use by every registered Dr. On earth.
Doctors continue prescribing drugs, as I was in their own financial best interests! Even the biochemical prescriptions result in 3.5% are people dying from influence or every year.
So now ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound will clear even today's Covid21. The U.S. senate is debating about banning the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. Which turns out to be 20 times more fatal than influenza.
It sure the open and shut law! No medic is allowed to apply a biochemical treatment more fatal than the disease itself. Covid19 no longer existing, it kills nobody! The Covid vaccination kills one in 200 people.
3.5 billion global people vaccinated, 17 million of them to death! To protect them against an extinct viral strain. That every registered Dr. On earth realized no longer existed.
The same idea will clear all viral and bacterial infections. ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest.
Will clear all viral and bacterial infections: irregardless of type! The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed even to combat Covid19 - which no longer exists.
So supposedly registered doctors are vaccinating so waves of people to death needlessly. The HIUS idea will clear all winter infections. Not as Covid and the common cold. Also all other a viral and bacterial winter infections.
The Covid19 vaccination is without a shadow of a doubt the most lethal medical idea in history. Each vaccination death warranting a 10,000,000 UK pound fine: innovation took ill and died within four days of the spurious vaccination.
Any vaccinating Dr. Struck off! 20,000 UK pounds to each surviving vaccination victim. For the application of the worst medicine in recorded history.
Boris Johnson has been advised by self serving medics, who have deliberately vaccinated 145,000 UK residents to death. For no possible medical gain! The biggest deliberate medical killing in history.
17 million deaths, is 1/4 fatalities from world war two. All the vaccination and fees are automatically returned to the patient.
The world is fixated on Covid19: the regular influence or strain from the 1st of October, 2019, that cease to exist on 31st of September, 2020. The drug company is don't tend to mention the second part!
By medical definition we are then on the distinct Covid20. Which is why it the CP 4 double or triple vaccinated against Covid19, who are dying in droves from Covid20 and now Covid21.
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