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Healthy and slim |
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally to the lower torso will set up the body to clear
the structure common lose weight gain for life.
My thanks personal getting no professor Z who during my PH D work into nuclear fusion 2000-gave me the idea from his uncle at Columbia University.
He was 1 of the 3 engineering professors who published the work on cold fusion 1976. Still the most exceptional idea I have ever heard! Every university researching cold fusion ever scenes.
But it was the idea from the 1980s that E electrolysis give out X rays, as it did physical molecular nuclear fusion. Name device 2005 by the health of the late Professor Bernard Argent.
1 H₂O+de/dT→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ and he is my own double chemistry teacher taught me oxygen will carry a positive charge, though really does not like it! The year rising bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen positive ions, and free electrons.
So the TU is a turbulent induced by the bubbles of hydrogen or oxygen rising within the electrolysis cell. And when the turbulence exceeds 1 W the a hydrogen ions bond to form helium.
2 2H⁺+TU→He²⁺+E+X-ray
The professors from Colombia were on to something. My background is as the metallurgist, and any face centred cubic metal, we are capitalises hydrogen reactions.
Here we use aluminium, as a temperature is massively below 700° C. We should be looking at a temperature of 80° C. Twice a 40° C the year for our present electrolysis cells today.
We applying an aluminium electric out to the electrodes. And now we get twice the amount of physical molecular nuclear fusion were doing previously.
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So now we can turn that earth 150° C, into an estimated 40 kW of mains three phase AC electricity. The device sold with the electronics to turn the DC current into three phase mains AC.
And the generator costing well under 100 UK pounds.
And you then back just 20 W of the generative power, to maintain the electrolysis cell. We utilised two little water ever to measure in a lifetime. But obviously as an engineer and I would advocate A spring loaded water cough up to the electrolysis cell.
Surely a great subject for undergraduate engineer to retire within chemically engineering in universities around the world.
I was intrigued by professor Z's suggestion that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion. Actually the subject of my Columbia University library entry from 1895. Us in the 19th century Columbia University already knew how to utilised the ultrasound to set off nuclear fusion.
Now since a 19 forces doctors have used ultrasound scans to detect cancers. As working with the physicists in the 1940, Columbia had figured out how issues ultrasound to set off nuclear fusion. Which is such A half full energy source.
Medics utilised 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound to cause the pressurise cells, to cancer plus bacterial and viral infections, to give out X rays. As the ultrasound induces biological molecular nuclear fusion.
Foreign cell types have to have a pressurise cell structure, to induce cell replication away from the DNA he monitored stem cells. So viruses and cancers utilised some viral RNA to do biological molecular nuclear fusion.
3 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²+X-ray.
The Moffitt cancer hospital chain paper 2002 document to the use of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound to clear prostate cancer and viruses.
Around the world every registered Dr. Rushed to buy the required 8 W three MHZ unit. I verified the work using an 8 W one MHZ unit - costing below five UK pounds today.

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They discovered to their incredulity, it cause all 200 types or cancer to boil and fragment. And he would obviously cure any cancer cells types that evolved in the future. All destroyed using 8 W ultrasound.
Away from Sheffield I use 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound to clear a breast, colon and lung cancers for my friends. Who were totally amazed curing cancers was that easy!
I then adopted use an 8 W one MHZ unit. The road to the published science by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain. Curing lung cancers Keir's 80% other cancers out there 2000.
At this juncture professor Z protested that he was not a medic. Though he knew from direct experience I had no first medical degree.
Locally medics were share information with me. Professor fossil from Michigan State, told me there all cancers share the same foreign inflated cell structure.
Which is generally no medical science. Viral and bacterial infections also require the foreign inflated cell structure to get cell replication. Bacterial infections actually borrow the B cells from the immune system to copy their genome and give it a minimal cell walls.
A process so starts after three days when the bacteria and starts doing damage to body cells. By which time the individual may already have a fatal bacterial payload and the bloodstream.
2010 I validated my 8 W one MHZ unit high cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections for my friends. The type or strain of infection is immaterial. It worked equally well for a viral and bacterial infections.
Medics really hate that! It cures all viral and bacterial infections which might ever exist. I wrote up the idea about using my 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, ½ minute each side the chest to set off immune action would totally cured HIV AIDs. Non am I gay friends and acquaintances had HIV.
Even though I leave enough for city! An Rivers and canals use to V a major conduit of infections around the world. Carrying the black death from rasher to Europe.
But by the 21st century and the major shipping routes were air transport. There share of being via a diesel powered bout was more economic than for.
If we fire up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, we get out a lightening strike of lightning. And around the world there is a lightening strike every 3 minutes. A 1.5 x 2cm partial steam plasma set up by heavy rain or snow storms already do physical molecular nuclear fusion.
4 H₂O+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+E+X-ray
Geographers have noted that there is a lightening strike around the world every 3 minutes. Set up by heavy rain or snow storms doing 4. Setting up an electric field- EF.
So we get a potential builder of 5000 volts, our 1.5km x 2cm steam plasma, that is a lightening bolt discharges 100 amps the charge collected above the clouds layer, generator or to ground which has accumulated or the electrons and negative charge.
Weather lightening bolt touches down geography has noted we get the production of 5 tonnes of helium ions. At which joined yet every physics lecturer professor in the world has just sat bolt upright.
There is no chemical source of helium. Except the breakdown of HeF in the laboratory. Not in nature!
Using Einstein's E=mc², this gives us an energy release of 2.5x10³⁰ W of energy. Mass of the more they're all the time bombs exploded by mankind ever. So the radiation from direct sunlight every year only provides the earth with 10⁶̾ W.
So lightening of all is a most massive energy source around the earth. They helium gas may be V enriched to ³He before being lost to space within 24 hours reacting with nothing.
At this juncture my American friend on benefits bought a secondhand fluorescent light from local secondhand store. And filled the glass cylinder with a steam from a boiling pan or paint stripper.
When he fired up the plasma - no more external current was required for the same 1000 years. And got a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
Go and we get the climate scientists! This is a that time ages and we are factual work. My friend acemi the best way to turn that heat into electrical power.
If you are a medium sized engineering firm you will already have the standby generator. Which we drive via a hot air passed over are static lightening strike.
The 1 megawatts of carbon zero heat will happily freeze ½ MW of three phase mains electricity. I obsessed about three phase AC current, as he is the Moffitt mankind as he used since Tesla to convey electrical power around the planet almost more science.
The electrical device convert into a 12 volt DC Power for use in the electrical appliance. So we generate ½ MW of AC current. The plasma is burn and regular water into massive amounts of non toxic electrical power.
With no fossil fuel burn. So totally carbon zero. Utilising and producing no hyper toxic radioactive materials. Since Fukushima 100 MW nuclear power plant, has required annual insurance cover of 100 billion.
All surviving 422 uranium nuclear plant's around the planet, Carries a criminally insufficient 50 million of annual insurance. The insurance before the win skill disaster of 1978.
I used to spend time with an engineer from Windscale. He was forever taking identifying calls at weekend. I have eyes the the nuclear engineers to discharge the radioactive water into the sea.
He was sort out there process from green fees with her next two weeks. After was the antisense did nuclear disaster, British nuclear renamed the uranium nuclear power plant, Sellafield. They carried on as normal!
The nuclear power generation at Sellafield, including Calder Hall, ceased on March 31, 2003, after 47 years of operation. Decommissioning of the site began in 2005.
Since when there is be no reprocessing capability is for used uranium nuclear fission rods. And are the available storage space has been filled. They are utilising the short term fuel rots storage space around disused nuclear reactors, to illegally store has toxic used fission rods.
Though the disused plant's have no insurance cover and never licensed for long term fuel rots storage.
Nuclear power is now looking at underwater used fission rods storage. Presumably they are not talk to geography of a high incidence of underwater volcanic eruptions.
Which would totally disrupt the nuclear rots storage space. And lobally cage of radioactive waste into the seas. Rendering fish within 100 KM radius not fit for human consumption.
Wiping out local fishing industries. And the coastal towns and villages which are dependent on the income from fission sales. And we are talking about fuel rots storage for 100,000 years.
You will be lucky to reach 50 years, you're a local volcanic eruption disrupt the nuclear storage facility. And causes the key each of the hyper toxic radioactive waste into the local seas.
Making all local plant life radioactive. And more importantly making all the local fish stocks radioactive hands not fit for human consumption. Whoever dreamt up the idea of under sea nuclear storage was obvious C ignorant about biology and fishing.
Totally prohibited by European Court of human rights. He take a very dim view of radioactivity of the teams into the environment the fatal results.
Nurse or all this scientific pondering, you are probably wondering how this could possibly impact on weight gain. Bacterial infections turn to lay down and fatty sheath to avoid scrutiny by the immune system.
High doing the bacterial antigens from immune system, and so not being cleared away as the infection is cleared by the immune system. The T cells and B cells, plus the white blood cell macrophages.
So we are engage bacterial fragments, the tiny and bacterial rumps, accumulate around the torso. Replicating slowly, and causing weight gain in the individual.
He may survive on a diet of water and notice, and see their friends survive and three glasses of wine a day. The phone is not gaining weight. There being no justice in the world!
Every family should buy a 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device. I applied ½ minute each side the chest totally clearing the inflated structure of all bacterial and viral infections.
So curing all viral and bacterial infections without Dr. or drugs involvement. But it works by clearing the foreign inflated cell types.
But unprecedented weight gain is caused by a bacterial rump - sharing the same foreign inflated cell structure we're bacterial infections. Not in itself doing any harm!
Except causing the unwarranted weight gain. So we should apply 1 minute of my 8 W ultrasound across and lower tour sir every month, and stops the weight gain of age.
B8 Watts ultrasound unit costing under five UK pounds. And he is so cheap to run will not even notice it. This was less important and boiling a kettle of water!
And we cause the bacterial rumps to boil and fragment. Setting out the immune system to clear such dangerous bacterial cell types in the future.
We have set up the body to stop the weight gain of age. We need no special diets, or eating restrictions. I would recommend the pitza and glass of wine diet.
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