Wednesday, 5 March 2025

cure of AIDs using the standard cancer cure

RIP AIDs 2012 - globally cured

1986 the drug industry is in the seas five million dollars renaming the African slim disease.  With the global agreement the drug company is that he would for ever be an incurable disease.  Which can be studied that never cures!

Then 2002 the Moffitt cancer hospital chain published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear prostate cancer and viruses.  1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound applied externally curing all cancers.

As personally confirmed by every registered Dr. On biochemical drug company on earth.  The one session cure two as it turns out all types of human cancer.  Curing all 200 types or cancer that existed 2000.

They curing any cancer cell type which might evolved in the future.  The interaction of HIUS was actually the by inducing nuclear fusion in the human body - the subject of my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000-.

My PH D got suddenly and abruptly with no explanation ended.  As I wrote my first paper on e.g. 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound totally clearing all cancers in one session.

I red the Moffitt Paper with interest 2002.  An utilised an 8 W one MHZ unit to personally cleared breast, colon and lung cancers.  Lung cancer making up 80% of human cancers.  All totally cured in 1 minute!

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The drug companies an PR Company is went into denial mode majorly.  It taking until 2020 for doctors so part on rich and record that all cancers have stopped forming globally.

1 minute of external 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound totally clearing all cancers, 2010 I established that ½ minute from my 8 W one MHZ unit, I applied each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Still not accepted by the biochemical industry!  It cleared my own seasonal flu 2019 - medical name Covid19.  Which were internationally agreed naming convention cease to 31st of September 2020.

We then have the year of Covid20 four year.  We are now within the year of Covid24.  Which will end 31st of September, 2025.  The new flu strain, Covid25 will already be cured by 1 minute of externally applied 8 W ultrasound to the chest.

The foreign inflated cell structures common to viral and bacterial infections, as well as cancers, four only in response an 8 W ultrasound.  Inducing the patient's own immune system to targeting clear the distinct foreign cell type from the body,

A total cure to all viral strains including flu and the common cold.

2008 I wrote up the idea about using Watts ultrasound ½ minute each side the chest, to clear AIDs.  Non am I gay acquaintances had HIV.  So the documents out there on the Internet.

Which had to be red and personally confirmed by every Dr. With an interest in AIDs - according to the and freely taken the Hippocratic oath.

2012 I heard from Brett in New York who was HIV⁺.  I have eyes in diverge is an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device over the Internet.  Five days delivery from China.

Applied ½ minute each side the chest totally clearing his AIDs.  So HIV vanished from the world within two weeks.

Which left all the academic medics are studying AIDs frantically trying to explain why he HIV cases globally has suddenly all gone into remission.  The concept that AIDs has being cured by the standard 80 cure was horrific to them.

At which stage so no AIDs Dr. Was allowed to medicate the former HIV⁺ patients.  To do so was in total contradiction to the freely taken Hippocratic oath.  Taken by all doctors including academic medics.  Also why high up nurses and drug companies.

The nurses required to inform lower down nurses no longer to assist with the defective and fatal within a decade AIDs treatments.

The concept of the AIDs doctors are moving into other areas of economic research was foreign to them.  Never been settled look at the reason for all AIDs patients some league air into remission.

No longer have an HIV at virus in the blood stream.  There immune system snapping back to normal.  That he half are four sails back at normal levels.  The definition of HIV⁻.

So AIDs was eradicated from the world 2012.  The idea coming from myself, they postgraduate research into nuclear fusion.  I can found practically by Brett in New York.

Medics frantic to continue prescribing the financially lucrative that defective and pointless AIDs treatments.  It took a personal E mail to the New England Medical journal, to get the ones registered doctors to stop prescribing lose dose AIDs treatments to well individuals.

Having to remind the medical journals that the E AIDs treatments were never medically licensed as a preventative medicine to stop HIV infection.

2025 and and I became aware yesterday, that academic medics were still desperately are frantically searching for the reason that AIDs has removed into global remission.

Presumably understanding why this had happened, but also allow them to produce medication to stop AIDs UK active again.

The concept that the immune system have been induced to clear the week viral infection of AIDs by external application of the ultrasound that it cured all cancers, to the lungs as a total bacterial and viral cure they had not contemplated.

The medical researchers faced with finding another useful presumably non medical work to do.  AIDs is gone for all time.  I cured it by getting practice to apply ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side use chest.

No Dr. or drugs involved!  AIDs came in 1986 threw a drug company financed the naming of African slim disease.  Totally cured by a 1 minute of external 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied to the chest 2012.

The standard cure to all inflated cell structures, including cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

2025 and academic medics are still trying to research AIDs, which ceased to exist 30 years ago.  But doctors including academic medics are not allowed to research extinct diseases.

I never knowingly met anybody with AIDs.  There was just one individual around the world who indicated he might be on AIDs medication.  My paper 2008 to all the world how to cure HIV.

Family actioned four years later by Brett in New York.  I do not know which of us was more nervous for the 8 W ultrasound device wasn't the first from China.  And I am not sure which of us was more staggered that it worked.

I can inspect you would actually do him no harm!  An insured help with his HIV infection.  We are both amazed it cured him.  And the drug industry is still not ready to concede that AIDs was cured without any drug involvement.

Probably the greatest threat of intellectual work I did.  Since the hell medics totally cures all cancers.  There are three medical professors from the Moffitt tried for eight years, together medics to use the curative HIUS.  They retired 2010 and it talk until 2020 for all cancers to vanish from the earth.

The drug industry desperately trying to raise an income from the extinct cancers.  Family come incensed cancer testing since 2020 walls unethical and illegal medicine.

Financially inducing suppose the registered doctors, who are firstly confirmed 2002 the total cure all cancers using 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, to still do the spurious cancer screening.

All the doctors totally aware they cancers had ceased by 2020.  Not allowed to charge their patients for a spurious and pointless medical interventions.

But the drug industry is unlikely ever to accept that all AIDs was cured 2012.  Just so everyone he stopped using AIDs treatments for 2018.  And nobody developed full AIDs and I had a predictable death.

Spherical he it was almost as if HIV totally cured 2012.  But every Dr. Realized AIDs was a viral infection or be incurable for the rest of recorded time.

The cancer actually being cured 2012 was an anathema to medicine.

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