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Flu and cancers share cure |
2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, published the 1 minute application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound to clear prostate cancer and viruses.
Doctors found eight cured all 200 types of human cancer. Every cancer will ever exist! As the High Intensity UltraSound sets off nuclear fusion in pressurise foreign cell types like cancers.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray I utilised an equally effective a far cheaper 8 W one MHZ ultrasound device purchased over the Internet. To verify the Moffitt work 2002.

3 in 1 EMS Ultrasonic Body Slimming Massager Lipo Fat Burner Infrared Ultrasound Cavitation Machine Weight Loss Tool This is why ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz cause cancers to emit X rays. Of which there is no chemical source. We get off X rays as we are inducing the nuclear fusion, of hydrogen and so is bound up in water molecules, to interact at above 1 W.
Which physics teaches is a most a high June atoms to fuse into helium, releasing massive heat and even X rays. I bought an 8 W one MHZ unit, and use it so the especially to cured breast, colon and lung cancers. In 1 minute of external ultrasound application.
The road to have any high paid individuals on this planet, whose whole economic future is burn up on cancers. Which some the were all cured 2002. Never applied for a higher paid cancer doctors or nurses.
80% of hospital and drug company income vanished overnight. Health suddenly made massive losses! So they were sure structure 10 billion into the annual NHS budget.
And seen it vanished into a black hole! ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the top left to the chest and the kidneys clears all heart problems. Include all heart rhythm problems from medicine heavily by the drug company is and 2023. Totally cured!
No registered Dr. Allowed to research alternative treatments for cured diseases. So no Dr. Either allowed to prescribe biochemical cancer treatments for any cancer for 22 years.
They were required to firstly validate the effectiveness of HIUS 2002, or be automatically struck off and remove from medicine instantly. There prescriptions and public and private health activity is totally criminal and illegal.
So the doctors have luxuriated in the final salary pension schemes. But if they have prescribed biochemical cancer drugs just ones since 2002, the struck off the medical wages instantly.
Not entitled to any future medical pension. So all the NHS money goes back to the treasury. And there is no legal argument! Cancer drugs became criminal and illegal 2002.
Since when the drug companies are frantically repeating the testing the global population for cancers. Using registered doctors who had already validated that HIUS was a one session total cancer cure.
Constrained by their Hippocratic N oath, not to test for idiot extinct diseases. And a every registered Dr. Confirmed that all cancers totally cured 2002.
The continued prescription of biochemical cancer drugs was the most psychopathic medical malpractice in history. Intentionally killing an estimated 200 million cancer patients needlessly until 2002.
And the National Medical regulators have the prescription records of all doctors on record. Any Dr. Prescribing biochemical cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off as a Dr..
Prohibited from any further medical practice. Ejected from medicine totally for the rest of recorded history.
My thanks here go especially to Dr. MatZinger who Perot's 1998 that the immune system did not travel cancer, although a foreign cell type you do not seem to do cell damage to body cells.
I to the ideas of Dr Z, and first or usi 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound: A far level and frequency benign to body cells. Causing the pressurise cancer cells to boil and rupture as they experienced nuclear fusion.
So nuclear fusion at 30° C, and four atmospheres pressure. No 10,000,000° and 10 atmospheres. And people have experienced it in ultrasound and cancer scans.
If we utilised the Moffitt 8 W ultrasound, they cancer cells boil and rupture. Which he is dangerous! The immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear the distinct foreign cell silences cancer, from the body.
This system is adaptive. It will freeze the specific human antibody for the time for cancer and involved. And the human body does not secrete dangerous antibodies! So the immune system clears the cancer cell type throughout the body.
And all the cancer doctors wanted to commit suicide instantly! Most of them retired. Not Refor prescribing the defective biochemical cancer drugs, that intentionally killed 500 cancer patients.
A total legal fine of five billion each. Four in excess of the 100,000,000 of Health Insurance they carried. And contravening their Hippocratic oath, invalidated that insurance anyway. The fine is from the gut to the national government, then the IMF and World Bank.
Which is why medicine has never acknowledged the total cancer cure from 2002. It involves striking off all the cancer doctors and nurses. Closing all the specialist cancer hospitals and wards.
And every Dr. and nurse has been involves in the prescription delivery there are the defective biochemical cancer drugs. In the UK Keir Starmer has just experienced the air the recall of parliament as he UK Christmas break.
He has resolved to modernise the NHS. Though without cancer drugs and treatment, the NHS lost 80% of its income. And 100% of its registered doctors and nurses.
Are the they can safely conclude the NHS is timely broken. And each any every 40,000 UK registered doctors in 2000, the struck off. The NHS as no registered doctors and nurses.
Higher up nurses required to validate new medical science, as they are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath. As are the drug companies.
The high up nurses interested to inform the lower down nurses no longer to assist with biochemical cancer drug delivery. Just one day are buying cancer drugs, and the nurses contravened their nightingale pledge. And remove them cells from legal medicine for ever.
The drug company is allowed to manufacture and sell biochemical cancer drugs from 2002. Or also struck off the biochemical drug company register.
All the other biochemical drug patents invalid and worthless. There share price set to zero, they could no longer the bridge that borrowing from the banks to make payroll every month. The most bankrupt corporations in economic history.
So we have NHS were no registered doctors and nurses. And the biochemical industry there no legal biochemical drug companies.
And he Keir Starmer has declared his intention to modernise the NHS. I recommend he looks a number of a good demolition company, and esteem ice NHS totally.
Feeble can utilised 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally, to clear all cancers.
½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest in my personal experience over last decade or more, will clear the inflated foreign cell types common to all viral and bacterial infections.
So or 1 minute total cure to the seasonal flu. Hospital and Dr. Involvement does nothing useful! The most secondary is damp down the flu, which ends up falling more cancers, diabetes and dementia. A great `of eight for health!
Ironically in every nursing office in the world usi Watts three MHZ unit, clear all flu in 1 minute of external ultrasound each person's chest. No hospital admission required! And deftly no Dr. or drugs involvement needed.
B8 Watts one MHZ ultrasound unit can be purchased from China, five day delivery window. Nursing offers is already have the Dr. validated 8 W unit at hand, proven to clear all cancers in one session.
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