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RIP all cancers and viruses |
The limit dividing foreign cell type that all cancers, are all forced to divide in a single cell - viral sort of way.
2002 3 medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre chain in America, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to cure the inflated cell structures like cancer and viruses. For which they were awarded the noble prize into medicine belatedly 2015.
If required every registered Dr. On earth had to acquire an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, as useful and physiotherapists since the 1980s to clear limb damage and scarring.
I applied for 1 minute externally to where it hurt, this to clear all 200 types or cancer out there 2000. Getting registered doctors to stop prescribing the no defective an intentionally fatal within two years, biochemical treatments proved to be very difficult.
Doctors preferred to prescribe the defective biochemistry to the cancer patients, smiling as they are predictably died. But paid the Dr. and he is health centre loads of money.
This sort of activity the doctors Hippocratic oath strictly prohibits. They are required to firstly validate and then use best new medical science published by medical institution.
How it can be certain whether to doubt that every registered Dr. On earth acquired the curative 8 W three MHZ unit 2002. And ever since have been strictly prohibited from the prescription of the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer drugs.
That was the doctors just took the money they wanted, then took early retirement. Their struck off doctors are not allowed a medical wage of future medical pension.
So the doctors who took early retirement, if they prescribed just one course of biochemical cancer treatments since 2002, the struck off. Face of repaying or inappropriately paid medical wages and pensions.
They ceased to V legal registered doctors on their first prescription of biochemical cancer treatments, as the personally validated the Moffitt Paper 2002.
And here the doctors glow out that the answer to the National Medical regulators. Who have legal superiority to most lawyers. But not to V human rights lawyers.
And I have Kim UK day stance over the European Court of human rights, to make them or where are the full implications of the doctors Hippocratic oath. The European courts it taught me that the doctors Hippocratic N oath is beyond legal contention.
Though I imagine the house of lords in the UK, or the U.S. senate have legal supremacy even to the human rights lawyers. They lost in straight there National Medical regulators to strike off every cancer biochemical drug prescribing Dr..
And the National Medical regulators keep the doctor's prescription records are on record for 25 years. Just one prescription of the defective cancer biochemical treatments since 2002, the doctors' struck off. Losing all medical wages since 2002, and getting no medical pension.
High up nurses and the drug companies are voluntary signatures to the Hippocratic oath. B a high up nurses required to firstly validate new medical science. An ink indicate what is best medicine to the lower down nurses.
Who are then, strained by their nightingale pledge. So no biochemical cancer drugs can be dispensed since the Moffitt Paper 2002. All the nurses also struck a off and stripped of medical wages and pension without legal argument.
The drug company is constrained from manufacture and sale of defective medicine. Just one day's production of the G defective biochemical cancer drugs, and the drug company is structural all biochemical patents it once possessed.
It share price is set to 0 2002. He could no longer leverage its borrowing from the banks to make wages every month. The most bankrupt or murderous corporations in economic history.
Astra Zeneca drive 90% of its income on cancer drugs. No company has ever survived losing just 80% of its income. And all other biochemical drug company is generated 80% other income from the no defective and illegal cancer drugs.
Astra Zeneca for reasons not understood, pretended that they could vaccinate against Covid. The medical name for the seasonal flu, killing and proven five per cent of infected people.
Portable Home Use Ultrasound Massager Pain Therapy Skin Care 1Mhz Ultrasonic
Below the 5% required for a pandemic infection. So the medically negotiated exceptions to the human rights laws, never applied. The drug company is pretended that we were in a pandemic.
But the seasonal flu has been outside vaccination medicine since 1934. And never sufficiently fatal to be a pandemic. All the expenses incurred by the repeated national locked pounds for the spurious Covid 'pandemic'must be repaid by doctors and drug companies, to other organizations have lost serious money.
Current estimates of the total cost of government Covid-19 measures range from about £310 billion to £410 billion. This is the equivalent of about £4,600 to £6,100 per person in the UK. Official figures show that spending in 2020/21 was about £179 billion higher than had been planned before the pandemic for that year.12 Sept 2023
The drug company insurance is omitted to just 10 billion. So the fine goes up to national governments, the IMF and world bank. If a human rights lawyers have taken this case in the crown courts, they get a legal payout of up to 231 billion.
Every year the Covid viral family has a new strain declared on the 1st of October. It would have taken two years to licence any care of it vaccination. How the vaccination not being obsolete and counter productive within six months.
Even licensed vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy an innocent people. 3.5 billion care of it vaccinations given illegally. There resulting 17 million healthy an innocent global citizens vaccinated without medical reason to death.
A total legal fine of 170 trillion. Beyond the worth of the planet. The only worth 138 trillion.
March 2024 and Astra Zeneca stopped manufacture and sale of the unlicensed and counterproductive Covid19 vaccination. Though the medicine was unlicensed and never have any medical value at all.
The biggest deliberate medical killing in history. World war two only killed 60 million. None C. Janney being led by the most serious pathological dictator in history. The Covid vaccination programme given by suppose the registered doctors.
Though their first vaccination and the unlicensed COVID19 vaccination was there last day as a legal registered Dr.. Or medical practice since the vaccination was an insured and just plain illegal.
The doctors stripped of medical registration, and all jobs obtained according to their Dr. Status.
2024 and the drug companies got very excited that last year a suppose the 600 Americans die from new cancer strains. But no registered Dr. Allowed to research biochemical cancer drugs since they became defective 2002.
All the Dr. and academic medics struck off without legal question. The existing cancer drugs from 2002 totally obsolete and of no medical value at all. And they could be no new cancer drugs.
Don't need to me. 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound externally to where it hurt, but totally clearing any cancer which mysteriously evolved.
But cancer some the form for lengthy viral infection. When the patient has ill advisedly use cold treatments, to have the a viral infection at a lower level for longer.
Opening the door for the formation of cancers, diabetes and dementia. He doctors fought on rich and record 2013 that all diabetes type one & two, has ceased around the world.
But 2010 I established that ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, totally cleared the inflated viral structure causing type two diabetes.
My American diabetic contacts reported that the full minute was required for type one diabetes: or he'd only remitted in three days.
So all doctors had the 8 W ultrasound device in the nursing office. Application to the lower right of the rib cage clearing all diabetes. Which are open ended 5% of drug company income.
Cancers representing the financially critical 80%. Without cancer for medical practice became uneconomic. Hence the sun drive a the drug company is to get doctors to test the global population repeatedly for cancers.
Though there doctors have all firstly validated that HIUS clears all 200 types of human cancer. So there could be no cancers in the world. Physically as feeble buying and using their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit.
Doctors are not allowed to charge for spurious medical tests. The doctors firstly confirming that all cancers were totally cured. Though the reason in ultrasound works so well was not easily understood.
It didn't matter all cancers cured. There subsequent test for an extinct disease as all medically illegal. But medicine and lost 80% of its basic income. Which has resulted in the immediate bankruptcy or legal and corporations on earth.
Medicine has learnt on national governments, to provide extra funding to keep their Health Services of flight. In the UK Sir Tony Blair use 65 billion to the MHS when he was labour prime minister.
Say Keir Starmer gazing at her us 170 billion annually. But almost totally he irrelevant Health Service. As he is still trying to pretend they cancers still exist. Which they don't since 2002.
Certainly by 2020 as the party logical individuals are still prescribing the defective cancer biochemical drugs, dead or retired. No Dr. Allowed to prescribe cancer biochemical drugs since they validated the Moffitt Paper 2002.
Doctors will argue the white is black, black is white until somebody kills them. Cancer use medicines precious. Like the rowing in tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
The cure to cancers is physical, and was published 2002 by the Moffitt. 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound. Cancer biochemical treatments lapsing into illegality as every registered Dr. On earth had to validate the Moffitt cancer paper.
There should have been no biochemical cancer prescriptions since 2003. Legally any cancer biochemical prescriptions since 2002 struck off the Dr. and drug company without legal argument.
I found practically 2010 that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side of my friends chests, cures 30 different viral and bacterial infections.
I have practically confirmed the cure of Covid19 November 2019. And freely published my work on the Internet. Medicine prohibits giving a vaccination to a cured disease.
The cause of the 1 in 200 death rate of the vaccinated. Each death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. The involved doctors struck off and receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison, for each vaccination murder.
All Covid strains are cleared by the same ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of her patient's chest. The total cure to Covid24. This year's care of it strain and till the 1st of October, 2025.
When the usual ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to person's chest will clear Covid25. Any Dr. Giving a care of it vaccination struck off the same day at their own hand. Losing medical registration and Health Insurance, any subsequent medical practice illegal and an insured.
The same idea clearing all strains of the common cold. And which transpires not to be difficult to totally cure. With none of the diseases of age development caused by the E defective use of symptomatic common cold treatments.
Which use these on to the demands of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia in the new year. The was incurable diseases of age. Now all cured by application of HIUS externally.
No point in testing for the extinct cancer since 2020, as no registered Dr. Permitted to charge to apply the spurious medical tests for non existent disease. All automatically struck off the same day he without legal argument.
If your GP gave just one Covid vaccination, they ceased to V registered legal doctors that day. And remember the legal costs for the spurious code vaccination programme, is an eye watering 170 trillion.
The most spectacularly spurious and pointless medical malpractice in history.
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