Friday 7 July 2023

How did they date the late bronze age pits?

Radioactive carbon14 dating is only good for 5000 years.  And even then only in the area without running water.  As the running water does molecular nuclear fusion, emitting X rays!  Which massively reduced the half life of radioactive isotopes.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+X-ray TU= river flowed turbulence.

This massively reduces the carbon date are materials the use carbon14 dating, from three shares in years ago, to within last 50 years - living memory.

Phosphoruss from 29 to 32.  Which gives us a dating range of actor 20,000 years ago.  We have four times the memo states thrown out by carbon dating.

BX rays mass of the shorten the date!  So archaeologists have arrested so much to the academic work, are totally factory is inaccurate science.  The turbulent flow of water releasing helium and oxygen gases, plus X rays!  So we see the half life of carbon14 decrease from 5000 years to 40.

The late bronze age is really outside a useful carbon date, even if we have hash of plant material.

So archaeology is boasting about 25 pits near London.  With the date of 5000 years ago!  Beyond the use full range of carbon dates.  And phosphorus dates are just so inaccurate!

We really need another datable materials.  Like technology that we King give a date to.  Sorry guys, the past was a lot less interesting than we thought!

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