Monday, 31 July 2023

Russian inflation on the rise

Look out world

Is inflation rising in Russia?

While inflation is now falling almost everywhere in the West, it is rising in Russia. Officially, inflation in Russia is still well below its target rate. But last week the Russian Central Bank (RCB) raised the Bank Rate by a whole percentage point to 8.5%, in a sign of growing unease about price rises.4 days ago

Russia embarked on the recent innovation in the Ukraine.  This does seem 40% of its armored tanks destroyed!  70% other five to personnel have been killed.  The rest of the world is feeling a surge in inflation - which is horrendously painful!

Russia has embarked on an undemocratic and pointless war he can never win.  The rest the world is learning amounts to Ukraine.  As it pursues the war as pointless and and justified!

The Russian population tends to agree!  An interest rate of 8.5% strain and it suggests that the inflation rate is over 10%.  A year a year it was 11%.  This is Majerle and comfortable for a trading nation.


Core Inflation Rate in Russia averaged 8.21 percent from 2003 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 20.37 percent in April of 2022 and a record low of 1.80 ...

In the 1930s, Germany experience hyper inflation.  This situation only corrected to too much economic ions from U.S. Jewish Bankers.  It signaled the end of the Mark.  And gave the world the Deutschmark.

The Russian economy is truly huge - estimated at $2.063 trillion.  The whole world is only worth 138 trillion.

So the Russian oligarchs ice massive world economy going down the drain!  So the interest rate went up by a whole per cent!  In a month.  In two months we should have an interest rate of over 10 per cent.

By then the Russian inflation rate will be 15%.  Enjoy!

Sunday, 30 July 2023

Russian inflation a problem

Inflation going up, up ...

But as usual, firm data is hard to come by.

Bank of Russia increases key rate by 100 b.p. to 8.50% p.a. › eng › press › keypr

21 Jul 2023 — According to the Bank of Russia's forecast, given the monetary policy stance, annual inflation will come in at 5.0–6.5% in 2023 to return to 4% ...

That is a massive rate rises!  Last year inflation was at 11%.  Now it is centre of calls to just 4%.  For which you would expect an interest rate of around 3 or 4%.  8.5% these are the set has hit the fan in a big way!

And the cost of the unwarranted invasion of the Ukraine, is casting Russia billions.  And has crashed its external economic activity.  This is what you call a problem!

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Nature limits carbon

CO2 limited to 0.0002%

My best piece of creative thinking ever, was that are steam plasma burn is regular water into heat light and X rays.  The idea which was practically confirmed by my friend in America.  As the UK scientists were terrified of any science the contradicted manmade global warming.

A gas plasma breaks so the gas particles apart into positively charged ions, and free electrons.  This or Eva later the obvious even to a level physics students!

1 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ and yes oxygen will carry a positive charge!  Though as my a level chemistry teacher instructed me 1981, the really do not like it.

Within the plasma we get the chaotic interaction of a positive ions and free electrons.  The electrons will confine with the hydrogen ions, to form neutrons.  The maximum density of matter.

2 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰ A non nuclear source of neutrons!  Which unwind matter.

The neutrons bond with the oxygen ions, setting up a fission chain that is a hydrogen ions and free electrons.

3 O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻ all the professors of physics air and he had done good living from talking rubbish about manmade climate change, and not one them has commented on my frequent postings are plasmas.

We then get a strand of neutron star - formed from a steam plasma and we have set up using the high voltage electronics borrow from a fluorescent light.  The ultimate carbon zero Energy System!

4 H⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+X-ray) so twice the energy density of molecular nuclear fusion.  Done by the plasma the form to lightening bolt of every lightening strike on earth.

5 H₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray E²=1.2 MW/m from a 1.5 x 2cm steam plasma, set up by heavy rain or snow storms do molecular nuclear fusion.

6 H₂O+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E+X-ray so constantly around the world heavy storms are turning regular water molecules into helium and oxygen positive ions, heat and X rays.

UK and measure the xray production using a regular Geiger counter!  And the free radical oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules, to form positive ozone ions!  Which we have all smelt.  The helium does not smell.

So nature demonstrates how to do a plasma burn - turning regular water into heat light and X rays.  With no carbon dioxide production!

My American friend was so intrigued, he fired one up for me!  He found that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

That is a massive amount of heat!  I advocate using a 15 cm steam plasma, to freeze a more manageable plasma kilowatts of carbon zero heat.

My local MP is a labour MP.  And has ensured that the energy people within labour are fully aware my work.  A totally carbon zero massive heat system!

A little $1500 thermoelectic generator will precede constant 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.  We synchronise the AC count with the mains phase and voltage.  And produce the carbon zero heat for eight houses.

An annual income from the national grid of 18,000 UK pounds every year.  For our lovely carbon zero electricity!  By now or every climate change pundits on the planet, has red and validated my work.

And said nothing!  So only no emails to

As her not ranges in carbon zero power.  They are interested in the regular checks UK from nuclear power to talk scientific rubbish.

Around the temperate earth the green plants eat all the carbon dioxide they canget!   To the present limit of just two parts per million.  Around the temperate earth!

In the polar winters ice covers the seas, and snow covers the land.  And there is no photosynthesis!  So carbon dioxide levels spiked at four PPM.  Twice the temperate limit!  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth - down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.

Carbon dioxide levels rise in the cold!  They bottom out at the limit for photosynthesis, in warmer climates.  They do not make the weather!  They react to it.

In the Jurassic that when there was four PPM.  There was 85% more active life on earth.  Resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower.  In the warm periods!  But there were three natural ice ages.

Where we would expect carbon dioxide levels to rise to eight PPM.  Cause five predictable solar emission variations!  When mammals had not even evolved!

If we go back 800 million years, we reached the snowball earth.  As ice covered the whole planet!  And photosynthesis was just evolving in the seas.  Which ended the ice age!  Accompanied by carbon dioxide levels falling.  To 10 PPM.

The level of cells the cretaceous when photosynthesis real he evolved.  At the end of the cretaceous two and one PPM carbon dioxide, and 90% of life on earth died.

A bigger mass extinction than the death of the dinosaurs.  A total carbon crisis!  Life recovered as existing animals multiplied in numbers, to breathe in the oxygen gas excreted by the plant's.

And breathing out carbon dioxide - plant food.  Throughout history the climate as warm and cold, linked to predictable solar emission cycles.  To locals trace levels of carbon dioxide.

Since 1995 all the planets in the inner solar system have been cooling.  Included Mars, they 98% carbon dioxide in the air.  The earth has just 0.0002% carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  Double that amount in the arctic winters.

You have got to feel sorry for the physics so nuclear power!  Burnley, cocked it man made global warming, they did not bother talking to biology!  Green plants eat carbon dioxide.

To the doing carbon dioxide levels to just two PPM around the temperate earth.  Carbon emissions are extra local life!  They have no global impact.  Man carriers carbon dioxide never leaves the earth's lower atmosphere, are climate is made in the stratosphere.

Where there is a static 2.5 PPM/m³ carbon dioxide.  Ejected there by explosive volcanic eruptions in prehistory.  Mankind's carbon emissions never leaves the low earth's atmosphere.

They are obviously have no climatic effect!  It to carbon emissions increases local plant life.  Which in turn supports more local animal life!  So carbon emissions boost life.  No climate effect!

For 1995 we had 27 years of natural global cooling.  Hence the nuclear fiction became manmade climate change.  Total contradiction!  Man lives with the weather, the sun makes it!  Man does not even modify it.

And the static trace levels of carbon dioxide in the low earth's atmosphere, affects nothing!  All the academics turning a fantastic living from publishing spurious papers about manmade climate change, are being intentionally pernicious.

Talking scientific rubbish for money!  In the hope of getting more nuclear power plants - which will inevitably cause more Chernobyl's and Fukushima.  Extinguishing all life around the local continent!

Resulting me every nuclear power plant know knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.

The European Court of human rights can force every European nuclear power plant, to be shut down!  As there is no source of the required insurance cover.

And the local nuclear inspectors have the legal imperative to shut down all nuclear plants without the legally required minimal insurance cover.  And all nuclear plants around the world running criminally under insured.

And have done since 1986 - after Chernobyl the required insurance level was set at 40 billion.  They carried a criminally insufficient 50 million.  So criminal!

They could not buy the required insurance, funny cheaper to bribed the nuclear regulators to look the other way.  Hence 2010 and we got Fukushima in Japan.  The insurance then rose to 100 billion. 

Shingles vaccination totally illegal

Shings vaccination will kill 77,500 YK healthy citizens

Which is why it is never been attempted!  Vaccinations kill one in 200.  The UK population over 60 is 15.5 million.  Which gives us eight death rate from the vaccination of 77,500.

So vaccinating people over 60 again Shingles by kill 77,500 people.  Which is why a vaccinations are the least favourite medical process!  You get suppose the ethical professionals vaccinating people to death.  First degree medical murder!

The vaccination is more fatal than the disease.

n people aged 70–79 years, the annual incidence in England and Wales is around 790–880 cases per 100,000 people [PHE, 2016].

So to prevent under 1880 deaths a year, the are going to get registered doctors kill 77,500 innocent and otherwise healthy people.  That is totally medically unethical and legally prohibited.

2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use a 1 minute of high intensity ultrasound to clear all cancers and viruses.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device, either side the chest will clear 100 per cent of viral and bacterial infections.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

With no patient deaths!

In the UK from January 2021, suppose the registered doctors gave the Covid19 vaccination.  Though Covid has ceased to exist 1 October, 2019.  And the vaccination had a counter productive effect on Covid20.

As personally experienced five friends and family!  They Covid vaccination was worst medical procedure in history.  3.5 billion vaccinations given around the world, a predictable death rate was 17 million.

2012 my personal contact in New York used ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest to clear AIDs - the most pernicious viral infection in history.  Totally cleared using engineering science.

It will obviously clear Shingles, Measles, and months.  The simple idea will even clear the common cold!  Which otherwise would kill 30,000 people a year around the earth.  The flu, medical name Covid kills 50,000.

This year we're automatically on Covid22, and as I mentioned to me by medical professor obsolete vaccinations actually worsen the death rate from the new infection strain.

They Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months into a two year drug licensing regime.  Never a licensed human drug!  Any Dr. Giving a Covid vaccination struck off.

All the stroke off doctors totally removed from medicine for life.  There prescriptions then illegal and invalid.  The remaining doctors refuse to give vaccinations.  So there is nobody on earth who can give a medical vaccination.  An absolute no reason!

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Free windows speech recognition

How I rote 3 books in 2years.  Not my cancer book.

There is some for organisations around the world trying to sell your speech recognition for windows!  But then does already comes with a free speech recognition engine.  Which in my experience is as good as the commercial software.

Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers

Enter 'Settings' on the task bar.  And then enter 'speech recognition'into the data entry spot.  And it was a years two to the speech recognition engine.

Move the slider into the 'On' position.  But most were processers do not take the speech input.  Fire up the 'Wordpad' three were processor under windows.

Now when you click on the text page icon, the sufferer will start working.  What use as it does data entry, and click on the microphone icon, so you can correct errors as they happen.

Using  speech recognition is up to four times quicker than typing!  I use the open office writer, which will do us buying and grammar check on my text.  Before I copy it to the Internet!

Quick - but watch out for errors. 

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Global Warming wrong

CO2 never the weather - levels rise in the cold

Carbon dioxide powers photosynthesis.  It has absolutely no effect on the weather!

800 years ago air we had snowball earth - where the world froze over, and the only life on earth was very nearly extinguished.  The mineral records from that time, demonstrates that the free carbon dioxide level was up to 3000 parts per million.

Modern photosynthesis limits free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth to just two PPM in the afternoon air.  Above the polar ice In winter, snow covers the land and ice covers the seas.  Photosynthesis shuts down!  And santis have recorded that we have four PPM carbon dioxide in the arctic air.

At higher temperatures down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  Carbon dioxide so very obviously not a warming gas!  Snowball earth was the worst ice age in history and.  With free carbon dioxide levels 1500 times higher!

More recently he in the little ice age across Europe in the 18th century, we have four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  And the ice age covered Europe!  The air temperature down to -20° C.

Carbon dioxide reacts to the wax and wane of photosynthesis.  So he rises in cold periods!  Nuclear power decreed that carbon dioxide would inevitably warm the air.

No scientific back up to this erroneous idea.  But they had money so they did not need truth!  Academics were bright what ever ravish they were asked to write for money.

That is an interesting point!  Since Chernobyl in 1986, every nuclear power plant on earth has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion.  Rising to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010.

Nuclear power Carries a criminally insufficient insurance of just 50 million.  The most horrendous and criminal under insured industry ever.

By academia has a barr on any criminal organization and funding A academic work.  So nuclear power should have been totally excluded from education 1986.

They are not allowed to fund PH D work.  And they are not allowed to fund academic positions, like funding professorships and other academic positions.

Any academic who has been funded by nuclear power, she rapidly look for alternative sources of funding and delete all the erroneous papers funded by the nuclea money.

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Russians boobytrap nuclear plant

Don't boobytrap nuclear

There is no possible excuse for those criminal activity!  What the hell are the Russians trying to do!

(Reuters) - The U.N.'s nuclear watchdog said on Monday it had found anti-personnel mines in an area of the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine and complained for the second month running that this violated safety procedures.

The plant, Europe's largest nuclear facility, was seized in the first days of Russia's invasion last year. Ukraine and Russia accuse each other of shelling around the station and the International Atomic Energy Agency has been trying to set up a safety mechanism to prevent accidents.

Trying to kill innocent members of the public!  There is no virtue of plant it in boobytrap NG industrial sites.  Physically not ones as the stratospherically toxic as a nuclear power plants.

Leaving a nuclear bomb in the past of retreating troops.  Such behaviour is strictly prohibited by the International Atomic Energy Authority.  Which rasher has signed up to!  This is a sort of action which you get the United Nations involved.

To go when are totally removed rasher from the Ukraine!  There making or nuclear facilities safe and on the fatal.  It should also it get NATO involved.

Monday, 24 July 2023

Putin on the way out?


Mr popularity maybe

I do not pretend to be an expert on Russian politics.  If we go back to 1960 we're stand off between the Russian president and prime minister.  As there is no legally sound superior!

In the end Karpov won.  Who was succeeded by Brezhnev!  When we got to Gorbechov, he was ousted by the Russian oligarchs.  And was only brought back at a massive public sentiment!

Then Putin stepped in, with a bloodless coup d'état.  He has been the long list so burning Russian president since Stalin.  And has sporadic periods of mass unpopularity.

The war in the Ukraine has been the most massive own goal Russian national politics has ever scored.  Yevgeny Prigozhin seemed set to replace him, then presumably an exchange of a large number of Banknotes, bought him off!

But flu since popularity has continued to sink.  President Dmitry Medvedev never had a great popular uprising!  But rasher has no democratically elected opposition.

Democracy is it correct safety valve for political pressure!  Today the Russian State is and how are pressurised pressure vessel, waiting to blow.


Vladimir Putin and other top Russian politicians have become "weaker" during the past months of conflict against Kyiv, Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov has claimed.

The military leader believes a clear signal of this weakness within the Kremlin has been the short-lived mutiny led by Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Mr Reznikov told CNN: "This coup d'état is a real illustration that [the] regime in the Kremlin became weaker.

"It means they are not so strong as they were the year before. I think we will see the continuing of this so-called conflict."

Ukraine's defence chief also said to believe the beginning of a "transition moment" is underway in Moscow and those close to Putin are already planning to replace their leader.

Yevgeny Prigozhin speaking to the camera in a military uniform

I should not ruke Putin out.  He is a billionaire, who he uses his immense personal fortune, to buy himself a political future.  If you apply a Russian political expert, to get in touch!

Saturday, 22 July 2023

Wetting death valley

Ad moisture and cool

We suck up sea water from the Pacific by 1 meter.  Using solar powered vacuum pumps – that operate for free all day.  Water vapour is 1,000 times easier to pump than liquid water.  We pump the water vapour along a 1m polyurethane pipe, to the high point at the start of the dry area.

We eject 10,000 lighters of water a second!  Which draws in heat, and condenses into 10 l of water a second.  We build artificial water ways, linking up with dried of rivers.

Suddenly every minute of the day, we add that 10 l of water.  Drawing in heat from the air.  If we want to get clever, we site seed impregnation soil mats along the new river courses.

ADHD fixed

ADHD fixed in 1 minute

This is caused by an inflated viral altered cell type in the brain area.  We can use ½ of eg 8 W I MHz each side of the chest to clear all viral and bacteria infections.

½ a minute of the High Intensity UltraSound each side the head clears ALL mental health problems.  Including the instant and total cure of ADHD which is just a verl mild mental health problem.

Friday, 21 July 2023

End of grain deal will destroy Russian trade

Russia ends all foreign trade

While the grain deal was in place, Russia shipping continued. But now all Russian ships in the Black sea are legitimate targets.

Ukraine can use drones to sink all the Russian ships. To export grain Ukraine can use air shipping. Adding to the grain cost. But now Russia is under a total shipping ban. And foreign air ports are likely to impose an air shipping ban – as part of the economic sanctions on the is rogue country.

Thursday, 20 July 2023

Melt the icesheets

In the Viking age there was no Greenland icesheet.  So if we melt the ice sheets we just turn the age clock back to the 8th century.

The Viking Age (793–1066 CE) was the period during the Middle Ages when Norsemen known as Vikings undertook large-scale raiding, colonising, conquest, and trading throughout Europe and reached North America. It followed the Migration Period and the Germanic Iron Age.

We use 1950s technology.  Familiar ro every science student on Earth:  the Carnot heat pump.

Carnot heat pump (or Carnot refrigerator) is a reverse Carnot heat engine, that absorbs heat from a cold thermal reservoir and transfers it to a warmer ...

We suck in air, through a salt to remove the water vapour.  We ten compress it - and the temperature scales with the absolute temperature.  Degree +273.

We double the gas pressure -- using off peak, free electrical power.  The power geenrators produce excess unwanted power at night - to keep the power plant ticking over.  We utilize a frighting small amount of power to pessurise our ait. Now T₁P̀=T₂P₂ - the gas constant.

So 50⁰ C = 323⁰ K - degrees Kelvin.  We send this down into the sea, or a fast slowing river.  And pass the heat to our body of water.

Now we transfer teh hot gas to above a public are, and vent the air.  Suddenly it is at -250⁰ C - 23⁰K at pressure.

Suddenly we have 5 million gallons of cold air/hos.  The air mixes with ambient air at 40⁰ C, and cools the bulk air down to 20⁰C.

So we cool the hot lands, for nearly free - we may utilise a little solar pump < $30.  Lasting unpowered for ever.

With the Greenland ice sheet, we invert the heat pump, sucking in thermal energy from 10̾ C to 3⁰ C - the maximum density of water.  As the water it expands and freezes it expands!  Which is why ice floats - it is less dense than water.

We double the pressure on our Carnot gas - which has drawn in heat through a in stainless steel helix.  Nowe lose it 10m in from the sea, above the ice sheet.  At 250⁰ C.  By doubling our gas pressure.  Using very little energy - provided via little solar panels.

The hot air settles on the ice, and melts it - and the water flows down the ice, melting it.  We eat the ice sheet, and return life to how it was in 800 AD.

As the ice melts, we will have to reposition the plant, further up towards the land.  So we warm the cold lands for nearly free.  And the cold water flows back to the equator, where it rises and takes in solar heat.

so cooling the air.  We can transform the temperature around bodies of water.  Dropping the temperature down to ur0⁰ C.  Using technology familiar to ever climate scientist of Earth.  We warm the cold lands, cool the hot lands for free.  And all the heat flows back in the warm sea currents, towards the poles.  The natural heat shuttle of the air. 

We just increase it!

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Manchester 7⁰ C

Off to better weather

I live in the UK. Everyday in the light, green plants take in carbon dioxide, down to 2 parts per million – it level since 1880. A static trace gas affects nothing – as all academics will agree.

This is high summer! The average European air temperature is 20⁰ C. Not the 45⁰ C the climate alarmists are talking about.

That is just pleasant. No big problem. They warm that heat may reach the UK – 20⁰ C, I do hope so!

Every year in the arctic wnters carbon dioxide doubles to 4 parts per million. As we experiancethe lowet natural temperatures on Earth – down to -80⁰ C.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Alzheimer's cured

dementia responds to cancer cure

Medical cure published 2013 - since when no registered Dr iorr drug company has been allowed to research this CURED condition.

I ultizied the published medical sceince that clears teh pressurised structure common to all cancers - High Intensity Ultrasound.  Published by the moffit cancer centre 2002, and verified b y every Dr and rug company on Earth.

All dimentia caused by a similar pressurised viral altered cells in the brain.  Making ancer drugs defective medi9cine since 2002.

Any Dr prescribing cancer drugs since struck off without legal appeal.

2010 I verified 1/2 a minute of eg 8W 1MHz ultrasound each side of the head cleared all dementia - Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Schizophrenia, depression and other mental health problem.

3 in 1 Ultrasonic Slimming Massager Cavitation Body Fat Cellulite Remover Machine



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1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+P+E²+X-ray

So a 1 minute total cure to ALL dementia.  Utilzing a home ultrasound massage device - costing < 10 UK pounds.

Every Dr and drug company on Earth has to validate and use this science.  And no longer allowed to research alternative treatments - biochemical treatments defective and prohitied medixcine.

THe drug companies are trumpeting what they believe is a treatment: Though totaly ignorant of the side effects.  And the Hippocratic oath prohibits treatments for cured conditions.

Soi no registertered Dr could prescribe it.  And no nurse give it.