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RIP Polio2034 |
Polio is caused by a virus that spreads easily from person to person. It usually spreads through contact with the poo of an infected person. For example, from not washing your hands properly and putting them in your mouth, or from contaminated food or water.
My thanks as ever it goes to Moffitt cancer centre. Who took my idea of a higher power ultrasound clearing cancers, and 2002 published the use of high intensity ultrasound clear all cancers and viruses. He also clears the foreign inflated cell nature or bacterial infections.
So it cures all 200 types or cancer! But medics would never countenance such useful medicine! As cancer drugs there is presented 80% of medical income 2000. I though cancer drugs the whole of medicine is insolvent.
The Moffitt Paper has led to the eradication of cancers around the world. The Hippocratic oath demands the doctors validate and use best new medical science the day after they have read it! And there is a huge industry ensure a medical advances are shared instantly with the whole world.
This is the Internet age - so cures reverberate around the world in three days. Medicine has conceded cancer has cells has vanished - but will never have made all cancers have been cured.
it is very neat physical science. One external application of HIUS causes the foreign inflated cell type of invading organisms, to boil and rupture. And here the genius of the idea was from professor Z. At Sheffield University, who would rather not take any credit for both devise the idea of his uncle - who devise cold fusion at Columbia.
1 minute of external e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears all cancers and viruses out there. As the foreign cell type boils and ruptures. Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active specific antibody, to clear the foreign cell type totally from the body.
- 1Review
2012 I wrote this idea up about clearing AIDs. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. I wrote a paper 2008, A guy who was HIV⁺ read 2012 and under my direction applied HIUS for ½ minute each side use chest.
His next GP a appointment he was discharged as HIV⁻. The drug company is were taking about there being a new infective AIDs treatment. There was no biochemical of pounds. There was a physical cure of HIUS.
At this stage I took a trip to Africa and India and realise up earlier still existed in the third world. It is largely been eradicated from the first world, by quarantines and better nutrition levels.
About a year ago Air I have published my paper on pearl ear and HIUS on the Internet. Though obviously I had no direct personal experience. Today I heard from my immunology contact, the medical world is recognising my work on the Poio cure.
Which resulted from a truncated PH D at Sheffield University. Where I was studying nuclear fusion. To to import from Harvard and the national institute of health, I have applied idea to cancers.
And the Moffitt proved it worked! I also extended to ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest clearing type two diabetes.
At this juncture no registered Dr. On earth is allowed to research biochemistry and diabetes. As it was cure 2013. 2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally cleared type one diabetes. So no registered Dr. Was any more allowed to research the cured condition.
So the medical world has never accepted the cancer or diabetes cure have happened.
And saying I learned that my paper or failure has led to the cure of this disease. Which use to V a serious mass killer of humanity! And still kills in the third world.
Or it used to! Now medics can apply 1 minute of the ultrasound from a 8 W three MHZ unit, to the chest of polio victims. And cure them are certainly is 1 minute of HIUS will cure all cancers.
And into ensure that every major newspaper in the UK has this message tonight. And they all share it with a every news organization in the world! Time the world premiere has no been totally cured in 1 minute.
To think, Sheffield University he never did even give me the PH D! Yet the cure of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia has saved 43,000,000 lives a year around the earth.
Poliomyelitis (polio)
https://www.who.int › poli...
An estimated 1.5 million childhood deaths have been prevented through the systematic administration of vitamin A during polio immunization activities.
So apparently a today he is not a major killer on the scale of cancer. It as being won the most persistent causes of human deaths through history. No cured due to my work at Sheffield University 2000.
Tell the world: Polio is cured - no drugs.
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