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Polar bearts brown carnivores in summer. No sea ice needed |
In the spring the summer there is no sea ice. And polar bears swin around quite happily. There major food is fresh! Which they catch from the seas. Getting the vegetables they need from the guts of the fish they eat.
For last 27 years the earth has been cooling: the natural climate moved into its natural 28 year periods of cooling, according to the strictly regulated solar emission cycles.
A nuclear power was busy promoting manmade climate change! Based on the erroneous notion that mankind could control the trace of carbon dioxide left in the air after photosynthesis so every day.
Plants on sea and land take in carbon dioxide or in the temperate earth during daylight hours down to the present limit of two parts per million. Are there for controlled exclusively by nature!
Man carriers additional carbon dioxide has added just 0.004% since industrial revolution. An was breathing out is the only source of carbon dioxide of any note. My goes extra carbon dioxide has been converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
During the day green plants use infrared light with the biological capitalist and chlorophyll, to find water molecules so carbon dioxide. Four and the carbon dioxide of life. Excreting the surplus oxygen.
A process that takes in energy. But linked with it years the molecular nuclear fusion the green plants do. Turning regular water into helium and oxygen gases, with massive energy, a fate blue light and X rays. Which is why green plants have had a look so radiant!
And there is no biochemical source of X rays of visible light. We are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion. This safe Energy System of nature.
No utilisation of production of radioactive isotopes.
Mankind can easily do physical molecular nuclear fusion, using a steam plasma. Hear my American friend bills are steam plasma tube. And found the most energetic non toxic Energy System in existence.
2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) get a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat, from a 30x1.5cm steam plasma. Started up using the electronics from a all fluorescent light.
A plasma are four atmospheres will would self sustain, and presumably an atmospheric steam plasma would require 130 W to sustain. But the plasma pressure Rishi so two above four atmospheres.
Converting just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water into are 1 MW of carbon zero heat. If we drive the boiler room free steam turbine, we generate 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.
The carbon free electrical power for 60 houses. An annual income from the national grid of three million UK pounds, for all our excess current. As each has a only requires 8 kW on Christmas day. The peak electricity demand for any house in the Christian world.
It transpires the carbon zero heat is very simple. As I have been telling the world over the Internet for last 21 years. During which I have been busy doing other work.
By now or every physicist in the world shouldn't see my equations for molecular nuclear fusion. And hopefully fired up the steam plasma - and verified all that lovely carbon zero heat.
The major funder for higher science education is hyper toxic nuclear power. Uranium nuclear power Boleia Power plants using a lot of rich reinforced concrete. The cement for which fees from fossil fuel burn on limestone and.
Making an active uranium nuclear power building programme, man cannot fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Emitting in two years of plant construction, the carbon equivalent of the 25 years from a conventional power plant.
And after 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant. Since Chernobyl in 1986, every operating nuclear power plant has recorded annual insurance cover of 40 billion. 100 billion since Fukushima in 2010.
They carried a criminally insufficient 50 million in 1986. Rumour has it they upgraded their insurance cover to two them and 50 million after. Still just criminally insufficient insurance cover.
So all 250 nuclear power plants on earth are running criminally under insured. The usual fine is the athletics some of the missing insurance. So of 40 billion from and the plant started operation, upgrading to 100 billion 2010.
There is no commercially available insurance above one billion, even before the late queen of England. The legal find is and I it watering amount! Made in trillions.
And the engineering consortia is not allowed to carry the insurance in house. As just one nuclear incident and around the world, would wipe out all the available nuclear insurance.
This means that Sizewell B has never been insured. It was billed as an illegal extension to Sizewell A. The old nuclear plant them being demolished. And with it the insurance and planning consent. And
Sizewell B never had its own royal planning consent meeting. As this would have concluded 'Hell Nome' in 1984. Margaret Thatcher had no legal say in the independent planning consent meeting.
She was a chemist. With no inkling of international planning consent laws. No valid planning consent, no valid insurance cover. Ever!
And now they are talking about Sizewell C. Hoping to repeat the planning consent get around. Which was never legal! Sizewell B never had planning consent. The missing insurance as up to 3.6 trillion.
The cost of a nuclear incident being transferred to UK government - without their consent or knowledge. We are now aware of the planning consent problem. Sizewell will never invest their hundreds of millions into the planning consent meetings, which will automatically reject a new nuclear plant.
As the first issue is valid insurance. And there is no source of the hundred billion of insurance nuclear power requires. So on day one before any body they said anything, the planning consent will be rejected.
King Charles has E mailed me previously, saying have vigorously he objects to nuclear power. Even his testimony is not required.
The missing valid insurance cover destroys the prospect of any nuclear power plant construction around the world.
My essay from 1984, noted that there was no valid reprocessing capability for spent nuclear fuel rods. Nuclear power is no usually short term pure water storage around disused nuclear plants, for long term fuel rots storage.
At variance with the planning consent! Which ceased anyway, as the plant was taken as a service. And was only about criminally insufficient 50 million any way. There is no legal Insurance Storage space for used nuclear fuel was anywhere in the world.
So no fuel rod is taken out of a nuclear plant. It could not legally be replaced! As is no reprocessing capability or river storage for the used fuel rods. The nuclear plant is and are variance with their void planning permission.
I have ensured the European Court of human rights is aware of this nuclear power problem. Lawyers would not usually be a aware of the intricacies of nuclear power. The are aware of planning consent!
I will understand the total lack a valid insurance cover for nuclear power.
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