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Earth has cooled since 1995 |
Manmade global warming was the biggest economic source for physics ever! The money paid by nuclear power - and try to buy them cells and future after Chernobyl.
After Chernobyl every PH of your in the world needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion: they carried a criminally insufficient 50 million. So the national radiation regulators have the legal imperative to shut down every PWR nuclear reactor on earth. That is the whole of uranium nuclear power.
Meanwhile every nuclear facility needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion after Fukushima 2010. Nuclear power funded cheaper to bribed the regulator, and the carriage them and 50 billion of annual insurance.
Every uranium nuclear power plant makes enough money to make 13 billion in taxes. They know knees 100 billion of annual insurance.
That is a most talking loss making industry ever. The plant constructors get around 18,000,000 for every nuclear power plant they build. But operating with invalid insurance cover invalidates their planning consent.
Every uranium nuclear power plant in the world is running criminally under insured. Producing the most toxic substance known to man! Radioactive plutonium. Which is sprays over the surrounding continent every 25 years.
I met the power station regulator in 1984, and a sure way that they wanted to see adequate insurance before the power plant could start up. This is two years before Chernobyl in 1986.
Uranium fission rods only releases to them and 50 kW/m. My American friend has verified that are steam plasma tube release a constant 1 MW of heat. From a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.
Started up using the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light.
1 H₂Ocomtained+V→2(E²+L+X-ray)
A little steam turbine will turn out 1 MW of carbon zero heat, into 500 kW of carbon zero electricity. The electrical power for 60 houses. The exit steam is still hot enough to drive a central heating system, for the same houses.
What the cheese eating carbon dioxide is a warming gas? It's global around the temperate earth is capped by photosynthesis there at the present level of just two parts per million. It's static level since 1880! The carbon emissions end up as active plant biomass within 5 minutes.
Above the arctic ice In winter snow covers the land and ice covers the seas. There is four PPM carbon dioxide in the local air, air temperature down to -80° C below the south pole.
In the little ice age of the 18th century with a back to four PPM carbon dioxide and - the Jurassic level. As snow covers the land and the average European temperature was -20° C in winter. So twice the carbon dioxide and the lowest temperatures in modern history.
In the Jurassic the temperate earth has four PPM carbon dioxide - twice the present levels. See there wasn't one periods were 60 metres lower. There was 85% more active life on earth. Term percent more oxygen in the air.
And most damning of all three natural ice ages. Where temperate carbon dioxide well have risen to eight PPM. The level above the arctic ice Will have been 16 PPM and. In a ****ing ice age.
Every high school physics department can use a steam from a paint stripper, to fill a glass cylinder. Influen the starter from a fluorescent light, fire up the plasma. And which should self sustain at four atmospheres pressure.
2 H₂O+P+de/dT→2(E²+L+X-ray) I calculated should release 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat. We do not even produce helium and free radical oxygen gases. The physics department or get just massive heat. We of light and lower power X rays.
There is no possibility this can have any climatic effect. We are generating 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat and so the carbon zero electricity for 150 houses.
Practically confirmed by every physics department in the world. Absolutely no fossil fuel burn our carbon dioxide production: the carbon dioxide to stimulate plant growth on earth.
We utilised just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. We are the deep seas are doing massive amounts of molecular nuclear fusion. There raising tens of tonnes of helium a day. Totally naturally! Since the their first had each C.s for 3.8 billion years.
3 H₂O+P+TU→He↑+O↑+E² so the turbulence in the deep sea water death show is around the earth like a little sun. The helium being lost to space harmlessly and the oxygen for lieu of steam molecules from the air, to form a protective ozone layer.
So of physics King give the world carbon zero heat. The natural climate has been cooling since 1995. The climate change brigade are trying to invent reasons why global warming, should make the earth's cool. Exactly on the natural 28 year periods or warming cooling the ice climate has experienced since before mankind even evolved.
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