Saturday, 31 December 2022

Polar bears do not need sea ice

Polar bearts brown carnivores in summer.  No sea ice needed

In the spring the summer there is no sea ice.  And polar bears swin around quite happily.  There major food is fresh!  Which they catch from the seas.  Getting the vegetables they need from the guts of the fish they eat.

For last 27 years the earth has been cooling: the natural climate moved into its natural 28 year periods of cooling, according to the strictly regulated solar emission cycles.

A nuclear power was busy promoting manmade climate change!  Based on the erroneous notion that mankind could control the trace of carbon dioxide left in the air after photosynthesis so every day.

Plants on sea and land take in carbon dioxide or in the temperate earth during daylight hours down to the present limit of two parts per million.  Are there for controlled exclusively by nature!

Man carriers additional carbon dioxide has added just 0.004% since industrial revolution.  An was breathing out is the only source of carbon dioxide of any note.  My goes extra carbon dioxide has been converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cā‚˜(H₂O)ā‚™+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

During the day green plants use infrared light with the biological capitalist and chlorophyll, to find water molecules so carbon dioxide.  Four and the carbon dioxide of life.  Excreting the surplus oxygen.

A process that takes in energy.  But linked with it years the molecular nuclear fusion the green plants do.  Turning regular water into helium and oxygen gases, with massive energy, a fate blue light and X rays.  Which is why green plants have had a look so radiant!

And there is no biochemical source of X rays of visible light.  We are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  This safe Energy System of nature.

No utilisation of production of radioactive isotopes.

Mankind can easily do physical molecular nuclear fusion, using a steam plasma.  Hear my American friend bills are steam plasma tube.  And found the most energetic non toxic Energy System in existence.

2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) get a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat, from a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  Started up using the electronics from a all fluorescent light.

A plasma are four atmospheres will would self sustain, and presumably an atmospheric steam plasma would require 130 W to sustain.  But the plasma pressure Rishi so two above four atmospheres.

Converting just 3x10⁻ā±⁶cc of regular water into are 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  If we drive the boiler room free steam turbine, we generate 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.

The carbon free electrical power for 60 houses.  An annual income from the national grid of three million UK pounds, for all our excess current.  As each has a only requires 8 kW on Christmas day.  The peak electricity demand for any house in the Christian world.

It transpires the carbon zero heat is very simple.  As I have been telling the world over the Internet for last 21 years.  During which I have been busy doing other work.

By now or every physicist in the world shouldn't see my equations for molecular nuclear fusion.  And hopefully fired up the steam plasma - and verified all that lovely carbon zero heat.

The major funder for higher science education is hyper toxic nuclear power.  Uranium nuclear power Boleia Power plants using a lot of rich reinforced concrete.  The cement for which fees from fossil fuel burn on limestone and.

Making an active uranium nuclear power building programme, man cannot fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  Emitting in two years of plant construction, the carbon equivalent of the 25 years from a conventional power plant.

And after 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant.  Since Chernobyl in 1986, every operating nuclear power plant has recorded annual insurance cover of 40 billion.  100 billion since Fukushima in 2010.

They carried a criminally insufficient 50 million in 1986.  Rumour has it they upgraded their insurance cover to two them and 50 million after.  Still just criminally insufficient insurance cover.

So all 250 nuclear power plants on earth are running criminally under insured.  The usual fine is the athletics some of the missing insurance.  So of 40 billion from and the plant started operation, upgrading to 100 billion 2010.

There is no commercially available insurance above one billion, even before the late queen of England.  The legal find is and I it watering amount!  Made in trillions.

And the engineering consortia is not allowed to carry the insurance in house.  As just one nuclear incident and around the world, would wipe out all the available nuclear insurance.

This means that Sizewell B has never been insured.  It was billed as an illegal extension to Sizewell A.  The old nuclear plant them being demolished.  And with it the insurance and planning consent.  And

Sizewell B never had its own royal planning consent meeting.  As this would have concluded 'Hell Nome' in 1984.  Margaret Thatcher had no legal say in the independent planning consent meeting.

She was a chemist.  With no inkling of international planning consent laws.  No valid planning consent, no valid insurance cover.  Ever!

And now they are talking about Sizewell C.  Hoping to repeat the planning consent get around.  Which was never legal!  Sizewell B never had planning consent.  The missing insurance as up to 3.6 trillion.

The cost of a nuclear incident being transferred to UK government - without their consent or knowledge.  We are now aware of the planning consent problem.  Sizewell will never invest their hundreds of millions into the planning consent meetings, which will automatically reject a new nuclear plant.

As the first issue is valid insurance.  And there is no source of the hundred billion of insurance nuclear power requires.  So on day one before any body they said anything, the planning consent will be rejected.

King Charles has E mailed me previously, saying have vigorously he objects to nuclear power.  Even his testimony is not required.

The missing valid insurance cover destroys the prospect of any nuclear power plant construction around the world.

My essay from 1984, noted that there was no valid reprocessing capability for spent nuclear fuel rods.  Nuclear power is no usually short term pure water storage around disused nuclear plants, for long term fuel rots storage.

At variance with the planning consent!  Which ceased anyway, as the plant was taken as a service.  And was only about criminally insufficient 50 million any way.  There is no legal Insurance Storage space for used nuclear fuel was anywhere in the world.

So no fuel rod is taken out of a nuclear plant.  It could not legally be replaced!  As is no reprocessing capability or river storage for the used fuel rods.  The nuclear plant is and are variance with their void planning permission.

I have ensured the European Court of human rights is aware of this nuclear power problem.  Lawyers would not usually be a aware of the intricacies of nuclear power.  The are aware of planning consent!

I will understand the total lack a valid insurance cover for nuclear power.

Thursday, 29 December 2022

All diabetes cleared

Diabetes all cured

And 2013 as warning around with an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device: this emitted the ultrasound that medics had proved 2002, clear all cancers in 1 minute.  I apply the ultrasound to where it hurts!  It clears all 200 types of human cancer.

My friend in the church health group had type two diabetes.  He was the churchwarden.  So I applied ½ minute of this high intensity ultrasound, to the bottom right of his ribcage - to ease his diabetic discomfort.  I assured him that he would not do any harm!  Such devices are medically licensed for safe home unsupervised use.

Physiotherapist use them to clear them scarring.  It should also fix organ damage non surgically.  It is the bottom right of the rib cage, as that is over your pancreas.

The first week I gave him just 10 seconds.  He got three days' remission from his diabetes.  The next week or give ½ minute, and he cured his type two diabetes for ever.

I also give my mother and stepfather ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest.  Instant cure for them I had type two diabetes.

My American friends reported there was a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting, 2016 I validated the full minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest clears type one diabetes instantly.

Three weeks ago or the medics noted that diabetes had vanished from the world.  All due to my work on ultrasound doing nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+US→He+O US= e.g. 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound.  The diseases of age are caused by a pressurise cell types, we genome left behind by he infective bacteria are and viruses.

If we use my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, we clear that viral or bacterial structure.  Cancer is the most significant viral rump disease - totally cleared by 1 minute of HIUS.

Now Libre are having a massively expensive TV advertising programme, to get people to check her blood sugar levels using a mobile telephome

But as nobody in the world now has diabetes, the blood sugar level is totally normal.  There is absolutely no value in taking a blood sugar level.  As all diabetics have been fully discharged by their medics.

And they now do not have diabetes.  So the bright years working iodine shifted universe!  Diabetes has been totally cured.  Diabetes drugs are fantastically expensive - they can't even 5% of drug company profits.

As cancer cure 2002 the medicine was 80% of the income.  Medics published the use of HIUS for half a minute's the top left to the chest the kidneys to totally clear coronary heart disease.

This method will clear all heart problems - including Atrial Fibulation.  The drug companies are very puzzled!  As eight never cured diabetes.  The cure it came out of my engineering research work at Sheffield University 2000.

I have in publishing documents about the diabetes cure ever since.  Every registered Dr. Promises to be aware of and use best new medical science, the day it is published.  It is the second 21 years for diabetes to cease.

As people have bought and used their own ultrasound device.  Now nobody needs to check the blood sugar levels.  As are all normal!  The brother has absolutely no business.

Medicine has lost 100 per cent of its profits.  All other conditions actually lose money.  All infections both viral and bacterial, are cleared by the idea published 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Just once.  The personal feels like the them after hours.  Then be totally better.

Doctors or nurses desperately want to applied biochemistry to the diseases of age.  Which all being cleared by application of HIUS, an regular infections are now also cleared using HIUS.

All the doctors took early retirement in 2018 and - only 16 years after the cancer cure was published by three medical professors.  They RE entered medicine two prescribe a Covid vaccination.

Tragically Covid has a new version every 1st of October, so any vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold is obsolete before it can be licensed.

So Covid vaccination was never legal human medicine.  We were already well into the year of Covid20 when they started giving the obsolete Covid19 vaccination.

And medicine has found that the obsolete infections actually increase the death rate from the new viral or bacterial strain.  So the Covid19 vaccination was given to 3.5 billion people around the world.

The medically I expected death rate for any vaccination is one in 200.  So well have killed 17 million people.  The most fatal medicine in history.  Striking off the prescribing Dr., Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.  And obviously the involved biochemical drug company.

No Covid vaccination ever legal.  Application of HIUS for ½ minute each side the chest totally cleared Corona virus by February 2020.  No relationship with Covid19.  As Corona was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.

No pandemic alert was ever issued for Covid - by medical definition does not sufficiently fatal!  Killing 3.5% of infected people.  Pandemics kill 5% all around the world.  The Corona virus was contained within the Wuhan precinct China.  The world health organisation withdrew the pandemic alert.  And never issued a one for Covid.

Medics prescribing and obsolete an unlicensed vaccination struck off the same day.  The assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off.

Which means that any NHS nurse is helped with the Covid vaccination programme, and cease to be a legal nurse 2019.  If a helped the cancer drugs since 2002, they have helped apply defective and criminal medicine.  Killing the patient horribly within two expensive agonising years.

So the nurses also struck off for cancer drugs 20 years ago.  The nurses can't go on strike.  As they are not nurses!  They were struck off 20 years ago.  Medical activity criminal.

Stopping hurricanes

To extinguish forest fires, we use explosive charges to strip the oxygen as the air, and the fire wall stalls.

Week in use the same effect on hurricanes and tornadoes.  They are paid by the low pressure evaporation of seawater, forming a column of low pressure the water vapour rising up the centre of the hurricane.

We could use a aircraft to adopt high explosive charges down the eye of a hurricane.  And detonate them with they are near sea level.  We might use pressure detonation.

The eye of a storm is usually circular and typically 25–40 miles (40–65 km) in diameter. It is surrounded by the eyewall, where the most severe weather of a cyclone occurs. The cyclone's lowest barometric pressure occurs in the eye, and can be as much as 15% lower than the atmospheric pressure outside of the storm.

So we would want to explode the charge when the pressure is 10 per cent below the pressure outside the hurricane.  Or we tracks the progress of the bomb, an explode it remotely.

Another idea is to use or radio controlled derelict boat, and driving room at the into the hurricane.  Then exploding high explosive we expose on the boat deck.  The derelict is on a one way journey!  Who cares.

The pulse of high pressure causes a rip in the circulating curtain wall around the hurricane.  Which only sustains, why there isn't even rise of water droplets up the curtain wall.

If we run the curtain wall.  Though water wall disintegrates.  It can only sustain while the wall is continuous.  Are four so highly pressure destroys the hurricane off shore.

Which is remarkably inexpensive!  And more stop solo had a high wind events around the world.

An alternative is have a car no heat pump on board a ship.  Which creates A10 metre expanse of cold air.  Passing the heat of the air into the sea.  When we pressurise the gas it gets hot.

We lose that heat to the open sea.  Then as he vent the pressure the air gets really really cold.  And hurricanes don't four and the ice air temperature is above 30° C.

Way he plays a wall of cold air in a hurricanes path, the cold air eats the hurricane wall.  And the wall collapses!  As it beats the bank of cold air in the hurricane path.

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Strikers resign from medicine

Striking medics kill patients

On entry Medical Service doctors have to take the Hippocratic oath all over the world.  Fighting never to take industrial action.  If he were to go on strike for one day, they lose medical registration and Health Insurance.

So the NHS doctors who took industrial action 2016, ceased that day to be legal registered doctors.

12 January 2016

Junior doctors took part in a general strike across the NHS in England on 12 January 2016, the first such industrial action in 40 years.

They are not after higher wages!  Though after gold plated pensions.  But by taking illegal industrial action, there are stripped of wages and pension from the day he the withdrew the labour.

The GMC has encouraged nurses to take strike action.  In defiance of the nurses nightingale pledge.  Which similarly bars all industrial action.  So the energy as nurses who took strike action recently, ceased that day to be legal registered nurses.

Losing all wages and pension since that date.  And the individuals are threatening strike action again!  They are no longer registered nurses and are barred from nursing around the world.

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Nursing strike will kill


how many patient deaths so far?

The Impact Of Healthcare Strikes On Patient Mortality

University of Greenwich › 3...


by R Essex · 2022 · Cited by 3 — In-hospital studies represented 768,918 admissions and 7,191 deaths during strike action and 1,034,437 admissions and 12,676 deaths during control

On completion of a nursing course, the nurses promised not to ever withdraw their labour, for financial reasons.  Are they will strike themselves off the nurses medical register the same day.

And were then barred from nursing around the world for life.  Some were a union member has done a cold calculation, and how many patient deaths the present nursing strike will cause.

And they have a number air which the strike will be called off.  But why then every striking nurse would have violated their nightingale pledge, and ceased to be a registered nurse.

Just withdrawing a label for one day, means you're never a nurse again!  I got the European Court of human rights involved there after the doctors strike.  Pointing out that their Hippocratic oath, demanded every striking Dr. Ejected totally from medicine for ever.

The Dr. strike was then called off.  But each of those registered doctors had lost medical registration and Health Insurance.  They should never have returned to medicine!

Yet they did in 2020.  Two applying the Covid19 vaccination.  Covid is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu that's circulates the world.

A new version every 1st of October every year!  So Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.

When the vaccination was only six months into a drug testing regime.  So the vaccination automatically became obsolete and never licensed.  It was never a legal human drug.

As MMR Vaccine insured, vaccinations are dangerous medical interventions - killing one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals.  Every Dr. Who gave the MMR jab, so medicine for the rest are history.

Each patient death prompted a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  And the vaccinating Dr. Receives a 25 year jail term in high security prison.

The same penalty for each Covid vaccination given.  Even without a patient death!  The psychopathic murderous doctors struck off and removed totally from medicine.  Along with assisting nurses and pharmacists.  And the involved biochemical drug company.

Each individual who went on the nursing NHS strike removes their now seeing medical registration for ever.  He can never return to work as a nurse anywhere around the world.

And each patient death once the usual legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, an each individual who should have been in turning nurse, receiving an appropriate jail term.  From 10 years in high security prison for each associated nurse.

The European Court of human rights is set up with Alpha Winston Churchill after World War II, to stop the NAZI and use which had resulted in massive deaths.

The total cures all cancers as medically published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  A single application of high intensity ultrasound: e.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device, to where it hurts.  Curing all 200 types of human cancer.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

US $2.24 - 2.65/ Piece
  • 1Review

½ minute of this HIUS each side of an individual's chest, will cure all viral and bacterial infections.  As referenced in the Moffitt Paper 20 years ago air.  Personally confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth - or they were struck off and expelled from medical practice.

As the paper was written by three medical professors at a world leading cancer hospital.  Medicine prohibits a vaccination to already cured disease.  So no cancer vaccination could ever be illegal medicine!  It would intentionally kill 40 million global citizens.

For absolute no medical reason!  Cancer is cured 20 years ago.  Though the cancer charities are still frantically raising donations.  And all medicine it, C.s cancers and infections were cured.

½ minute of HIUS clears all viral and bacterial infections.  That starts the winter rush of infected patients into hospital.  Now at the big cash cow or of medicine!  As cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia are all cleared by local application of HIUS.

The rest or medicine loses money!  Hence the present nursing strike, as 90% of nurses are about to be laid off.  And they want to make a big fuss to prevent this predictable mass redundancy.

By every registered nurse or nurse has promised never to go on strike.  And contestable medical law.  The European Court of human rights will act to ensure this law is enforced.

Since 2002 psychopathic murderous doctors have medicated an estimated 200,000,000 global cancer patients to an needless death.  Prescribing the no defective and fatal cancer drugs: killing cancer patients in two expensive agonising years.  HIUS cures all cancers in 1 minute.

The total legal fine is 2000 trillion.  World economy is are only worth 138 trillion.

Nurses pledge -NO STRIKE

nursing strikes kill patients

I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.3 Nov 2010

This has been taken by all generations of nurses, to sacrifice industrial action.  They have the ultimate  lever - they are involved in our Healthcare.  And everybody wants to look after nurses.

Right until the go on strike!  They going to knowingly allow the sick and ill to died needlessly, for a financial gain..Is went on strike - but each and every Dr. Has taken early retirement again.

They retired 2018, as expected that a single external application of high intensity ultrasound, clears all 200 types of human cancer.  80% of medical and drug income vanished overnight.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears all cancers.  You can buy a suitable ultrasound massage device over the Internet for under five UK pounds.  Medicine like patent protection on ultrasound - A technology borrowed from metallurgical and crystal examination.

2013 other medics published the use ½ minute of HIUS with to the top left to the chest and the kidneys to totally clear coronary heart disease.  2022 it also clears Atrivial Fibulation.  All have a was no cleared without drugs or Dr. Involvement.

2013 I found that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and the pancreas, totally cleared type two diabetes totally.  2016 I validated my American diabetic contacts experience, that 1 minute was required for type one diabetes.

Those three diseases make a 100 per cent of the profits of medicine.  The rest or medicine loses money.  Hence doctors took early retirement.  The doctors who went on strike 2020, were all struck off without legal argument.

The doctors Hippocratic oath is absolute medical law and above legal challenge.  Just one day he not using best medicine and the Dr. struck off.  For ever!

The NHS is desperately recruiting foreign doctors, so the carbon massive number of doctors who have left a medical practice: forcibly as the struck off doctors can no longer ride shared illegal prescriptions.  Their main income stream!

The assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off.  As they are in direct contravention of the nightingale pledge.  They are required only to assist with best medicine and higher up take the full Hippocratic oath.

And communicate medical advances so lower down nurses.  So from 2002 the only legal cancer medicine was external application of HIUS.  Cancer drugs became defective and criminal medical malpractice.

Striking off the air turning Dr. and assisting nurses and pharmacists.  The biochemical drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath, and are not allowed to make our auld and now defective medicines and certainly can't sell them.

That one metre course deliberate medical murder of their patients.  Without cancers, heart disease and diabetes medicine loses money.

2013 I validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and other mental health problems.

Every registered Dr. Was required to validate my a paper on this subject freely decision the Internet 2013.  There were no longer allowed to apply or research drugs for mental health.

Similarly nurses were bared from applying mental health medication.  Which lost money anyway.  So all medicine is now at losing money and no ceased uses rare instant to go on strike for above inflation pay rises.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears the inflated structure common to all viral and bacterial infections: just like all cancers have and overinflated cell nature and.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So ultrasound NG and the cells causing the diseases of age, causes the inflated cells to boil and rupture.  Inducing a body wide immune action to clear that dangerous cell type from the body.

In by the suitable device over the Internet for under five UK pounds.  And he will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Which stops the formation of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

It is the best and only legal infection medication and requires no Dr. or nurse intervention.  The main life activity of nurses since two shovelling shed and drinking T.  I do hope they wash their hands!

Without the major diseases of age above, or medicine loses so much money.  A month ago 90% of the energy as hospital trusts were in deficit.  And it is only going to get worse.

And their staff had chosen to go on strike.  Which is not permitted, Margaret Thatcher got emission under statute law, emergency workers cannot strike.  To do sir is to end their employment.

There last day as a nursing student, nurses gave their personal pledge never to go on strike.  Now they had decided they can ignore this and go on strike.  In direct contravention of their conditions of employment.

A striking nurse use no longer a nurse.  There is no legal debate.  It is absolute medical law.  Doctors and nurses to strike terminate the employment in medicine for ever.

The unions may twist and turn, desperately are finding ways around that pledge as nurses enter employment.  The nurses gave her solemn word!  Declaring if he ever did go on strike, they would rescind their medical registration for ever.  There is no legal challenge.

Sunday, 18 December 2022

physics does carbon zero heat

Earth has cooled since 1995

Manmade global warming was the biggest economic source for physics ever!  The money paid by nuclear power - and try to buy them cells and future after Chernobyl.

After Chernobyl every PH of your in the world needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion: they carried a criminally insufficient 50 million.  So the national radiation regulators have the legal imperative to shut down every PWR nuclear reactor on earth.  That is the whole of uranium nuclear power.

Meanwhile every nuclear facility needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion after Fukushima 2010.  Nuclear power funded cheaper to bribed the regulator, and the carriage them and 50 billion of annual insurance.

Every uranium nuclear power plant makes enough money to make 13 billion in taxes.  They know knees 100 billion of annual insurance.

That is a most talking loss making industry ever.  The plant constructors get around 18,000,000 for every nuclear power plant they build.  But operating with invalid insurance cover invalidates their planning consent.

Every uranium nuclear power plant in the world is running criminally under insured.  Producing the most toxic substance known to man!  Radioactive plutonium.  Which is sprays over the surrounding continent every 25 years.

I met the power station regulator in 1984, and a sure way that they wanted to see adequate insurance before the power plant could start up.  This is two years before Chernobyl in 1986.

Uranium fission rods only releases to them and 50 kW/m.  My American friend has verified that are steam plasma tube release a constant 1 MW of heat.  From a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.

Started up using the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light.

1 H₂Ocomtained+V→2(E²+L+X-ray)

A little steam turbine will turn out 1 MW of carbon zero heat, into 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.  The electrical power for 60 houses.  The exit steam is still hot enough to drive a central heating system, for the same houses.

What the cheese eating carbon dioxide is a warming gas?  It's global around the temperate earth is capped by photosynthesis there at the present level of just two parts per million.  It's static level since 1880!  The carbon emissions end up as active plant biomass within 5 minutes.

Above the arctic ice In winter snow covers the land and ice covers the seas.  There is four PPM carbon dioxide in the local air, air temperature down to -80° C below the south pole.

In the little ice age of the 18th century with a back to four PPM carbon dioxide and - the Jurassic level.  As snow covers the land and the average European temperature was -20° C in winter.  So twice the carbon dioxide and the lowest temperatures in modern history.

In the Jurassic the temperate earth has four PPM carbon dioxide - twice the present levels.  See there wasn't one periods were 60 metres lower.  There was 85% more active life on earth.  Term percent more oxygen in the air.

And most damning of all three natural ice ages.  Where temperate carbon dioxide well have risen to eight PPM.  The level above the arctic ice Will have been 16 PPM and.  In a ****ing ice age.

Every high school physics department can use a steam from a paint stripper, to fill a glass cylinder.  Influen the starter from a fluorescent light, fire up the plasma.  And which should self sustain at four atmospheres pressure.

2 H₂O+P+de/dT→2(E²+L+X-ray) I calculated should release 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat.  We do not even produce helium and free radical oxygen gases.  The physics department or get just massive heat.  We of light and lower power X rays.

There is no possibility this can have any climatic effect.  We are generating 2.4 MW of carbon zero heat and so the carbon zero electricity for 150 houses.

Practically confirmed by every physics department in the world.  Absolutely no fossil fuel burn our carbon dioxide production: the carbon dioxide to stimulate plant growth on earth.

We utilised just 3x10⁻ā±⁵cc of regular water a year.  We are the deep seas are doing massive amounts of molecular nuclear fusion.  There raising tens of tonnes of helium a day.  Totally naturally!  Since the their first had each C.s for 3.8 billion years.

3 H₂O+P+TU→He↑+O↑+E² so the turbulence in the deep sea water death show is around the earth like a little sun.  The helium being lost to space harmlessly and the oxygen for lieu of steam molecules from the air, to form a protective ozone layer.

So of physics King give the world carbon zero heat.  The natural climate has been cooling since 1995.  The climate change brigade are trying to invent reasons why global warming, should make the earth's cool.  Exactly on the natural 28 year periods or warming cooling the ice climate has experienced since before mankind even evolved.

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Nurses can't strike

Medics all struck off 20 years ago

The first day they go on strike, is there last day as a registered nurse.  They placed on entry Medical Service, never to go on strike.  The nightingale pledge!  And contestable absolute medical law.

In the same way it doctors top the Hippocratic oath.  Extending their right to strike, for higher levels of wages.  The GMC advised doctors they can strike: they were talking medical rubbish!

All the doctors who took early retirement after cancer is cured in 2002, there cease to members and the medical profession 2018.  Withdrawing their labour voluntarily.  Any their medical registration.

They have continued to prescribe the defective cancer drugs from 2002, sonar to applied were all struck off anyway.  They could never re-/enter medical practice.

They do so illegally 2020.  To prescribe the Covid19 flu vaccination.  Even though that medicine was strictly prohibited by the Hippocratic oath.

Freely taken by every year drug company on earth.  Fighting never to make and sell defective medicine.  All to structural all other biochemical drug patents.

But 1934 and the medical world realised that the Covid vaccination would only be six months into a two year drug testing regime, when obsolete.  The Covid19 vaccination was never legal human medicines.

Any Dr. Who gave just one Covid vaccination ever, the struck off and totally removed from legal medical practice the first day.  All subsequent medical practice was criminal and an insured.

The individual is spectacular ceased to be registered Dr..  All medical practice was then an insured and criminal.  The General Medical council is structures such struck off medics, that they could legally go on strike.

There were no longer registered medics.  All subsequent medical practice was criminal anyway.  They can never legally re-enter medical practice.

So there must return or wages or other expenses since the ceased to V registered doctors 2002.  All medical fees charged to their patients subsequently must be returned to the unfortunate patients or more likely next of key and.

The same high intensity ultrasound that clears all cancers in 1 minute, clears all infections in 1 minute also.  ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

As it was used by my personal contact 2012 in New York to clear his AIDs.  He went from being HIV⁻ to being totally healthy.  We shared this work with the world, and live AIDs cease to exist.

2022 and the only individuals who are HIV⁺ were injected with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agents - to treat there haemophilia.  They were given AIDs by direct injection by their psychopathic murderous doctors.

The usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Including AIDs, that also Strep A.  Drug companies have watched in horror as doctors who have stopped prescribing the no defective fungal antibiotics.

½ minute of the ultrasound for an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Obviously including streptococcus.

Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and also dementia.  2013.  ½ minute each side ahead totally clears MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  The a viral rump structure causing these diseases, is cleared by the standard cancer cure.

Cancer is another viral rump condition.  Require an inflated cell structure to induce replication.  The viral structure causing dementia also has to be inflated.  To induce infected cell replication.

Coronary heart disease was caused by an inflated viral rump around the coronary arteries all the kidneys.  ½ minute to the top left to the chest and the vacuum the kidneys, totally cleared the condition.

As medically confirmed 2013.  Since when there prescription of heart medication has been defective and fatal medical malpractice.

Medics today are making a big fuss about Atrial Fibulation.  Also cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest.  From the unit every family should know possess.  No Dr. or drugs even legal!

Streptococcus A is cleared by the medically published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Which clears all lung cancer plus viral and bacterial infections.  1 minute to where it hurts clears all 200 types of human cancer.

Since 2002 the prescription of fungal antibiotics has been defective and potentially fatal medicine.  Striking off the prescribing Dr. and assisting nurses and pharmacists.

In the UK metal into nurses are threatening to go on strike.  In direct contravention of their nightingale pledge.  Striking nurses have just handed in their letter of resignation to the Health Service.

So the NHS terminate the employment automatically.  They should receive therapy 455 return of first.  Any nurse is helped add Mr. Cancer or infection medication since 2002, also are struck off.

They must return or wages since their first helped add Mr. Defective medicine.  Since 2002 or infection vaccinations have been criminal and prohibited medicine.

Striking off the prescribing Dr. and drug company, plus assisting nurse and pharmacists.  Boots the chemist in the UK, should have halted all cancer drug prescriptions from 2002.

When they ceased to be legal medicine.  The NHS should have terminated their own point of doctors and nurses sense of first engagement the cancer or infection medication since the Moffitt Paper.

The healthy individuals insurance will have to cover the cost of all the wages since their first Dr. Defective medicines.

The doctors are oing 10 million UK pounds senses so callously continued prescribing cancer drugs - even though they have personally validated HIUS clearing all cancers and infections.

And were then legally constrained from ever prescribing cancer drugs again.  They human rights lawyers are horrified.  Every prescribing energy as Dr. Struck off 20 years ago.

B NHS nurses are threatening Christmas strike action, should take note: they ceased to be legal and registered nurses the first time they helped the cancer or infection medication since 2002. 

Thursday, 1 December 2022

Giving the world clean fresh water

Non toxic, free water

Not remote well drilling!  And five being the water over miles.  As done by Water AiD, set up by Cambridge University.  I am in metallurgist, and there is a problem with well water.  As the Americans discovered.

Well water contains high levels of arsenic.  I presume Cambridge University I use a chemical method of extracting this metal - otherwise the water is toxic.

There is a far better idea.  We first off a fire up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.  Which my American contact verified produce a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

We use to drive the boiler room free steam turbine.  So we generate ½ MW of carbon zero electricity: which we convert into mains AC current.  Which gives us access to free carbon zero electricity.

That is enough clean free power for 60 houses, or a village in the third world.  Utilising just 3x10⁻ā±⁶cc of regular water a year.  We start off with a 5 cc, and the earth will be swallowed by the exploding sun before we need to top up.

Totally emission free carbon zero power.  Utilising no fossil fuel burn, and no radioactive aunts produced or required.  Green plants eat carbon dioxide all day, limited free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth at eight miniscule two parts per million today.

Carbon dioxide doubles to four PPM above the arctic winter ice.  At -80° C below the south pole.  Obviously carbon dioxide is not a warming gas!

We apply one metre of vacuum to C or brown river water: that is a technical name for regular water river water.  That's true so all salts and contaminants.  It even in those animal waste and bacteria.

We then pump the pure water vapour to a high storage.  And there is no arsenic.  And it works fantastically well even from seawater.  We suck out the water, the muscles behind.

It will even work from the dead sea.  Extracting pure water ideal for field irrigation.  Returning the salts to the sea.

The system is stupendously cheaper and easier to set up.  If we have enough sunlight, we can run 820 kilowatts solar panel.  Driving three electricity to the village.  And the water system uses such a tiny amount of power!

So come on Cambridge University: this is published high school physics.  It is very much not hard.

All the quasi eight santis who have written academic papers about manmade global warming or climate change, are paid nuclear fantisists.  Carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth is capped at just two PPM.

Mankind burning the fossil fuels, just increases active plant and animal life on earth.  No possible effect on the weather.

Carbon dioxide is a static trace gas around the temperate earth.  Levels to increase in the arctic winter!  As we have the lowest temperatures on earth.

blowing out hurricanes

Blow out high winds

Hurricanes are driven by a water curtain surrounding a rotating body of a low pressure air.  Which sucks water out of the seas!  Which is why hurricanes have high winds, but also the dump a lot of rainfall.

The trick is to remotely drive a derelict into a hurricane.  Turning a little float.  Which has a high explosive either side of the medical metal structure.  When the pressure suddenly drops, explosive detonates.  Sending out a massive sideways shockwave.

Suddenly the carbon turning rotating water wall, suddenly shoots sideways!  And the cancer all collapses.  As there is no no no pressure over the sea.  We have a pulse of high pressure.

Suddenly the rotating body of water, is perburbed.  And the low pressure eye of storm vanishes.  There is no no no pressure section of the seawater, to drive or water vapour - that maintains the water curtain.

And there again just fizzles out.  Safely offshore.  The same idea works for tornados.  I was in the U.S. for hurricane Andrew.  Also are in the isle of Wight for a heavy rain storm in 1978 I think.

A quick puls of high explosive detonation, and we below the hurricane out offshore.  We also use my idea of myself driving heat pump to pass the heat of the summer air, into the sea.

Below 30° C, hurricane is do not form.  And water he's such a massive its income of heat, we're into warm the local seawater by 0.1° C.  And heat will flow back towards the poles.

We now have no hurricanes making landfall.