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just not a Dr |
Every registered Dr. Promises to personally validate and use new medical advances, on entry Medical Service. Fighting to strike themselves off, and ceasing medical practice the first day they applied knowingly defective medicine.
They have no choice, as they loose Health Insurance, and subsequent prescriptions are invalid and illegal. And the pledge to be aware of new medical science.
So all red my a paper 2013 on High Intensity UltraSound clearing type two diabetes in 30 seconds: this was the medicine like clears all 200 types of cancer in 1 minute. As it causes the causative inflated viral altered cells, to boil and rupture.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
This is why all cancers, plus the viral altered cell causing diabetes, fragment under HIUS. And is why it's such an abnormal foreign cell types give off X rays in ultrasound scans.
I can found practically 2013 there ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, totally cleared type two diabetes in one session: 2016 I validated 1 minute instantly clear type two diabetes.
- 1Review
Both totally cleared with no drug use! So metformin and insulin prescription both became defective and criminal medicine 2013. Type one diabetes remitting in three days. Type two diabetes clearing instantly.
Metformin prescription providing diabetic patients is 10 year decline to Bio chemically assisted death. An unpleasant and fatal Bio chemically assisted life and death!
HIUS clears all type two diabetes instantly. And my American diabetic friends reported that type one diabetes remitted in three days.
Doctors are the most persuasive people on earth. Who will be quick to point out that you may or may 1,000,000 prescribed one he knew to be defective medicine, they should not have been struck off!
Though that have been a personal pledge on taking up medical practice. There over their Health Insurance use immediate an and contestable. All subsequent medical practice then was criminal and uninsured.
The doctors all have the validated HIUS unit - used to confirm the 1 minute total cure for all 200 types of cancer. So the prescription of cancer drugs after 2002 was defective and criminal medical malpractice.
Insulin or met 4 minute prescription became defective medicine 2013. There is no argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath. Any Dr. Prescribing diabetic medication after 2013 - instantly remove them cells from legal medical practice for ever.
All subsequent medical fees charged to patients or more likely their next of kin, was criminal and illegal medicine. And must be returned instantly! And the medical murder is removed from pretend medical practice.
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