Sunday, 27 November 2022

Shingles cleared

The standard cancer and viral cure was formed from the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  The external application of High Intensity UltraSound: e.g.  ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections - as they transmit through the lungs!


US $4.13 - 5.45/ Piece
  • 1Review

Some viruses and cancers are skin centric.  So 1 minute externally to skin cancer, also so a body wide immune action to clear the distinct dangerous exploding cell type from the body.

As the affect of HIUS is to cause inflated cell types, like all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.  The local immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody, to clear the exploding cell type from the body.

So to clear shIngles, we are applying the ultrasound externally to the affected area.  Body cells are not affected.  The foreign viral cell types suffer a local destruction - which sets up the body wide immune action to clear the cancer or infection from the body.

In 2002 every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, to verify the cancer cure.  Subsequent prescription of cancer drugs was defective and criminal medicine.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company: and killing the patient needlessly in two expensive agonising years.

Now the drug company is focused on viruses!  Strangely enough not AIDs.  As and my personal contact in New York use the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to totally clear his AIDs.

Though ones registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and medically criminal AIDs treatments until 2018.  Each such psychopathic individuals struck off and expelled the same day from medicine.

There is a continued in medical practice must return or wages, and get no pension.  Returning or medical fees to the surviving patients or more likely next of kin.

AIDs killed five million people around the world.  Now are all cured in 1 minute, from medically licensed home beauty device costing under five UK pounds.

Medicine has never celebrated this cure!  As they were not involved in it.  Sheffield University help me and my ultrasound work, but likewise have not acknowledged have very useful HIUS is.

½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally clears type two diabetes.  Type one requires the full minute.  Again the medical world has not acknowledged this cure!

And he still happily medicating diabetic patients to an needless death!  All diabetes cured in 1 minute or less.  No drugs required!

Strokes Prevented

strokes all over

Human strokes happen, due to inappropriately raised blood pressure.  Which is a result of coronary heart disease.  That heart disease was cures 2013.  After I suggested the idea 2008.

Medics found that ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clears coronary heart disease.

The simplest source of HIUS is from an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.


US $4.13 - 5.45/ Piece
  • 1Review

1 minute to where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers out there.  This medicine was published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre.  And was the subject of the 2015 noble prize in medicine.  Medicine has form of itself not to publicise this disease cure.

As cancer drugs use to represent 80% of medical income.  Which is also are 80% of the income of doctors - which is why doctors have taken early retirement.  They RE entered medicine illegally 2020, to illegally applying a vaccination to Covid19.

By January 2020 will automatically on Covid20.  And medicine prohibits a vaccination to the obsolete strains or virus or bacteria.  As a worsen the death rate from the current form.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Clearing all strains of Covid flu.  The Covid number is immaterial!  It also clears the common cold - which are those are also prohibits research or application of a vaccination to.

As those virus is change too quickly - a vaccination takes six months to develop.  There is only six months into a two year drug licensing process, when obsolete.

So the vaccination itself becomes defective and criminal medicine.  Striking off the vaccination research is, and AGP who illegal the new year minder he also clears heart disease and dementia ½ minute each side the the busy writing a thing about stopping strokes and I'll Company is due side and end up tries to apply the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.

2013 and medics published a 30 per cent double blind trial, into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and kidneys clearing the inflated bacterial structure causing appropriate the elevated blood pressure, and universally blocking heart repair.

A bacterial rump, left behind from full bacterial infection.  ½ minute to the chest of a bacterial patient, the clears all viral and bacterial infections - which share of foreign inflated cell structure.

So we clear all bacterial infections, and that stopped coronary heart disease - which has vanished from the world.  Atrial Fibulation does not cause raised blood pressure.

½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys clears all heart disease.  Including AF.  AF was the new leading heart disease after coronary heart disease was cures.  With ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest totally clears the problem.

And medicine strictly prohibits research into alternative treatments for cured conditions.  So AF was cured.  And totally outside biochemical medical research.

The NHS doctors researching AF are struck off and totally removed from medicine.  The NHS is still talking about cancer air as if he was alive condition.

1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts clears all 200 types of human cancer.  Which makes cancer drugs defective and criminal medicine.  As I had legal Dr. Prescription.

Any GP prescribing heart medication since 2002, struck off.  As they were required used to personally validate the Moffitt cancer centre paper.  And purchased an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.

And hand it cures all cancers plus from bacterial infections.  All those conditions then outside legal biochemical treatment.

So the medical world should have noticed that all stroked stopped 2013, as doctors published the use of HIUS to totally clear coronary heart disease.  Now heart medication legal ever since.

Chemo and radio therapy for cancers has been criminal and defective medicine since the Moffitt Paper 2002.  All involved doctors and drug company is struck off without legal argument.

The NHS can't do biochemical trials on drug treatments for cancers, heart disease, strokes or dementia - as all those conditions cleared.

½ minute of HIUS each side ahead totally clears MS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia and other serious mental health problems.  While writing this blog, I have reaffirmed by a friend who is now working in Nottingham in Manchester England.

And he is so interested about my dementia work - personally confirmed at saint clement's church salford quays, in the church health group 2013.  And obviously published on the Internet!

Which they should have been read and verified by every registered Dr. On earth.  Who was compelled to use HIUS to clear all dementia or be struck off and totally removed from legal medicine.

There are a lot are struck off doctors still pretending to be registered doctors!  Protesting that biochemistry he can't cure to mention.  Already cured using HIUS - no biochemical work medically and legally allowed.

And if you clear the source or the elevated blood pressure, you stops strokes.  I got a letter from the NHS today, ask him he had to be involved in biochemical trials for treatment for dementia.  Just not legal!

Or even required.  HIUS stops all strokes.  As medically published 2013.  20 ½ minute HIUS sessions each side of the head clears all existing struck damage.  With no biochemistry involved.

Saturday, 26 November 2022

striking medics are struck off

nurses can't strike

Have the nurses not noticed, as all doctors who talk early retirement in 2018, are retired again!  Doctors and nurses are not allowed to strike!

The doctors gave them the right to strike the 2021.  And then got a massive shock as their P45 arrived by return of post.  They got the European courts involved, and the Dr. strike ended.

I a pointed out there no Dr. has been allowed to prescribe cancer drugs since the Moffitt Paper 2002, of high intensity ultrasound clearing all 200 types of human cancer.  Making cancer drugs defective medicine!

So every Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since 2002 struck off the same day.  So the any striking Dr. is automatically removed from medicine the same day.  Losing Health Insurance &Medical registration.

Nurses are bound by the nightingale pledge.  This also specifically prohibits or strike action.  Nurses to strike automatically stop being nurses that day.

A could not do medicine anywhere in the world her.  In the same eight nurse is is have assisted or cancer drug delivery since 2002, also are not doctors globally anymore!

flu and the common cold cured

Flu and colds cured 1001

2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the external application of high intensity ultrasound, to clear all inflated cell structures.

This removed 80% of the economic income of drug company is and doctors.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, I applied externally to where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers out there.

Drug companies frantically financially induced suppose the registered doctors, to still applying the defective and fatal cancer drugs.  Killing the cancer patient needlessly in two agonising expensive years.

Maybe even just 20 seconds of it even 20 seconds of the ultrasound from from the doctors' own HIUS unit clearing all cancers.  Stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming.

So the health centre practice nurse came clear all cancers without any Dr. or drugs intervention.  Prescribing cancer drugs became defective and fatal medicine 2002.

2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 this came from the biochemical confinement within the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China..  And enter the world as Corona virus, it killed five million Chinese people.

If all the doctors applied ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest, unless 44,000 cases are Corona virus on earth would cured.  Extinct virus is do not evolved!  Covid19 was the next year's regular flu outbreak.

I cured my own Covid19, ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of my the chest.  I thought of the rough for 2 hours, then totally better!

The Covid number increases every year on the 1st of October.  So Covid19 only existed June 1 of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  It would have taken six months to develop a Covid19 vaccination.  Only six months into animal drug testing, when obsolete.

And medicine Atr and the obsolete vaccinations actually increase that infection family death rate.  So the Covid19 vaccination, obsolete an unlicensed, were actually have increased the Covid20 death rate.

Medicine prohibits any work on a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  As a vaccination is obsolete before the viral family has moved on to its new strain.  Even or medical Professor Oxford or Cambridge University, are not allowed to walk and a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.

Or they are struck off - ceasing to be on the inner city payroll.  And getting no pension on retirement.  Even advocating a vaccination to Covid all the common cold, strikes off the medical professor for life.

So only no registered Dr. Ever allowed to gave a Covid vaccination.  Or the psychopathic Dr. and the drug company the struck off and totally removed from medicine.  Financially facing criminal trial for first degree medical murder.  For the one in 200 other vaccinated patients who had died as a direct result of the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.

The world is now on Covid22.  All viral family is do not usually travel between animal species.  Half feet had to inject people with pow cox, to ensure the immune system and was primed to fight or other members of the pox family - like the fatal smallpox.

That's usually do not interact with people.  Unless you provoke the bat into bighting.  The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

John is alcester where the Covid19 the flu strain for 2019.  That was globally extinct 31st of September, 2020.  Air still has 1,000,000 as doses of the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 the vaccination to get rid of.

They should never be given to people!  As this will increase the death rate from this year's Covid22 the flu strain.  But the standard cancer cure also works for all viral and bacterial infections.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any national locked downs!  No Dr. or drugs involved.  The cure to all cancers also cures all infections.

A suitable unit is an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  Medically licensed for safe home use.


US $4.13 - 5.45/ Piece
  • 1Review

½ minute each side the chest clearing all human infections.  Which will stop the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  ½ minute each side ahead clears all developed MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and other mental health issues.

Dementia has been killing since a 1930s.  I have no interest so the drug company is or cancer was still an active pathogen.  2013 I validated the dementia cured in my church health group at salford quays.

A 100 per cent 1 minute cure to all mental health problems.  Including the simple reduction in memory function that manifests with age.  We fix your brain!

Biochemistry will never have any answer to Covid.  And now that we know ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all Covid flu strains, no registered Dr. Is allowed to work on a biochemical answer to Covid.  Which will never exist!

As vaccination is automatically obsolete only six months into a two year drug licensing process.  Medical professors, even a Oxford who advocate the flu vaccination as like medicine, are talking biological rubbish.  And or struck off the same day and stripped or wages and pension.

Covid is just the regular medical name for the seasonal flu that's Eccles the earth every year.  Totally cured by the cure to all cancers.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

The medical idea that cleared my friends AIDs in New York 2012.  We freely published the idea on the Internet, and the medical press filled up with news items on a new drug shipment curing AIDs, as feeble using HIUS to totally clear their HIV⁺ status.

So due to my work on ultrasound at Sheffield University 2000-, I accidentally found the cure to AIDs.  Though most pernicious a medically incurable viral infection that is ever existed.

I do you have the now medics have kept samples of a virus now extinct in the wild.  Medics in New York and power is still have samples of a small pox virus.  For basically no reason.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will totally clear any future smallpox patients.  All viral and bacterial infections have been cured.  Included the bubonic plague, which still circulated remote provinces in the U.S..

This time there ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest of bubonic plague patients, will totally cure them in 1 minute.  Best medicine!  Every registered Dr. There has pledged to use.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Metformin and insulin defective medicine 2013

just not a Dr

Every registered Dr. Promises to personally validate and use new medical advances, on entry Medical Service.  Fighting to strike themselves off, and ceasing medical practice the first day they applied knowingly defective medicine.

They have no choice, as they loose Health Insurance, and subsequent prescriptions are invalid and illegal.  And the pledge to be aware of new medical science.

So all red my a paper 2013 on High Intensity UltraSound clearing type two diabetes in 30 seconds: this was the medicine like clears all 200 types of cancer in 1 minute.  As it causes the causative inflated viral altered cells, to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

This is why all cancers, plus the viral altered cell causing diabetes, fragment under HIUS.  And is why it's such an abnormal foreign cell types give off X rays in ultrasound scans.

I can found practically 2013 there ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, totally cleared type two diabetes in one session: 2016 I validated 1 minute instantly clear type two diabetes.


US $4.13 - 5.45/ Piece
  • 1Review

Both totally cleared with no drug use!  So metformin and insulin prescription both became defective and criminal medicine 2013.  Type one diabetes remitting in three days.  Type two diabetes clearing instantly.

Metformin prescription providing diabetic patients is 10 year decline to Bio chemically assisted death.  An unpleasant and fatal Bio chemically assisted life and death!

HIUS clears all type two diabetes instantly.  And my American diabetic friends reported that type one diabetes remitted in three days.

Doctors are the most persuasive people on earth.  Who will be quick to point out that you may or may 1,000,000 prescribed one he knew to be defective medicine, they should not have been struck off!

Though that have been a personal pledge on taking up medical practice.  There over their Health Insurance use immediate an and contestable.  All subsequent medical practice then was criminal and uninsured.

The doctors all have the validated HIUS unit - used to confirm the 1 minute total cure for all 200 types of cancer.  So the prescription of cancer drugs after 2002 was defective and criminal medical malpractice.

Insulin or met 4 minute prescription became defective medicine 2013.  There is no argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Any Dr. Prescribing diabetic medication after 2013 - instantly remove them cells from legal medical practice for ever.

All subsequent medical fees charged to patients or more likely their next of kin, was criminal and illegal medicine.  And must be returned instantly!  And the medical murder is removed from pretend medical practice.

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Diabetes gone

Sept 2022 diabetes all cured

September 2022, medics are complaining that there is no diabetes in the world!  Everybody had got better.  Even before medicine under stored will caused the condition.

In 2002 medical professors published use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses: ½ minute each side the chest clears all active viral and bacterial infections.  Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

And 2013 I validated ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz, from a commercially sourced ultrasound massage device, to the bottom right of the chest totally cleared type two diabetes in 30 seconds.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

US $2.24 - 2.65/ Piece
  • 1Review

1 minute of this HIUS to the bottom right of the chest cleared type one diabetes.  And medicine prohibits research or treatments of an already cured conditions.  So or cancer totally cured 2002.

2013 I've published the total cure to type two diabetes.  Practically confirmed in my church health group.  My American diabetic friends told me there was a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.

2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest cleared type one diabetes.  After which the prescription of metformin or insulin was criminal and defective medicine.

Striking off the prescribing Dr. and involved drug company.  They can be no drug based treatment to stop the spread of diabetes: which medics never under stored anyway!  It is caused by a viral fragment fatal for a viral infection.

We cure all infections in 1 minute, we stop all diabetes.  For under one UK cent.  The devices can be purchased for under five UK pounds - $8.

The drug companies are frantically trying to rush through a drug treatment to stop you're catching diabetes.  I can be no rush to medical intervention!  Their two year drug licensing program could not be hastened.

And no registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe useless an obsolete medicine.  They already her and the validated HIUS unit - which clears all cancers 20 years ago air.

Any cancer prescriptions since struck off the Dr. and drug company.  I freely published my diabetes work 2013, and all diabetes was cured: even type one remitting in three days!

1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, even clears type one diabetes instantly.  Diabetes medication no represents 40% of drug company income.

End of September medics were reporting that all global diabetes had seized.  Extinct conditions do not transmit.  They do not exist!

And no registered Dr. Is allowed to give medication to stop the spread of already extinct conditions.

Friday, 18 November 2022

The worst World Cup

The world scores an own goal

Money shouts, and Qatar Greece the right palms at Fifa to be given by 2022 world cup.  So for bright new stadia, with no alcohol or buggary.  Most men would welcome the restriction on gay relationships.

But they would not be happy about no drinking!  Then we get to the lack of health and safety for all the construction.  They bought in foreign workers, and showed total disregard for their deaths.  The most fatal war cancer in recorded history!

Wales will be there.  The first time in my lifetime!  They were at the world cup in 1958.  And that the whole of Wales is hoping, they do not win it!  In Wuhan Province stands a good chance, as all of the world war by lining up with no intent of winning it.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Best alcohol free wine

taste no drunkeness

We do not heat the wine - that destroys the flavor!  Instead we apply a vacuum to the wine.  One metre of vacuum will cause water to boil.  Removing all salts and contaminants.

This idea can be used to decelerate salt water, for nearly free.  We employee a little solar driven vacuum pump, which runs for free during the day.

The vapour pressure of alcohol is 5.95 kPa.  Where the atmospheric pressure is 101.325.  So we are talking about just over a fifth of an atmosphere, boiling off alcohol.  So we have a large sealed vat of wine.

And we have a little vacuum pump.  And it sucks off the alcohol.  Which we condense into pure spirit.  We add spring water and free use the most marker on the planet.

And we are left with taste identical are poor free wine.  Wine drinking is why the place is enjoyed by oaps.  But alcohol consumption needs to drunkenness and liver damage.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to just below the rib cage over the liver will clear at all and drug damage.  Applying this High Intensity UltraSound for ½ minute each side ahead, will clear addiction to drugs even to cigarettes.

This.  The development of lung cancer.  Which are 80% other cancers out there.  He will also produce non harmfull wine.

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Lighting and warming Manchester & Salford

Heat and cool the air.  No winter.

The 18th century idea, is to use a Carnot heat pump to take heat from the air and put it in to the seas, this is a way your electric fridge works.

heat pump is a device which applies external work to extract an amount of ... and therefore a maximum efficiency can be calculated from the Carnot cycle.

You pressurise a pure gas, with no water vapour in.  The world settles on Amonia, but then changed to CFCs.  Even nitrogen work!  An eight he's very very cheap.  The gasification companies throw the stuff away!

We then lose their heat of the compressed gas, through an open aluminium helix.  We then vent the gas, threw a venturia nozzle.  All of this science is fully explained on the Internet.

We then pass the cold the pressure gas, threw a body water - preferably the C.  The idea works so fantastically well, A20 Watts pump all pressurise the gas to heat a town centre.

We then sucked thermal energy from the seas at -20° C.  C water freezes at -22° C.  It will then mix with the ambient water at 10° C and produce maximum density water - at 3° C.  Water expands as it freezes!  Hence it will even crack open metal radiators if the water freezes.

So when the gas returns to our pump, it is an 8° C.  And Weiyang we pressurise the gas it gets mad hot!  Doubling the pressure would increase the temperature to 280° C.

This is a heat that we lose to the air!  A massive volume of free air, so we're only here to the town centre by 20° C.  Or this is first year engineering thermodynamics.

Any chemically engineering company in the world can knock up the system.  During the summer things are too hot!  So we invert the pressurisation system.

The low pressure low temperature gas, no cools the warm air.  We would need to collect the condensate which settles out.  Which is pure water!  Now at the higher pressure gas is circulated by a stainless steel helix in the body water like the sea.

So we don't the thermal energy at low temperature to the water.  Which Carries out heat towards the poles, and the cold countries.

We have warmed the cold winter months, and cause the all too brief warm summer months, places like Florida, can call the air all year.  And that heat will flow back in the gulf stream to hit the cold regions of the world,

What was started it is almost free to run.  We use a firmer electric generator on the hot metal pipes, to generate the lower amount of electrical current we need to drive a pumps.

So was started in runs itself!

There is a simpler way to add heat and light to local countries.  We fire up my steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  Here the practical confirmation work was done by an American contact.

As my UK academic friends will not work on carbon zero power.  Which sucking up the heat out of the seas, provides.  Where we pressurise the gas it gets mad hot, and will run a steam cycle totally carbon zero.

I was intrigued a lightening gives out visible light and X rays.  It transpired that the turbulence within a lightening strike did molecular nuclear fusion, from a 1.5kmx2cm partial steam plasma.  My American friend fired me up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder.

1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so the plasma burns regular water into just massive heat with lower power light and X rays.  This is away your fluorescent light, uses external current to the sodium gas into heat light and X rays.

My friend reported he got a constant 1 MW of heat.  A little photo electric generator on the top of the steam plasma, will freeze all the electrical current we need to sustain the plasma.

And previously written about how 1 MW of heat, will drive a commercially sourced steam turbine to generate ½ MW of carbon zero electricity.  Which really years are a basic chemically engineering.

But we get heat, with light and lower power X rays.  It shines like a little sun!  Suspended below a little flotation balloon, it will happily illuminate 1/4 acre of farmland.  The sun will continue 247 - all day and night.  We might wish to turn down the plasma pressure during the day to decrease the amount of light we are producing.  But really we are not Spain!  So who cares.

It will shine all day and night every day of the year.  Allying us to farm to harvest a year.  After the annual harvest, we turn the land and turn on the steam plasmas - if we have for some strange reason 10 the off June the summer.

And we grow another a harvest on locked down is fire and unproductive land, for Mansell get to harvest a year, in areas of the world used to having winter snow.  Will now not have cold dark months.

All this idea was devised from the work of professor Z, who has previously asthma me not to credit him with any thanks.  Hence I do not include his full name!  And do not mention that he is working as a professor at Sheffield University department of engine materials.

Whose uncle helped devise cold fusion at Columbia University.  A very weak form of molecular nuclear fusion.

We are far better off just using a steam plasma.  Which does useful amounts of exothermic molecular nuclear fusion.  The carbon zero Energy System of the future.

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Sheffield help diabetes cure

Diabetes all sorted

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the single application of High Intensity UltraSound clear cancers and viruses.  Through my work on nuclear fusion at Sheffield University, I got interested in this science.

Ultrasounding liquid water did molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

I wrote my first paper about nuclear fusion 2001, and my PH to work got ended!  2010 I had established that 1 minute of eg 8W 1MHz ultrasound clears all 200 types of human cancer out there.  Curing breast, lung, and liver cancers!  Press cancer confirmed by the Moffitt cancer centre in Manchester.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

US $2.24 - 2.65/ Piece
  • 1Review
  • $2.64

And 2013 my diabetic friend was persuaded to try HIUS his diabetic discomfort.  Will remedy is to find out there ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally cleared his type two diabetes.

I cleared that type two diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  Who never even said thank you!  My American diabetic contacts reported that 1 minute was required for instant emission of type two diabetes, or ½ minute or only by coals the diabetes to remit in three days.

So diabetes is caused by an inflated viral rump in the pancreas.  So the medically published cure to cancers also cure to diabetes: before medicine even sorted out there cause.

To eat ago medics complained that diabetes had vanished from world!  The diabetics them cells where ecstatic.  All diabetes cleared for under five UK pounds.  Thanks to my work at Sheffield University.

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Let's have a white Christmas

Fet it snow

Engineers have known for 150 years her pressurising and venting a gas will answer from heat into and out of bodies of water.

The History of Heat Pump Technology - Finn Geotherm › the-history-of-heat-pumps

Heat pump technology has been established for more than 150 years and the first ground source heat pump was brought into use more than 70 years ago.

So to add heat to a local environment we pump a low pressure gas down into the can now or river system.  Or just so much lake.  We use a solar powered pump, to use the waste environmental energy, that is basically free during the day.

I have written extensively hell up the steam plasma is free heat and power.  A 30x1,5cm steam plasma was confirmed by my American friend to release a constant 1 MW of heat.

If we drive the boiler room free steam turbine, a get out ½ MW of carbon zero power.  The home user can get an annual check from the power company, for three million UK pounds every year.  To get loads of carbon zero cheap or even free electricity!

We use our free power to drive a little pump.  And just doubling the pressure on a gas like nitrogen or ammonia, will raise the temperature barred 250° C.

So we suck the heat from the canal down to 5° C.  And the service water of regular water freezes.  The body water acts as a giant solar collector.  And remember her steam plasma, has basically give us access to totally free carbon zero power.  No fossil fuel burn and no radioactive materials utilised all produced.

We double the pressure of the gas, an issues have been temperature to 260° C.  So we have half the volume of massively hot steam.

We could use a steam to run a nice little steam cycle.  To again generate yet more free electricity.  Steam 190° C, will happily run a steam cycle.

We then use the exit steam to pass the heat to the air, using a large aluminium helix.  An adding that amount of heat to the air, will warm the air by 20° C over an acre!

So can warm air group of houses, or part of a town centre.  And we repeat the trick along the river or canal, and warm the whole of the city centre.

In the summer we are reversed the car no heat cycle, and now we call the gas down to -150° C.  This is seriously cold!  We lose their heat to the air via an aluminium helix our local the hill.

And the cold flows down the hills, providing free air conditioning.  Where he in November 2022, and four stone towards Christmas.

If we had one is little heat and cold pumps built, week in utilised the canal system in Manchester or Birmingham, to produce a white Christmas!

Over Christmas week we call the air down.  So it snows!  Usually really concerned about collecting and five being away the common state as water.  But now the cold in the air makes it snow!

So we produce a white Christmas week.  Which is pretty!  But not that practical for work.  So after Christmas week we turn our air heat pumps, into warming mode.

We pass the cold into the canal system, which acts as a massive sell the collector.  Gathering of free heat during the day from the sun.

Which we pass into a low pressure heat from gas.  My another little aluminium helix.  In the sea, we have to use a stainless steel helix.  There we have a truly channel as he collector.

As he concentrate the gas by pressurising it, we heat up they air by to them and 50° C.  It goes for around 5° C, to a much more equitable 30° C - though he spreads out over the local area.

So every group of houses of businesses, show in the construction cost of a little heat pump.  Which is very cheap!  I can cycle heat into a rare to the air, to improve the local climate.

So we warm the cold winter months.  Totally light the air, we need a network of my steam plasma is suspended in the air.  They turn regular water into heat light and X rays - just like natural sunlight.

1 H₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray E²= 1 megawatt from a 30x1.5cm steam plasma.

Ideal for lighting of a garden or in the area with own town centre, to the light 247.  Every day of the year.  Plants will love it!  An we vanished the dark!

We have a light sensor above the steam plasma, to turn down the plasma pressure during the day - to just tick over mode.  During the night we prime at four atmospheres, to freeze a self sustaining plasma which they've rates light.

My calculations indicate it will get a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  They were sensitive light!  Obviously during Christmas week, we want to turn down the plasmas, so we do not melt or snow.

So we are make every Christmas white, if we have access to a canal and river system.  All areas in the world can fire up the steam plasma, to allowed light and heat.

Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year.  Basically we never need to top up the system!  Leave that to our descendants.  And we produce a white Christmas, even in the Middle East!

Though they will probably be two staggered by the sight of snow, to realise how brown enough horrible it gets the next day.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

I cured type2 diabetes 2013

Diabetes TOTALLY cured

And freely published my work on the Internet.  At which stage every registered Dr. On earth had to read and validate the new medical science.  They then had to use the diabetes cure.

No registered Dr. Was any more allowed to research or prescribe diabetes treatments, not for nine years!  Drug company is are obsessed with diabetic treatments.  But medicine prohibits treatments for already cured disease.

So no research work or prescription of diabetic treatments has been medically ethical for nine years.  Any Dr. Prescribing diabetes treatments - struck off the day and for ever excluded from medical practice.

2013 I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas: this was a medically published cure to all cancers.  And I reckoned it should help the diabetes!

I found out later that the viral structure causing diabetes, was pressurise NG give off X rays in ultrasound scans: exactly like the pressurise viral structure causing all cancers.

My American diabetic contacts reported there was a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.  2016 I met somebody who have got diabetes well in America, and found that 1 minute of HIUS cleared even type one diabetes.

This has been a suggestion from an American contact.  So I tried it out.  And 58 seconds as getting concerned, at 1 minute the colour return to his face and his diabetes was gone.

Again I freely published my work on the Internet!  But the drug companies are obsessed with diabetic treatments.  And were a willing to accept that all diabetes is no cured.

But they are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  So were required to try out my medical documents on curing diabetes.  And then with globally prohibited from the research or manufacture of diabetic treatments.

Bristol squires sold off the metformin patent, and then went bankrupt!  Insane prescriptions in the U.S. have crashed.  So the drug companies are desperately trying to get a more affected diabetic treatment.

Totally medically unethical!  Diabetes has been cured.  And no registered Dr. Can anymore prescribe or research diabetic treatments.

And only doctors can do drug development work for the drug companies.  So they can there be no legal medical research into diabetes for nine years: as the condition was totally cured!

Both types of diabetes respond to HIUS.  ½ minute for type one, the full minute for type two.  No research into diabetes has been ethical for nine years.  The researching doctors' and drug company is struck off without legal argument.

This includes:

4Product (Company) 2020* 2024**

Rybelsus (Novo Nordisk) 377 3,305

Farxiga (Astrazeneca) 1,913 2,979

Victoza (Novo Nordisk) 2,947 1,129

Invokana (Johnson & Johnson) 668 588

4 more rows•17 Sept 2021

Diabetes died out

Diabetes cured by cancer cure

The great incurable disease of medicine was cancers, then in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of high intensity ultrasound, to clear all cancers and viruses.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all 200 types of human cancer.

But it also works for all viral infections!  So 2012 my contact in New York used ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest to clear his HIV AIDs,

The next week his GP discharged him from all Medical Care!  As is required by the doctors Hippocratic oath, as he no longer had any disease.

2013 and I apply ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and my diabetic friend - over his pancreas.  And he was totally cured.  All the diseases medicine and did not even fully understand the cause of!  The result of an inflated viral rump structure in the pancreas.

In the same way cancers are cured by inflated viral rump dividing to the limate anywhere in the body!

2008 I wrote the idea up about coronary heart disease: ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest, we now have four year wait, or medics worked on the idea.

2012 medics published a 30 patient double blind trial, and ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing all heart disease.  It eradicated coronary heart disease from the world.  It will also clear Atrial Fibulation.

So suddenly all these diseases were cures with no regular drugs involvement!  No Dr. Involvement was required either.

Diabetes was 5% of health company income.  Cancers and heart disease were 95%.  Suddenly medicine lost its other income stream.  And was losing money hand over fist!

After a four year pandemic they regrouped around the a viral pandemic: which he had not occurred on earth since a black death in 15th century Russia.  ½ minute of HIUS clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Which share a non native inflated cell structure.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Just as it cleared AIDs from the world 2012.  Medicine has are having have not acknowledging cures, it was not involved in!

Six weeks ago and medics did note in the press, that global diabetics have vanished!  So they would now offering improved treatments.  For the condition that no longer exists!  Totally contrary to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  All drug company is are voluntary signatures to.

The publicise the vaccination for Covid19 - the regular flu for 2019.  That by definition ceased to exist 1st of October, 2020.  We then have the year of Covid 20.  Thriller which they insisted on dispensing with the defective an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

Any vaccination would take two years to licence, but the influence or has a new strain every 1st of October - the medical name Covid!  So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.

It was never even a legal animal medicine!  And never entered human drug trials.  The Dr. who dispensed the Covid19 vaccination so or one in 200 people die needlessly.

To limit the spread of an already extinct viral infection.  Each and every vaccinating Dr., And the involved drug company struck off without legal challenge.  For ever excluded from any medical activity!

If your Dr. gave a Covid vaccination, this barred happily as a sore one in 200 healthy an innocent patients die an needless death.  These are most psychopathic intentional medical murder is of the worst sort!  And obviously not legal doctors since there first gave a Covid vaccination.

Medicine is a way he treading water!  It will cause an NCAA new potent common cause strain this winter.  The common cold is just a virus!  ½ minute of HIUS to the chest cures all viral infections.

And will cure a all strains of the common cold: and the Dr. already has the validated HIUS unit, at hand to cure all cancers and viruses 2002.  Making cancer drug prescription for chemo and radio therapy, criminal medical malpractice.

Killing cancer patients needlessly - when one session of HIUS would cure all cancers out there.

I have watched him pleasure as finely, with only a nine year delay diabetes has vanished: every doctors pledge to be a aware of and validate new medical science the next day.

So diabetes should have vanish from world 2013.  Even type two diabetes with a three day delay!  No metformin or insulin prescription was legal since 2013.  You could argue that the Moffitt Paper 2002, detailed the medical science which cured diabetes 20 years ago.

Certainly explicit cure to all cancers was published by myself 2012.  Or we can be certain that every registered Dr. On earth validated the medical science - otherwise he was struck off and remove from legal medical practice the next day.

Bacterial infections require an overinflated cell structure, would depend on the immune system to copy their genome.  Exploiting the system for empathic bacteria.

Was they start doing damage after three days, the Covid System stops.  But the patient may have a fatal bacterial lowered by then.  Annie is bacterial infection requires a different antibiotic.  Which or drug companies love!

But the Moffitt Paper 2002 cancer cure for cancer and viruses, which share the inflated cell structure with bacteria.  So HIUS house to cure all bacterial infections.

I have personally cleared 30 infections for my friends and family - various viral and bacterial infections with.  One session of HIUS, ½ minute each side the chest will clear all infections.

The gas for patient body mass.  And the health centre in the world has the validated HIUS unit, used to validate the cancer cure.  So any prescription for cancer medication for last 20 years, has been defective and potentially fatal medicine.

Striking off the Dr. and drug company without legal appeal.  The way the drug company is work is to announce new infective strains, they have no answer to.  But they now have the validated answer to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

The strain is immaterial!  Basically everything is cured.  And all cancers would cured 20 years ago.  Any per cancer patient death and or medication since 2002, once a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, the Dr. receiving 25 years in high security prison.  As are most dangerous medical killer ever.

With I sent my work on Covid to European courts on human rights, and the New England Medical journal.  Covid vanished overnight!  Though the drug company is still wanted to vaccinate healthy people against a nonexistent viral strain.

And this year we're on Covid22 to which there is no medical vaccination possible.  And never will be, as all covered influenza strains are cured using ultrasound.  Medicine prohibits vaccination for a cured infection.  As a vaccination with itself kill one in 200 healthy an innocent people.

Vaccinating for an extinct viral strain that Covid19 the most criminal medicine ever.  And drug company is are going to never accept that diabetes is cured.  Just a nobody has it anymore!  They are gone for a registered doctors to free use diabetic treatments: in direct contravention to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  All registered doctors are prohibited from applying treatments to already cured conditions.

But money has a way of buying its way around the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Higher up nurses take the full Hippocratic oath.  Them are trusted to inform all lower down nurses.  Of them by the nightingale pledge.

And he had to assist with best medical practice!  And diabetic drugs are not best medical practice, and are not been since at least 2013.  May be even 2002!

So each patient death three diabetic complications since 2002, concert use first degree medical murder of a patient.  There is no legal appeal process!  The Dr. nurses struck off.  Along with the involved drug company.

Bristol Squires used to make metformin.  But all the patent and cease trading!  As he realized metformin was a criminal and worthless drug.

FDA Updates and Press Announcements on NDMA in Metformin › drug-safety-and-availability › fd...

10/5/2020: UPDATE – Marksans Pharma and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries voluntarily recall extended release (ER) metformin. Update [10/5/2020] FDA is alerting ...

Marksans and son had taken over manufacture of the illegal metformin drug.  Which can never be legally produce source told!  And certainly never prescribed to any body.

Medical our dictates that they should living stripped of their patents on the first day they took over manufacture of metformin.  Which could never be legally sold!  All other drug patents void and worthless.

So the insulin is also a criminal manufacture and sale.  Not a legal human drug could for nine years.  Bristol Squires got 5.3 billion for the worthless patent.

Bristol's patent woes persist despite Amylin buy - Reuters › article › us-bristol-amylin-idI...

2 Jul 2012 — Bristol announced a $5.3 billion deal for Amylin late on Friday, teaming up with AstraZeneca Plc to make the purchase through an unusually ...

Diabetes Rates by Country 2022 - World Population Review › country-rankings

Country % w/ Diabetes 2021 % Undiagnosed 2021 % w/ Diabetes 2011

Pakistan 31.00% 31.00% 7.90%

Kuwait 25.00% 25.00% 20.70%

French Polynesia 25.00% 25.00% 8.60%

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