Diabetes cured by cancer cure |
The great incurable disease of medicine was cancers, then in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of high intensity ultrasound, to clear all cancers and viruses.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all 200 types of human cancer.
But it also works for all viral infections! So 2012 my contact in New York used ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest to clear his HIV AIDs,
The next week his GP discharged him from all Medical Care! As is required by the doctors Hippocratic oath, as he no longer had any disease.
2013 and I apply ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and my diabetic friend - over his pancreas. And he was totally cured. All the diseases medicine and did not even fully understand the cause of! The result of an inflated viral rump structure in the pancreas.
In the same way cancers are cured by inflated viral rump dividing to the limate anywhere in the body!
2008 I wrote the idea up about coronary heart disease: ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest, we now have four year wait, or medics worked on the idea.
2012 medics published a 30 patient double blind trial, and ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing all heart disease. It eradicated coronary heart disease from the world. It will also clear Atrial Fibulation.
So suddenly all these diseases were cures with no regular drugs involvement! No Dr. Involvement was required either.
Diabetes was 5% of health company income. Cancers and heart disease were 95%. Suddenly medicine lost its other income stream. And was losing money hand over fist!
After a four year pandemic they regrouped around the a viral pandemic: which he had not occurred on earth since a black death in 15th century Russia. ½ minute of HIUS clears all viral and bacterial infections. Which share a non native inflated cell structure.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Just as it cleared AIDs from the world 2012. Medicine has are having have not acknowledging cures, it was not involved in!
Six weeks ago and medics did note in the press, that global diabetics have vanished! So they would now offering improved treatments. For the condition that no longer exists! Totally contrary to the doctors Hippocratic oath. All drug company is are voluntary signatures to.
The publicise the vaccination for Covid19 - the regular flu for 2019. That by definition ceased to exist 1st of October, 2020. We then have the year of Covid 20. Thriller which they insisted on dispensing with the defective an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
Any vaccination would take two years to licence, but the influence or has a new strain every 1st of October - the medical name Covid! So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.
It was never even a legal animal medicine! And never entered human drug trials. The Dr. who dispensed the Covid19 vaccination so or one in 200 people die needlessly.
To limit the spread of an already extinct viral infection. Each and every vaccinating Dr., And the involved drug company struck off without legal challenge. For ever excluded from any medical activity!
If your Dr. gave a Covid vaccination, this barred happily as a sore one in 200 healthy an innocent patients die an needless death. These are most psychopathic intentional medical murder is of the worst sort! And obviously not legal doctors since there first gave a Covid vaccination.
Medicine is a way he treading water! It will cause an NCAA new potent common cause strain this winter. The common cold is just a virus! ½ minute of HIUS to the chest cures all viral infections.
And will cure a all strains of the common cold: and the Dr. already has the validated HIUS unit, at hand to cure all cancers and viruses 2002. Making cancer drug prescription for chemo and radio therapy, criminal medical malpractice.
Killing cancer patients needlessly - when one session of HIUS would cure all cancers out there.
I have watched him pleasure as finely, with only a nine year delay diabetes has vanished: every doctors pledge to be a aware of and validate new medical science the next day.
So diabetes should have vanish from world 2013. Even type two diabetes with a three day delay! No metformin or insulin prescription was legal since 2013. You could argue that the Moffitt Paper 2002, detailed the medical science which cured diabetes 20 years ago.
Certainly explicit cure to all cancers was published by myself 2012. Or we can be certain that every registered Dr. On earth validated the medical science - otherwise he was struck off and remove from legal medical practice the next day.
Bacterial infections require an overinflated cell structure, would depend on the immune system to copy their genome. Exploiting the system for empathic bacteria.
Was they start doing damage after three days, the Covid System stops. But the patient may have a fatal bacterial lowered by then. Annie is bacterial infection requires a different antibiotic. Which or drug companies love!
But the Moffitt Paper 2002 cancer cure for cancer and viruses, which share the inflated cell structure with bacteria. So HIUS house to cure all bacterial infections.
I have personally cleared 30 infections for my friends and family - various viral and bacterial infections with. One session of HIUS, ½ minute each side the chest will clear all infections.
The gas for patient body mass. And the health centre in the world has the validated HIUS unit, used to validate the cancer cure. So any prescription for cancer medication for last 20 years, has been defective and potentially fatal medicine.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company without legal appeal. The way the drug company is work is to announce new infective strains, they have no answer to. But they now have the validated answer to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.
The strain is immaterial! Basically everything is cured. And all cancers would cured 20 years ago. Any per cancer patient death and or medication since 2002, once a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, the Dr. receiving 25 years in high security prison. As are most dangerous medical killer ever.
With I sent my work on Covid to European courts on human rights, and the New England Medical journal. Covid vanished overnight! Though the drug company is still wanted to vaccinate healthy people against a nonexistent viral strain.
And this year we're on Covid22 to which there is no medical vaccination possible. And never will be, as all covered influenza strains are cured using ultrasound. Medicine prohibits vaccination for a cured infection. As a vaccination with itself kill one in 200 healthy an innocent people.
Vaccinating for an extinct viral strain that Covid19 the most criminal medicine ever. And drug company is are going to never accept that diabetes is cured. Just a nobody has it anymore! They are gone for a registered doctors to free use diabetic treatments: in direct contravention to the doctors Hippocratic oath. All registered doctors are prohibited from applying treatments to already cured conditions.
But money has a way of buying its way around the doctors Hippocratic oath. Higher up nurses take the full Hippocratic oath. Them are trusted to inform all lower down nurses. Of them by the nightingale pledge.
And he had to assist with best medical practice! And diabetic drugs are not best medical practice, and are not been since at least 2013. May be even 2002!
So each patient death three diabetic complications since 2002, concert use first degree medical murder of a patient. There is no legal appeal process! The Dr. nurses struck off. Along with the involved drug company.
Bristol Squires used to make metformin. But all the patent and cease trading! As he realized metformin was a criminal and worthless drug.
FDA Updates and Press Announcements on NDMA in Metforminhttps://www.fda.gov › drug-safety-and-availability › fd...
10/5/2020: UPDATE – Marksans Pharma and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries voluntarily recall extended release (ER) metformin. Update [10/5/2020] FDA is alerting ...
Marksans and son had taken over manufacture of the illegal metformin drug. Which can never be legally produce source told! And certainly never prescribed to any body.
Medical our dictates that they should living stripped of their patents on the first day they took over manufacture of metformin. Which could never be legally sold! All other drug patents void and worthless.
So the insulin is also a criminal manufacture and sale. Not a legal human drug could for nine years. Bristol Squires got 5.3 billion for the worthless patent.
Bristol's patent woes persist despite Amylin buy - Reutershttps://www.reuters.com › article › us-bristol-amylin-idI...
2 Jul 2012 — Bristol announced a $5.3 billion deal for Amylin late on Friday, teaming up with AstraZeneca Plc to make the purchase through an unusually ...
Diabetes Rates by Country 2022 - World Population Reviewhttps://worldpopulationreview.com › country-rankings
Country % w/ Diabetes 2021 % Undiagnosed 2021 % w/ Diabetes 2011
Pakistan 31.00% 31.00% 7.90%
Kuwait 25.00% 25.00% 20.70%
French Polynesia 25.00% 25.00% 8.60%
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