Monday, 21 November 2011

Carbon creates life

In the little ice age there was less photosynthesis going on. So free carbon dioxide rose to 4ppm. Since then he’s has fallen to 2ppm. And SSTA static at this level for last 200 years. Man is carbon emissions have been taken in by plants, and used to expand the life on earth.
A static level of carbon dioxide in the air has no effect on the world climate. That is all lie from the base stooges to nuclear power. Who were desperate to distract people from Chernobyl. And dying to see what they do a Fukushima. They seem to totally ignoring the death of Tokyo, the world’s mega city.
That is what nuclear power turns. Kills and pollutes on a continental scale. Carbon dioxide results in more life on earth. Is has no effect on the world climate. Who ever thought it did is remedial in high school biology!
All the professors of physics who ever written papers about man made climate change are dangerous fantasist, who have no place in education. Animals only evolved due to a world shortage of carbon dioxide in the air. It cools there may get extinction of the cretaceous.

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