Saturday, 19 November 2011

Biology says the world

The Biology teaches that green plants metabolise carbon dioxide, forming carbohydrates and sugers, excreting the surplus oxygen. Nuclear power must be livid.
Be devised a whole scenario where mankind’s carbon emissions have affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air, and so the weather. They devised it the year off Chernobyl, to distract the world from their toxic nature.
Mankind’s carbon emissions have increased life on earth but not affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air: which is fixed by photosynthesis. There is a massive excess of photosynthetic life on earth.
As man releases more carbon dioxide, so plant life expands to take the gas in. Releasing carbon dioxide is the best thing man has ever done for life on earth. Do not doing nuclear fission from uranium is the worst.
There is no argument: anything in tension to biology’s carbon cycle is automatically wrong. The world cooled from 1998, so nuclear power devised man made climate change.
To predicts nothing. But blame the natural weather on a phantom rise in carbon dioxide in the air. It is wrong before you hear any more under theory. I have been asking an Internet, and nobody can be borrowed to further details.
As man made climate change is so obviously wrong. The high point of physics and injuring turns out to be their worst time! When they show up as nuclear stooges and the enemy of life.
Then we get mysterious readings of carbon dioxide, however hand and 50 times or more the level in the countryside. Obviously taking in an engine exhaust in the city’s. All volcanic vents are higher than tears away from biology.
These readings contradict biology again. And use two would result in plants growing 150 temperature in the city. Grass would grow by 10 centimetres a day. Not to millimetres a month. It is so allow for the stupid who came up with this rubbish?
The global average carbon dioxide number, the only important number to the weather, has not changed in 200 years: as predicted by biology.
I want arguments from idiots earning their living from beingf nuclear stooges.
Jonathan Thomason 117 Merchant’s Quay, Salford Quays Greater Manchester M50 3XQ T/F 0161 848-0416
Biology says the world
Biology teaches that green plants metabolise carbon dioxide, forming carbohydrates and sugers, excreting the surplus oxygen. Nuclear power must be livid.
Be devised a whole scenario where mankind’s carbon emissions have affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air, and so the weather. They devised it the year off Chernobyl, to distract the world from their toxic nature.
Mankind’s carbon emissions have increased life on earth but not affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air: which is fixed by photosynthesis. There is a massive excess of photosynthetic life on earth.
As man releases more carbon dioxide, so plant life expands to take the gas in. Releasing carbon dioxide is the best thing man has ever done for life on earth. Do not doing nuclear fission from uranium is the worst.
There is no argument: anything in tension to biology’s carbon cycle is automatically wrong. The world cooled from 1998, so nuclear power devised man made climate change.
To predicts nothing. But blame the natural weather on a phantom rise in carbon dioxide in the air. It is wrong before you hear any more under theory. I have been asking an Internet, and nobody can be borrowed to further details.
As man made climate change is so obviously wrong. The high point of physics and injuring turns out to be their worst time! When they show up as nuclear stooges and the enemy of life.
Then we get mysterious readings of carbon dioxide, however hand and 50 times or more the level in the countryside. Obviously taking in an engine exhaust in the city’s. All volcanic vents are higher than tears away from biology.
These readings contradict biology again. And use two would result in plants growing 150 temperature in the city. Grass would grow by 10 centimetres a day. Not to millimetres a month. It is so allow for the stupid who came up with this rubbish?
The global average carbon dioxide number, the only important number to the weather, has not changed in 200 years: as predicted by biology.
I want arguments from idiots earning their living from beingf nuclear stooges.
Jonathan Thomason

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