Sunday, 4 December 2011

Stopping cancer


 When you were ill your subject to the pathogen genome. Plasma this is common to all infections. The rest is a series of pathogen leaders. These are host specific enzymes which cure the infection and planted on the host immune system. Pathogens share these around.
 So when the infection is cleared, you can have a serious of pathogen altered cells in the body. These make enzymes which make the immune system more pliant, and open to other infections. There are six olden pathogen leaders, which are common to all infections and cancer.
 Cancer arises when a body cell has the golden six in. It then devise an uncontrollably in an undifferentiated way. That is what cancer is. As such it is a post pathogen disease. My ideas about her HIV turns on the immune system to clear week viruses: viruses which do not do the cell damage that is the initiation signal to the human immune system.
 Cancer also does not do cell damage to other cells. So my cytokine drip (IL-2+4) will produce the specific antibodies to cancer. It will make the six: antibodies to all infections and cancer. So a course of these pills will cure all 200 sorts of cancer. And also cure the common cold. 

Covid vaccination never legal
Since the Covid flu line star to causing the regular seasonal flu 1934, medicine has always prohibited research or application of a Covid vaccination.  The first Covid flu virus was Covid34.  And every 1st of October we have a new Covid strain!
So Covid19 virus only existed between the 1st of October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  So any Covid19 vaccination was medically unethical and illegal.  And only halfway through drug testing when already obsolete.
This is why Covid in common cold vaccination are medically and legally prohibited.  The vaccination could never be three drug testing in time to be useful.  So the drug companies are pressing suppose the registered doctors to use the illegal Covid 19 vaccination.
For absolutely no medical reason!  The regular flu is no Covid21.  Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, which is totally unaffected by the previous year's Covid19, obsolete and never licensed a vaccination.
India found that e.g. ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of a Covid patient's chest would clear all Covid flu strains.  This is the medically proven science, High Intensity UltraSound which clears all cancers in 1 minute, all infections ½ minute of ultrasound to a patient's chest.

So no registered Dr. Has ever been allowed to research a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  Or they were struck off the first day of such unethical work!  Drug company is are also constrained by the same Hippocratic oath.
And and others prescribe from the manufacture and sale of any vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  Or they were struck off, back in 2002 as HIUS pro to be a one session total cure to all 200 types of human cancer.
So no cancer drug manufacturers legal from 2002.  Certainly no registered Dr. Could ever have applied it.  A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds applies for each cancer drug death.  My the Dr. receiving 25 years in high security jail.  As most prolific mass murderer in history.
The vaccination for Covid flu was never legal and certainly no the Covid19 vaccination is obsolete and was never licensed.  Always so criminal Drucker application!
The standard viral cure applies to all instances of Covid flu all the common cold: ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of her patient's chest.  This will also clear all bacterial infections.
Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  The only parts of medicine that make any money.  All stopped from forming by local application of HIUS, from e.g. the 8 W 3 MHZ unit personally verified by every Dr. On earth to cure all cancers from 2002.
Every cancer patient who had died in expensive or agony within two years of cancer drug application, was medically murdered.  Warranting the usual fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.
Even to of a Covid21 is totally cleared by 1 minute of HIUS to the chest.  No Dr. or drugs even legal!  Every Covid death since 2002 was intentional medical murder.  Every registered Dr. On earth owns the required HIUS unit to clear all viral and bacterial infections.
All the European Covid cleared by the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest of Covid patients.  No Dr. Intervention even required!  Biochemical prescriptions applied to Covid, are intentional medical murder.  Totally needless deaths!
There is no legal argument: by medical definition the Covid19 flu strain was replaced automatically by Covid20 on the 1st of October, 2020.  India eradicated 77,000 of Covid20, using the medically published ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
The Covid19 was as medically expected, totally ineffective against a new flu strain.  So or 100% clearance of Covid flu and now we're on Covid21.  Which will respond as usual to medically published viral and cancer cure.
Which medics and drug companies are desperate for people not to hear about!  So sure that your GP has personally received this message.  And then is medically required to communicate it to every other Dr. In his address book.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

The ccarbon cycle

Plants and bacteria take in carbon dioxide, combine it with water and excrete helium, methane and oxygen. Most of the methane is bonded with more water to form carbohydrates. This is in the university text books.
By releasing more carbon dioxide mankind has increased life on earth, though singularly not increased carbon dioxide in the air. Over 20 years 20% of the carbon dioxide in the air is from man is machines.
This equates to 0.0000175% extra carbon dioxide every day. So man is carbon dioxide is 10,000 times less important than a local forest fire. Such an event boosts plant growth.
So over last two centuries there never has been an increase of carbon dioxide in the air caused by man. Global warming and climate change were PR fiction on behalf of nuclear power.
Based on an erroneous assumption that man could influence the level of carbon dioxide in the air. This is controlled exclusively by photosynthesis. So all the climate fiction was devised the no global increase in carbon dioxide.
This is the only number which might have affected the weather. And obviously does not. Local values at engine exhausts in the city have no influence.
The methane from life abducted down to magma chambers, colonised in the presence of titanium or platinum, and formed the long chain hydrocarbons. That we are now burning.
So we are increasing life on earth. The carbon cycle concerns biology; which explains why professors of physics have been talking such rubbish for 30 years. Carbon dioxide makes life.
Nuclear power makes death. In 1986 Russia suffered Chernobyl. Nuclear power made up global warming.
But the natural climate was due to turned in 1998: nuclear power assumed by then than have a new generation of toxic power stations. They didn’t.
Hence the change to climate change. Which is nuclear speak for ‘global cooling’. Which obviously has nothing to do the carbon dioxide. Everything to do by solar cycles.

Jonathan Thomason

Limit to life

The limit to life around the earth is available carbon dioxide in the air for plants to metabolise in photosynthesis. A combine it with water to form carbohydrates: greeting the surplus oxygen.
Animals breathe in this gas and combine it with the carbohydrates which came from plant matter. The breathe out carbon dioxide. And this stimulates plant growth.
At the end of the cretaceous 90% of life on earth died due to insufficient carbon dioxide. Life I only got over this problem when more animals existed to create more carbon dioxide.
Mankind’s carbon dioxide has increased life on earth. But he’s has not increased the level of carbon dioxide in the air, which is pegged by photosynthesis.
Nuclear power dreamt up man made climate change: which is biological rubbish based on a fictitious rise of carbon dioxide in the air. Which can never happen.
Man has increased life on earth. It is outside his power to affect the level of carbon dioxide in the air. Is carbon emissions amount to 0.0000175% daily.
So every day there are more plants to convert carbon dioxide into life. There isn’t our more carbon dioxide in the air. For the last two centuries carbon dioxide levels have been static at two parts per 1,000,000.

Jonathan Thomason

Friday, 2 December 2011

The climate is nature

The world climate has been cooling for 13 years. Immaterial of low level of carbon dioxide in the air.
Green plants have converted additional carbon dioxide into extra life on earth. So for 650,000 years global carbon dioxide levels have been controlled exclusively by photosynthesis.
In a temperate period like today, modern photosynthesis is only two parts per 1,000,000 carbon dioxide in the air. He each day dawns with more green plants alive, taking in mankind’s additional 0.0000175% carbon dioxide in the air.
A static 2ppm carbon dioxide in the air obviously has no effect on the climate. Mankind is emissions increase life on earth.
Global warming was their PR by nuclear power in 1986 after Chernobyl. The world started cooling 1998. Hence the change to man made climate change.
But there has never been any change of carbon dioxide in the air, since it fell after the little ice age. The level of carbon dioxide in the air is controlled exclusively by photosynthesis.
All the scientists talking rubbish and there carbon dioxide have large research grants from nuclear power. Even in New Scientist magazine acts as if the biologically impossible man made climate change was science. It isn’t.
High school biology teaches that photosynthesis controls the free carbon dioxide in the air. Mankind’s emissions have just increased life on earth. They are not affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air.
Any scientist saying otherwise should not be in education. Maybe it New Scientist should rename itself ‘Nuclear Scare Stories’. The


No increase in CO2


Most of the world is undeveloped land in the countryside. There is a massive excess of photosynthetic plants. These had taken in all mankind’s carbon dioxide and converted into new life on earth. So the global average carbon dioxide level in the air has not changed due to man.
Harvard University did a global survey from 2008 to 2010 confirmed this. Is a prediction of high school biology. While there is sufficient minerals and water the limit to life on earth is available carbon dioxide in the air.
Man has increased the level of carbon dioxide in the air by 0.0000175% daily seem to industry of revolution. This is not pumping out carbon dioxide. Nature has not even noticed we have evolved. We are that unimportant.
The might have been weather is affected by global average level of carbon dioxide in the air. So in other words, is not been affected at all. Is no mechanism by which carbon dioxide amount two parts per 1,000,000 to have any impact on the weather anyway.
In cities new scientist published 2004 that carbon dioxide had risen to 3.7ppm. This could have had no impact on the weather. The preindustrial level was 2ppm. Life at this out on the Internet, suddenly the climate people are saying the real figure is 3 the70ppm. Exactly 100 times greater. With no personal point. It knocks totally fabricated.
Limit to life on earth is available carbon dioxide. In city Parks we spraying fertilizer and initiate the soil. So this means grass would grow by 10 centimetres a day. Rather than to millimetres a month.
Watching the grass grow would be a high intensity sport activity. During your lunch hour ago to a city park and water that he knows of may and with sythes hacking their way through the verdant plants of the city Parks.
The cities would be 10,000 times more fertile than the largest rainforest. 370ppm is still only 0. 0037 percent. All the date of the extra infrared absorbency by air starts the carbon dioxide at 2%. That is a whole basis for global warming.
I fly around the world. None of it is warming. American scientists say the global climate has been cooling for 13 years. The climate pundits say year on year carbon dioxide emissions have been growing since 1986: the year off Chernobyl. Where nuclear power started putting money into the discredited science of global warming.
Europe has been significantly cooling since 2005 hence the sudden change of the PR fiction to the man made climate change. Suddenly carbon dioxide is making the world wetter and cooler. Climate change is scientist are missing the carbon dioxide has no effect on the climate.
My conclusion in 2001, were said global warming was fiction by nuclear power. And suddenly my PH D was ended for no reason. In contravention of the universe C statute: which gave me the legal right to see a written explanation within six months. After 10 years I am still waiting.
And the world is still cooling. And carbon dioxide is still at home free industrial 2ppm.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

They are doing fusion

If you pump steam through a metal helix, it gives off heat and nuclear radiation. The steam is turned into helium and oxygen. This idea was given to me at Sheffield University in 2000.
They were not actually researching it is as there is too much money to be made by searching of global warming. The global climate has been cooling since 1998.
This year they have started researching how a steam plasma does nuclear fusion. My idea. But I am off singing on stage. And they didn’t want me anyway. I just thought of the idea.

Jonathan Thomason

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Increased life

On the first year of my engineering master’s in 1982, I learned that all fossil fuels carbon date to 65 million years ago. The coal was formed from the global forests which died with the dinosaurs.
The oil formed from deep sea life: during the massive tectonic readjustment which happened after the comet hit in Mexico, with the force of 200 Hiroshima bombs.
85% of the carbohydrates of life abducted down to mantle idea, lost their oxygen and became hydrocarbon reserves. That we have been extracting and burning for 300 years.
The level of carbon dioxide in the air is controlled exclusively by photosynthesis. So as mankind has burned more fossil fuels, life on earth has increased. But the level of carbon dioxide in the air has remained static for last 200 years, at two parts per 1,000,000.
All the higher numbers you have seen, are fabricated. They might relate to the engine exhaust of a diesel engine in the city. This has no importance.
The only important number for the weather is the global average carbon dioxide level. Which has remained firm at 2 PPM for the last two centuries.
Life terrorism rainfall in the plant or animal body. So when all the organic carbon was in the environment, 65 million years ago, C levels were 60 metres lower.
There was Dennis forestry around on the earth. There is some evidence there were no snow, the poles. The balls were warmer, and the equator was cooler. As life evens out the temperature around the world.
So burning the fossil fuels, releases the organic carbon and life errors of law ring seals. Plants excrete more oxygen, so levels of that gas in the air in the Jurassic was 10% higher than it used today.
There is no question: the best thing man kind has ever done for life on earth is a extract them burn the fossil fuels.
If you want A learn carbon energy source, A steam plasma will self sustain as it turns regular water into helium and oxygen gases plus four times as much heat weight per weight as nuclear fission.
It generates no toxic plutonium. It uses no enriched fuel. To CA steam plasma in action, watch the lightning! This uses a heavy rainstorm to set up a steam plasma; and then over three sections generates more power than mankind has generated since he evolved.
The most toxic products is ozone. As generated by waterfalls and breaking waves: which also do molecular nuclear fusion from water.

Jonathan Thomason

The Jurassic

For all the hydrocarbons formed, they existed as carbohydrates. In plants and animals in the Jurassic. When the dinosaurs died so did 85% of life on earth. This have dumped it down to the deep and ended up forming all the hydrocarbons: the coal and gas of life depends on.
Sea levels were 65 metres lower. So Britain was part of continental Europe. The temperature samples was higher among the equator he was warmer, so over all the world was more temperate climate.
We have intermittent ice ages, as we do today. But there was 65% more life than their ears today. Life has evolved to use less organic carbon.
All the carbon dioxide released by man within 5 minutes is converted into new plants are by green plants doing photosynthesis around the world. At night the carbon dioxide in the gets stored up waiting for the next cold.
This has resulted in the global average carbon dioxide level being static for 200 years of two parts per 1,000,000. A static level. City levels maybe higher on local and transient releases.
Strangely enough city Parks does show massive plant growth. About double water EC in the countryside. This implies city P carbon dioxide levels are 3.7ppm.
The figure published in new scientist in 2004. So at a lower figure, the base stooges to nuclear power multiply it by 100. Biologically impossible. Grass would grow by 10 centimetres a night.
Carbon dioxide is the gas of life. Nuclear power for uranium is the industry of death. Biology is driven by turning water into helium and oxygen gases plus a load of heat. Molecular nuclear fusion.
Sheffield University is investigating how a steam plasma earth does self sustain molecular nuclear fusion: while we top up with regular water.

Jonathan Thomason T

Friday, 25 November 2011

No Historical evidence

Throughout all recorded history carbon dioxide levels have buried independently of the weather: though they did track the wax and wane of plants, and they growth cycles follow the weather.
So carbon dioxide levels go up, four years after the onset of an ice age. They have remained static for last 200 years. Though the weather has fluctuated wildly.
The only sane conclusion is that carbon dioxide has no affect on the weather. We certainly do not have any such evidence.
Biology teaches us that if we burn all the fossil fuels we return the systems to the late Jurassic. The cold and time in earth’s history.
When sea levels were 65 metres lower: as all the extra life died of rain fall in plant and animal bulk.
Man made global warming was devised as idea with no historical backing for its contentions. Man made climate change avoid making any predictions. It still talks about a biologically impossible rise in free carbon dioxide in the air.
Biology teaches that this is not possible. So man made global warming and climate change were only ever PR fiction by nuclear power and its paid stooges, or the stupid.

Jonathan Thomason

The sinks can't fill

Global warming was evolved as idea with no global carbon dioxide rise. Nuclear stooges now say this is because the carbon sinks are full.
So in other words there was no evidence ever for global warming. Since 1998 nuclear power has push to climate change. To say that a biologically impossible rise in carbon dioxide will design power to to the weather: exact details to be explained later.
The only carbon sink of note, is green plants turn in free carbon dioxide into carbohydrates. Which has resulted in a static level of carbon dioxide for last 200 years.
Again there is no evidence for climate change.
The carbon fuels all formed from the carbohydrates of life, where they are comments killed the dinosaurs. So if they burned all fossil fuels tomorrow, we would increase life on earth by 65%.
But not affect the level of carbon dioxide in the air. Which is controlled exclusively by photosynthesis. There is no upper limit to life on earth.
In the same way there is no limit to the desperation of nuclear power to get new plants of death built before the role decommissioned.
Fukushima shows that should happen tomorrow.

Jonathan Thomason


Newspapers newspapers that stay in business do not present fiction as years fact. Particularly not fiction that is PR for nuclear power. Designed to kill us all.
Biology teaches that green plants take in all the available carbon dioxide, and converted into new life on earth. The fossil fuels formed when the comet wiped out 85% of life on earth.

So burning the fossil fuels returns organic carbon to life. It is not external, foreign carbon. It is fossilised life from the Jurassic. When there was 65% more life than there is today.
We burn the fossil fuels, and get that life back. If we build new nuclear fission plants we will ensure a more Fukushimas. And so decrease life on earth.
Global warming and is naturally in 1998. We lose in the time of natural global cooling. But there is no more carbon dioxide in the air than there was in the 1880. Such an increase is biologically impossible.
Such fiction from the diseased mind of nuclear power. However much money they pays the media to produce an funps on man made climate change, he’s is not enough. To sign the death warrants of humanity.

Jonathan Thomason T

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Carbon is life


In a Jurassic there was 65% more life on earth. But this period of prehistory experienced ice ages. Then a comet hit in Mexico. It wiped out 85% of all life on earth, including the dinosaurs.
The carbohydrates of life abducted down to mantle idea. And they lost the oxygen. So they formed the carbohydrates. Oil is the carbohydrates. When we extract this, we burn it to form carbon dioxide. Plants uses to do photosynthesis, to create more life on earth.
In time we will get back that 65% extra life. But there will be no more free carbon dioxide in the air than there was in the 18th century. Is controlled exclusively by photosynthesis. By burning the fossil fuels we are increasing life on earth.
By doing nuclear fission from uranium we are polluting and killing life. Nuclear power is the least green technology on earth. It trying to pretend it was green, after Chernobyl. 25 years of safety improvements sore Fukushima.
Within the next century that will coals the total depopulation of Tokyo: that is what nuclear power does. It kills on a continental scale. Without Japan by reprocessed nuclear fission tubes and from Sellafield, and produce nuclear power has shut down the reprocessing plant that is filled with four billion UK pounds of tax payer money.
Now they have developed for wrecking in blackpool. Which will convert steam into 100 years of natural gas. Burning this will return some other Jurassic Life back into life on earth today.

To be green


To boost plant growth in the greenhouse, gardener is often use a low flame of natural gas. This at hot, moist carbon dioxide laden air to the greenhouse. The green plants take in there carbon dioxide and water, and do photosynthesis. Burning gas is as green as it gets!
Nuclear fission from uranium is very dangerous. Go ask Tokyo which has just been trash by Fukushima. It will totally depopulate in the next century, and not be RE inhabited by nature 100,000 years.
Nuclear power seized on carbon dioxide at the differentiating factor between themselves and conventional power. They hadn’t realized carbon dioxide is the gas of life. And he is lot factor to life on earth.
Harvard University did a two year worldwide survey of carbon dioxide levels. They found that carbon dioxide in the countryside all over the world was still at the preindustrial two parts per 1,000,000. This is has taught by high school biology. There is a massive excess of green plants around the world.
If we have 2% carbon dioxide in the air, we might see some effect on the infrared properties of the air. Not at the present 0.00002%. Even in cities there is only a transient level of 0.0037%. Interestingly enough, the 370ppm reading had no location, date or time information attached to it.
Really it is just a number plant after the air by nuclear power. It still would have no effect on the world weather. But city air, even at from around engine’s, crosses over into the countryside where he creates more life.
So the vast bulk of air and the world only house 0.00002% carbon dioxide in. A level that has remained static for last two centuries. It was last higher in the little ice age. So carbon dioxide obviously does not cause global warming.
The world has been cooling since 1998. So the proponents of man made climate change are writing total fiction on behalf of nuclear power. The most toxic, polluting and uneconomic way man has found to generate power.
Winter turbines are as dear. But very safe, and do not produce plutonium.
Biology get its power from molecular nuclear fusion. Where fluid turbulence turns water into helium and oxygen gas plus a load of heat. Four times as much heat as toxic nuclear fission. Which nature does not do. As he is too dangerous.
Now in blackpool they have found that passing steam around underground shales releases natural gas: a process called for wrecking. This actually turns carbohydrates fossilised at the end of the Jurassic, when the dinosaurs died, into methane, helium and free radical oxygen.
We need to separate the methane from the oxygen before there is any possible source of combustion. Then we have a century is power produced by burning natural gas. Which will increase life on earth.
Nuclear power is not green. It is unless fatal technology mankind has devise. The enemy of life. At seeks to kill us all. Global warming is fiction from the last millennia. Man made climate change is a biological impossibility.
As confirmed by Harvard University, there is been no increase in the global average carbon dioxide around the earth. City levels are too minuscule, localised and transient to have any affect on the weather.
Carbon dioxide is the gas of life: as you were taught in high school biology age 14.

Rain does fusion


In heavy rain, the droplets in tracked so strongly, the hydrogen atoms collide at above the strong atomic force. And you see the formation of helium and oxygen gases. The free radical oxygen bonds with molecular oxygen in the air to form ozone.
Heavy rain gives off nuclear radiation and releases heat. It does molecular nuclear fusion. At ambient pressure years and temperatures. The turbulent interaction of the water molecules is under two atmospheres pressure.
So here is nature showing us how to do molecular nuclear fusion. From regular water.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Global warming impossible

Is; they do not know biology Mankind has emitted more carbon dioxide from the cities of the world, via his machines. Initially from coal burning, then of boiling gas. We start at own base level of two parts per 1,000,000 after the little ice age ended. Carbon dioxide was at twice its level in the little ice age: when there were fewer plants about.
That air travels to above the countryside, and he’s taken in by green plants to do photosynthesis. More carbon dioxide on day one, more green plants to take in a gas on day two. So we are stuck with a level of 2ppm.
The increase of carbon dioxide is via the year. The growth by green plants in by the day. We may see higher carbon dioxide levels over cities at engine exhausts, for once at air travel to above the countryside we are back to the preindustrial 2ppm.
Who argues with this high school biology? A from the starboard did in 1999. There is scientist should really not be in education. Harvard University looked in 2008 to 2010 and found there was no increase in carbon dioxide in the countryside for last 200 years.
There couldn’t be! We get more plant growth. We never get more carbon dioxide in the air. So who devised the phantom science of global warming? Nuclear power. Who had just suffered Chernobyl.
They suddenly start talking biology in order to get new plants. The trouble is, they do not know biology. And so picked on carbon dioxide-the gas of life. That is taken in dynamically to support life on earth. There is no way he you could ever increase of carbon dioxide in the air outside of an ice age.
The major ice age of the Permian carbon dioxide was at 10ppm. The little ice age it was at 4ppm. If you stayed awake; you will realise there carbon dioxide does obviously not cause global warming. Nuclear power probably does.
Nature does not do toxic nuclear fission. Only mankind is stupid enough to attempt it. Fukushima shows the folly of this endeavour. Nuclear power is toxic, polluting and fatal. Are you listening Stamford?
Carbon dioxide is the gas of life. It is the limit to life on earth. You can never have A global increase in this gas. So man made global warming and climate change were devised an ideas without the ever being a global increase in carbon dioxide.
Nuclear plants sprayed research money around to write academic papers on global warming. Then in 1998 the natural climate started cooling. Enter climate change. To say the natural weather was caused by a biologically impossible rise of carbon dioxide in the air.
People who believe this rubbish need of medical attention.

Global warming impossible


Is; they do not know biology Mankind has emitted more carbon dioxide from the cities of the world, via his machines. Initially from coal burning, then of boiling gas. We start at own base level of two parts per 1,000,000 after the little ice age ended. Carbon dioxide was at twice its level in the little ice age: when there were fewer plants about.
That air travels to above the countryside, and he’s taken in by green plants to do photosynthesis. More carbon dioxide on day one, more green plants to take in a gas on day two. So we are stuck with a level of 2ppm.
The increase of carbon dioxide is via the year. The growth by green plants in by the day. We may see higher carbon dioxide levels over cities at engine exhausts, for once at air travel to above the countryside we are back to the preindustrial 2ppm.
Who argues with this high school biology? A from the starboard did in 1999. There is scientist should really not be in education. Harvard University looked in 2008 to 2010 and found there was no increase in carbon dioxide in the countryside for last 200 years.
There couldn’t be! We get more plant growth. We never get more carbon dioxide in the air. So who devised the phantom science of global warming? Nuclear power. Who had just suffered Chernobyl.
They suddenly start talking biology in order to get new plants. The trouble is, they do not know biology. And so picked on carbon dioxide-the gas of life. That is taken in dynamically to support life on earth. There is no way he you could ever increase of carbon dioxide in the air outside of an ice age.
The major ice age of the Permian carbon dioxide was at 10ppm. The little ice age it was at 4ppm. If you stayed awake; you will realise there carbon dioxide does obviously not cause global warming. Nuclear power probably does.
Nature does not do toxic nuclear fission. Only mankind is stupid enough to attempt it. Fukushima shows the folly of this endeavour. Nuclear power is toxic, polluting and fatal. Are you listening Stamford?
Carbon dioxide is the gas of life. It is the limit to life on earth. You can never have A global increase in this gas. So man made global warming and climate change were devised an ideas without the ever being a global increase in carbon dioxide.
Nuclear plants sprayed research money around to write academic papers on global warming. Then in 1998 the natural climate started cooling. Enter climate change. To say the natural weather was caused by a biologically impossible rise of carbon dioxide in the air.
People who believe this rubbish need of medical attention.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Extra life

The warmest period on record is the warm middle ages: where man kind produced virtually no carbon dioxide. Pass forward to the 1950s, we have a spike of carbon dioxide caused by the post war boom, and the worst winters of the 28th century.
Carbon dioxide there has no effect on the weather. But if we think about it, how could it?
Plants take in all the available carbon dioxide to do photosynthesis. Mankind’s carbon emissions have resulted in extra life on earth, not extra carbon dioxide in the air.
The afternoon air around the world for last 200 years has been at the lower limit for photosynthesis- 2 parts per 1,000,000. So life has increased. But there has been no extra carbon dioxide in the air to affect the weather.
So obviously carbon dioxide is not a global warming gas. Global warming was adopted after Chernobyl by nuclear power, and they picked on carbon dioxide as the big bad weather g the the the the theuy. To distract the world from the toxic nature.
Now we have had Fukushima, and 13 years of cooling weather. And carbon dioxide has still be at a global average of 2ppm. Harvard University has put on record there carbon dioxide has been static in the free air for two centuries.
Yet the ‘I’ is still paid by nuclear power to publish articles on global warming. Alternatively they may just be very stupid.

Jonathan Thomason 117 Merchant’s Quay, Salford Quays Greater Manchester M50 3XQ T/F 0161 848-0416

Extra life

Over last 200 years mankind releases 20% of the carbon dioxide plants take in. This means an additional 0.0000175% daily. Or a an additional 1000th of a second growth a day there.
Each morning there are more plants to take in the extra carbon dioxide. The level of carbon dioxide left in the afternoon air by photosynthesis has been static at 2ppm says carbon dioxide levels halved at the end of the little ice age.
So the only way he to increase global free carbon dioxide, is arrange a natural ice age. For last two centuries plant life has increased, but free carbon dioxide in the air has not.
Inner cities, at engine exhausts we may register higher carbon dioxide readings. But once this air circulates over the countryside we are back to the preindustrial two parts per 1,000,000.
It is biology’s carbon cycle. Such basic science the teach all schoolchildren this by the age of 14. Man has no control and free carbon dioxide in the air.
All he can do is increase life on earth.
Coincidentally man made climate change was devise by nuclear power about a phantom rise in free carbon dioxide. They make plutonium and global death.
Since 2003 there are no scientist anyone world working actively on the climate fiction of nuclear power: though there is some individuals taking money from nuclear power to write fiction.
Hopefully you are smart enough to realise carbon emissions create more life on earth. But have no conceivable effect on the weather, as plants convert them all into additional life on earth.
Nuclear power talks about a rising level of carbon dioxide: they obviously failed their high school biology. And they are very stupid.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Carbon creates life

In the little ice age there was less photosynthesis going on. So free carbon dioxide rose to 4ppm. Since then he’s has fallen to 2ppm. And SSTA static at this level for last 200 years. Man is carbon emissions have been taken in by plants, and used to expand the life on earth.
A static level of carbon dioxide in the air has no effect on the world climate. That is all lie from the base stooges to nuclear power. Who were desperate to distract people from Chernobyl. And dying to see what they do a Fukushima. They seem to totally ignoring the death of Tokyo, the world’s mega city.
That is what nuclear power turns. Kills and pollutes on a continental scale. Carbon dioxide results in more life on earth. Is has no effect on the world climate. Who ever thought it did is remedial in high school biology!
All the professors of physics who ever written papers about man made climate change are dangerous fantasist, who have no place in education. Animals only evolved due to a world shortage of carbon dioxide in the air. It cools there may get extinction of the cretaceous.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Biology says the world

The Biology teaches that green plants metabolise carbon dioxide, forming carbohydrates and sugers, excreting the surplus oxygen. Nuclear power must be livid.
Be devised a whole scenario where mankind’s carbon emissions have affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air, and so the weather. They devised it the year off Chernobyl, to distract the world from their toxic nature.
Mankind’s carbon emissions have increased life on earth but not affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air: which is fixed by photosynthesis. There is a massive excess of photosynthetic life on earth.
As man releases more carbon dioxide, so plant life expands to take the gas in. Releasing carbon dioxide is the best thing man has ever done for life on earth. Do not doing nuclear fission from uranium is the worst.
There is no argument: anything in tension to biology’s carbon cycle is automatically wrong. The world cooled from 1998, so nuclear power devised man made climate change.
To predicts nothing. But blame the natural weather on a phantom rise in carbon dioxide in the air. It is wrong before you hear any more under theory. I have been asking an Internet, and nobody can be borrowed to further details.
As man made climate change is so obviously wrong. The high point of physics and injuring turns out to be their worst time! When they show up as nuclear stooges and the enemy of life.
Then we get mysterious readings of carbon dioxide, however hand and 50 times or more the level in the countryside. Obviously taking in an engine exhaust in the city’s. All volcanic vents are higher than tears away from biology.
These readings contradict biology again. And use two would result in plants growing 150 temperature in the city. Grass would grow by 10 centimetres a day. Not to millimetres a month. It is so allow for the stupid who came up with this rubbish?
The global average carbon dioxide number, the only important number to the weather, has not changed in 200 years: as predicted by biology.
I want arguments from idiots earning their living from beingf nuclear stooges.
Jonathan Thomason 117 Merchant’s Quay, Salford Quays Greater Manchester M50 3XQ T/F 0161 848-0416
Biology says the world
Biology teaches that green plants metabolise carbon dioxide, forming carbohydrates and sugers, excreting the surplus oxygen. Nuclear power must be livid.
Be devised a whole scenario where mankind’s carbon emissions have affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air, and so the weather. They devised it the year off Chernobyl, to distract the world from their toxic nature.
Mankind’s carbon emissions have increased life on earth but not affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air: which is fixed by photosynthesis. There is a massive excess of photosynthetic life on earth.
As man releases more carbon dioxide, so plant life expands to take the gas in. Releasing carbon dioxide is the best thing man has ever done for life on earth. Do not doing nuclear fission from uranium is the worst.
There is no argument: anything in tension to biology’s carbon cycle is automatically wrong. The world cooled from 1998, so nuclear power devised man made climate change.
To predicts nothing. But blame the natural weather on a phantom rise in carbon dioxide in the air. It is wrong before you hear any more under theory. I have been asking an Internet, and nobody can be borrowed to further details.
As man made climate change is so obviously wrong. The high point of physics and injuring turns out to be their worst time! When they show up as nuclear stooges and the enemy of life.
Then we get mysterious readings of carbon dioxide, however hand and 50 times or more the level in the countryside. Obviously taking in an engine exhaust in the city’s. All volcanic vents are higher than tears away from biology.
These readings contradict biology again. And use two would result in plants growing 150 temperature in the city. Grass would grow by 10 centimetres a day. Not to millimetres a month. It is so allow for the stupid who came up with this rubbish?
The global average carbon dioxide number, the only important number to the weather, has not changed in 200 years: as predicted by biology.
I want arguments from idiots earning their living from beingf nuclear stooges.
Jonathan Thomason

Noble truths

A good academic jealously guards the truth: when ever they find a scientist in their field working in a fictitious area, they have a duty to inform the world.

Man made climate change is a biological impossibility. Any scientist is aware of this has a duty to inform the world of the error.

There has been no increase in carbon dioxide in the air due to man. Any additional carbon dioxide is converted that day into new life.

If there was 300ppm of carbon dioxide in the air during the rush hour, plants in city centres would grow 150 times faster than plants in the countryside.

Plants growing at that rate would exhaust the soil, then we there and die. There has been no recorded incidents of rapid plant growth. All plants growing too rapidly for sale to support their growth.

Plant growth is in a dynamic balance with the available carbon dioxide. Always resulting insufficient plants to the carbon dioxide at two parts per 1,000,000: the level at which photosynthesis can’t take in carbon dioxide.

Global warming was devised by nuclear power after Chernobyl. Even when the natural climate cooled in 1998; they just moved their PR to the equally biologically impossible man made climate change.

It didn’t predict anything: but plenty happening on a biologically impossible increase of carbon dioxide in the air. Any scientist who knows this fact has a duty to inform the world that it is phantom science.

` totally impossible nuclear fiction. Strangely enough there are 40 the 1,000,000 scientist who knows to be a fact, and yet not one have said anything.

Shortage of carbon dioxide in the air cools the biggest mass extinction in history: at the end of the cretaceous. That is why animals evolved, to exhale more carbon dioxide.

Jonathan Thomason

Thursday, 17 November 2011

No effect

Over the last 200 years photosynthesis has ensured global average carbon dioxide in the air has been static at two parts per 1,000,000. Cities are just too small an area to have any effect.
The 1950s sulphurous war boom. And a spike in carbon dioxide emissions. 1956 was the coldest winter of the 28th century.
1938 so little carbon dioxide emissions. Warmest year of recorded history.
1976 men on recession hottest year in my memory.
2005 climate pundits say it was the warmest year: don’t bear him over 76? That is six years ago air. Every year carbon emissions have quine.
2010 highest carbon emissions on record, coldest winter for 200 years.
Local carbon dioxide concentrations around pub plants maybe higher than the global average. No heating effect seen. Despite the fact they their rates huge amounts of heat.
At Winter the state is liberate heat amounts of heat. A massive amounts carbon dioxide. They are subject to say weather as the countryside.
The big point is global average carbon dioxide can’t shift: not more plants are doing photosynthesis. So carbon dioxide rises in an ice ages. It is a climate follower.
Is how absolutely no affect on the weather: though weather affects the wax and wane of green plants. Two parts per 1,000,000 is equivalent to failing a breath test after having a pint of shandy a week ago air.
Carbon dioxide is a trace gas in the air. It has no effect on the weather. Though it does strike biology. Who thought up global warming?
Taking about nuclear power and you have paid stooges. Base stooges, get the hell out of education.

Jonathan Thomason 117 Merchant’s Quay, Salford Quays Greater Manchester M50 3XQ T/F 0161 848-0416

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

IPCC is nuclear

Since green plants evolved the level of carbon dioxide in the air is pegged by photosynthesis. Any additional carbon dioxide results in more life on earth.
To be a member of the IPCC you blame the natural weather on a fictitious rise of carbon dioxide in the air: a total biological impossibility.
Membership of the IPCC shows the you are not a scientist. You are a nuclear stooge. And should not be allowed anywhere near education.

Jonathan Thomason 117 Merchant’s Quay, Salford Quays Greater Manchester M50 3XQ T/F 0161 848-0416