Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Saving diabetic lives

Diabetes cured by March 2023.  Sas every Dr knew

In 2010 and I found a single application of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, totally cleared type two diabetes in ½ minute.  My American diabetic contacts reported the full minute was required for type one diabetes.

This conclusively demonstrated that diabetes is caused by a viral altered cell in the pancreas.  Which has to have and overinflated cell nature to induce infected cell replication, the do you want a full diabetes.

With this followed on from there 2002 medically published work on the Moffitt cancer hospital chain, that the application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally to any cancer cause the foreign inflated cancer cells, to boil and rupture.

Who since 2002 Moffitt cancer centre paper on the application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound clearing all cancers that existed!  Or ever could exist.

2010 I validated that ½ minute of the my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of a person's chest totally cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections for my friends and family.  I freely published this work on the Internet!

Which had to firstly validated and then use by every registered Dr. On earth.  Just one prescription of or infection medication became defective and potentially fatal medical malpractice.

Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  My 2010 I use of HIUS had to firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth.  Who is then required to use a 1 minute application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, from the unit published the $10,000 2002 to validate the total Moffitt cancer cure, to cure all cancer cells types that will ever exist.

½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all the foreign inflated cell structures common to all cancer and viral infections, I applied each side of a person's chest as I feel the infection coming on.

So registered doctors are validated 2002 by the 100% single session 1 minute total cure of all cancers.  Using the validated 8 W three MHZ unit - but totally clearing all the foreign inflated cell types.

I ensured that my accountant lawyer was aware the diabetic cure soon after validated by 2010.  He had told me that he has medicated type one diabetic.

In cinema and former prescriptions lead to a diabetic individuals inevitable death three diabetic complications, within a decade.

My accountant lawyer is now lining up to retire.  And over diabetic medication he would have been dead for 15 years ago.  They when was intentionally started at Sheffield University 2000.

And my accountant I got my PH D ended without award.  I know the of a three bedroomed house in salford quays.  And my accountancy firm is are lining up for my first HIUS to monitor as by a group of doubly registered lawyer accountants.

We are absolute no need!  My finances are overseen by the court of protection, the surgeon previously to end the cancers annual expenses being paid by my trust fund, as the cancer lawyer did nothing with my income to giving a useful future.

Since when I have written and are published six books.  People write one book in a lifetime, and like Harper Lee, who players 'who pays the ferry man', there is a good life.

I would rather have been worked to death in IT, the career before my car accident.  Who am I kidding?  There being a useful life is so fantastic.

And 30 my Internet for going on cancer an ultrasound, so all human cancers eradicated from the earth by 2020.  Existing cancers all cleared by the single application of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to where it hurt.

And I have seen the eradication of diabetes from the earth.  Having lost four non blood relatives to diabetes as the years.  Even the professor ancer in my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000.

Who would probably die before I've published the full diabetic cure.  Which ensures that my PH D supervisor at Sheffield University there was fully aware off.

So this year my accountant lawyer will retire.  He was certainly have been dead for maybe 15 years.  My academic ethos, or sea cure all the diseases annually cure half.

Medics and drug company is are furious at me.  Cancer, heart disease and diabetes being the only parts of medicine that makes money.  2010 I validated that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

Why the mental health patients showed over my regular church health clinic I don't know.  I just cured them!  Drug company is have a minder mental health problems as the economic replacement, the the cancer which is totally all cured from 2002.

Though they are financially incentivised suppose league Hippocratic oath swearing medics to still applying the defective biochemical cancer treatments, we are predictably fatal results within two years.

Every such psychopathic individual struck off as a Dr. On their first biochemical cancer drug prescription after they firstly validated the Moffitt Paper 2002: and their Hippocratic oath demanded that they had to validate the Moffitt cancer paper 2002.

An 8 W three MHZ ultrasound applied for 1 minute to where it hurt, clearing all cancers so ever or will ever exist.

Doctors also validated my 2010 paper on ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

My contact in New York Brett was HIV⁺ and validated 2012 that 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest for ½ minute, even cleared AIDs.

The most pernicious viral infection in history as he killed five million people globally.  All the cure due to my abortive PH D work at Sheffield University 2000-.  No Sheffield academics and Bryce a curing cancer, diabetes, dementia and infections was so simple.

1 minute of 8 W 3 MHz be medically validated by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain, in 100 patient double blind trial supervised by three medical professors, totally clearing prostate cancer and also viruses.

The same year firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth to clear all human cancers.  Making subsequent prescription of biochemical cancer treatments, defective an intentionally fatal medical malpractice.

Striking off the Dr. and drug company: remembering at Sheffield University did not even give me a PH D.  For intentionally saving the lives of an estimated 200 million cancer patients around the world from 2002.

And till global cancers stopped forming 2020.  And all the remaining cancer patients cured by 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, externally to where the cancer hurts.

½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound the to the lower right of the chest clearing type two diabetes instantly.  Which tragically could not resurrect my relatives who had died from type two diabetes through my life.

1 minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, totally clearing type one diabetes.  Since when doctors and drug company is have not celebrated the diabetic cure.

In the mistaken belief are registered doctors could ever prescribe the defective an intentionally fatal a decade, in some metformin ever again.

Even the New England Medical journal has also are a so the total clear all diabetes using local application of 8 W ultrasound.  Surely the most important health news in history, since cancers were cured 2002.  Though party logical individuals are still prescribing the knowingly defective and fatal biochemical cancer treatments.

Each prescribing Dr. Are under the legal imperative to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.  Losing Health Insurance totally excluded from legal medicine for ever.

Overseen by the high level lawyers, like at the European Court of human rights or the senate health committee in the U.S..  Having legal supremacy to National Medical regulators.

For seeing their retirement of all cancer, diabetes and heart disease plus dementia patients, says the medical cured using local application of HIUS published and personally confirmed by every Dr. and drug company plus high level nurse on earth.

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