Mental health problems are caused by one of my a viral rumps, a pressurised viral altered cell, that is pressurised. To get infective structure replication.
The most common to viral rump problems of the 20th century were cancers. Which where cured 2002 as the Moffitt cancer centre applied 1 minute of external high intensity ultrasound, to the area of the problem!
And it cures all 200 types or cancer, instantly cleared the pain!
2010 I was doing a difference with an 8 W one MHZ unit, the chest and cleared lung, breast and colon cancer. 1 minute of my HIUS and all cancers boil had and ruptured!
Inducing the body wide immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body. Making the prescription of cancer treatments defective an intentionally fatal medicine from 2002.
I applied my device for ½ minute each side of the head, for MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophre
nia patients. I was trying to reduce there disease pain!
An are staggered when I cleared all those mental health problems. An American colleague also use the idea to clear his depression. It will clear ADHD and all other mental health issues.
Which now no registered Dr. Can research. As all mental health is fixed. Hence the cancer hostels are shut down, to reopen as mental health units shut down again as the mental health cure was freely published on the Internet.
Planet all cancers stopped forming 2020! And since 2002 1 minute of external HIUS was found to clear all do that cancers. Validated by every registered Dr. 2002 - 30 validate the hundred patient double blind test published by the Moffitt, the struck off the Dr.!
Mysteriously ones registered doctors were still prescribing the intentionally defective and fatal cancer drugs until 2020. The doctors all I have pledged to strike themselves off the first day they applied knowingly defective medicine! Only they didn't.
As there is also are estimated 200 million cancer patients around the world experience of biochemical execution. 1 minute of the ultrasound from the doctors' 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, clearing all cancers!
Just one prescription of cancer treatments after the Moffitt Paper, the struck off the Dr. nurses, and stripped them of Health Insurance. Making continued medical activity doubly criminal.
But this is 2024 - four years after cancers stopped forming. Though you're never will find a Dr. or drug companies admitting it.
They are very excited about mental health - which has been killing since a 1930s with no medical attention. Every registered Dr. On earth has red my Internet document 2010. There is no longer allowed to research mental health biochemistry!
Fuel burn purchased their own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet, and clear all mental health problems in 1 minute, this in clears all mental health problems! Even those not immediately fatal.
Application of HIUS each side of the head clears all viral rumps from the central nervous system. So fixing or mental health problems! Not surprisingly doctors and drug companies do not mention this.
As it fixes mental health been no Dr. or drugs involved! Curing mental health problems in 1 minute. Doctors insist on prescribing were under the spurious mental health drugs.
In and out there one day he the Dr. will produce a mental health drugs never actually works. Just as doctors failed to cure most cancers!
I do not make any money so the mental health cure: though it is mentioned in my book on ultrasound fixing cancer. Also fixing mental health!
So people can buy their own unit for under five UK pounds. And cure all mental health problems at home.
½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest, also clears all viral and bacterial infections: which share the same foreign inflated cell structure the cancer and viruses.
It transpires that fixing mental health is very simple. And does not involve any Bio chemistry. Medicine prohibits research into alternative treatments for already cured conditions.
Hence will be no biochemical treatments ever had evolved and licence for mental health. As all mental health is mended!
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