Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Mars mission radioactive death

Space travel is fatal!  

At side the earth's magnetic field, solar radiation is fatal to multi cellular life within two days.  So the eight days for mass four their main missi was horrendously fatal!

The astronauts would have arrived at the and as brown stains on the spaceship wall.  They it would have been dead!  They could never have been a Moon landing.

We go to Mars, and the journey time is two years.  It is inconceivable that even the red stain were still exist!  He would like are being in a microwace oven for years.  Sonar so might want body is to leave insulated Martian environment on earth.

They could never actually get to Mars! 

Friday, 16 February 2024

Alzheimer's totally cured

2002 and personally validated that 1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound applied externally will clear all 200 types of human cancer.  The drug companies went into a frenzy!  Trying to stop the registered doctors are buying best medicine to cure cancers.

So for the next 18 years supposedly registered doctors prescribe the now defective and fatal cancer treatments: intentionally killing the cancer patient within two years.

Finally other santis have taken up the idea.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz applied externally to where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers!  No Dr. or drugs interaction required or

Every registered Dr. Pledge to use best medicine when it was published.  Fetching to verify and use the new medical science.  But HIUS did not own the Dr. is any money.

So no it cures all 200 cancers in 1 minute, for 18 years supposedly registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and illegal cancer drugs.  Drug company is also have verified HIUS, there are again ignored this best new medical science, for the own financial profit.

Read about it all in 

"Sonodynamic therapy, ultrasound-mediated chemotherapy and gene delivery and anti-vascular ultrasound therapy, all of which use low-intensity ultrasound, consistently produced bio-effects that resulted in the death of cancer cells."


2013 I validated that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side ahead clears all mental health problems.  MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

And fortunately the drug companies had decided that our Alzheimer's was the next income source.  Never actually having conceded they cancers were all cured.  Remember every medicated cancer death warranting a 10 million UK pound fine.  The involved doctors and drug company is struck off.

The drug company is structural all biochemical drug patents they once possessed.  The doctors receiving a 25 year uncontested jail term in high security prison.

The viral rump structure in cancers and mental our problems, has have and overinflated cell nature.  To induce infected cell replication.  So ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head clears all mental health problems in one session.  With no Dr. or drugs intervention.

Amazingly enough the HIUS sets off nuclear fusion in inflated cell types.  Which causes all cancers to give out X rays in the power ultrasound scans.  At HIUS power levels the infected cells boil and rupture, inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the exploding cell type from the body.

So we actually stimulate the human immune system to secrete the active specific antibody, to was never version of infection is present.  Which includes all viral and bacterial infections, and also all viral rump structures causing cancers and mental health problems.

So the medics are the Moffitt cancer centre, published the total one session cure to all infections 2002.  Their focus was on clearing cancers!  Which HIUS so obviously does.

The drug company is have the highest wages bills in the world.  Freeze five borrow from the banks against a drug company share price.  Manufacture and sale of cancer drugs since 2002 the struck off the drug company, and reduce its share price to zero!  They could no longer a borrower legally from any medic.

2024 and the drug companies are now looking and bacterial infections.  Though for last 14 years I have been publishing documents on the cure of bacterial infections using HIUS.  As all bacterial infections share the same foreign inflated cell structure we're viral infections.

To induce coughing of the inflated cells genome.  Viral cells copy their own genome!  Bacteria borrower to B cells of the immune system, pretending to be empathic organisms.

After three days or bacteria start damaging body cells.  And the coughing system stops.  Only when the body may already carrying a fatal payment of bacterial infected cells.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Just as ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead clears all mental health problems.  Caused by a viral rump structure, making inappropriate neurotransmitters.  But otherwise not appearing to do harm!

But they are the inflated!  So the application of HIUS causes the foreign inflated cell types to boil and rupture.  Which immune system sees as dangerous!  And then makes the active specific antibody to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body.

It took 18 years for cancers to vanish from the earth!  Cancers stopped forming 2020.  And biochemical treatments killed cancer patients within two years!  So void 2022 the world was cancer free.

Which explains the desperation the cancer charities to raise charitable donations, even though cancers no longer exist.  And no cancer patients require nursing care!

Registered doctors are not allowed to research extinct pathogens.  So no registered Dr. could ever do medical work the Cancer Research or again.  2002 every registered Dr. On earth personally validated that HIUS cleared all 200 types or cancer.

So was then globally prohibited from doing cancer research.  Which paid so massively!  Doing unethical and immoral medical research struck off the Dr. and drug company without legal challenge.  So no cancer research work since 2002!

Medicine specifically prohibits research into alternative treatments for cured conditions.  And 2013 I've published my first paper on my confirmation that HIUS did indeed clear mental health problems.

Suddenly at my church health group, amongst all my cancer and diabetic patients I was curing, three people came with MS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  I had done the schizophrenia with a friend six months previously.

I applied ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's head and their pain vanished, Anna diseases are cured.  He could not be down with a balsa wood girder!  Whoever had arranged for those three strangers to visit my health group, were obviously interested in my ideas actually working or not.

And he works fantastically well.  Our Alzheimer's totally and utterly cleared in 1 minute.  Years and they can secure ultrasound unit, already owned by every registered Dr. In the world.  Requiring no drugs!

Hence medics fell over themselves backwards not to use this new medical science.  Though they have pledged to use best new medicine as a personally validated it.

So every registered Dr. In the world had to validate HIUS curing all mental health problems.  And were then legally constrained from prescribing biochemical treatments.

Just one mental health prescription after 2013, and the Dr. and drug company is struck off without legal appeal.  The drug companies celebrate our Alzheimer's suddenly being the new cancer.

There all cancers are cured 2002!  And the same idea works for all mental health problems.  Since my paper 2013 no registered Dr. Has even been allowed to research biochemical treatments for mental health problems.

As all mental health forms were totally cured!  Prescribing mental health drugs became criminal and defective medical malpractice 11 years ago. 

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Cleared prostate problems and arthritis

Like so much in life, this is caused by left over viral rump, following a full viral infection.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, 1.5" above the root of a man's penis clears prostate cancer and stops the development of prostate cancer.


£3.35 - 4.42/ Piece
  • 1Review

The same idea will actually clear developed prostate cancer.  Applying the same ultrasound to affected arthritic joint, will clear the troublesome viral rump causing the arthyritus.  Actually making inappropriate interleukin four, causing joint swelling!

The condition is very mobile, so do not be surprised if it crops up in the right joints.  We should have set up an immune memory, to clear a viral rump throughout the body.

No Dr. or drugs required!

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Labour implodes

Since the times of Jeremy Corbyn anti Semitism has been a real problem in Labour.  The Rochdale are candidates was meant to be a moderate!  But gave vent to the his opinion that Israel had deliberately either the Hamas attack, in order to attack Gaza.

The Hamas attack the resulted in 1500 innocent Israelis dying!  Obviously not an Israeli conspracy.

The labour candidate will still stand, though he has been ejected from the labour party.  So has to take over seat as an independent.  With a 9000 labour majority to defend, this is highly likely that the Rochdale voters will still about the most horrendously racist individual.

So there never will not have a candidate to field.  As the Kier Starmer which was support for Azhar Ali.  It transpires that labour is still there as horrendously anti Semitic as ever.

Yet its biggest coal block of voters are Jewish!  Go figure.  It is the had two late for labour to select another candidate.  I only used name is still on the ballot paper, as if he was a legal labour candidate.

Within in the days are IT, and this is perfectly possible to remove Ali's name, from the computer file, before t

he ballot papers are printed.  He can be expunged from Labour history!

` as surely as rochdale voters short erasing them from humanity records.  Hier Starmer has been noticeable from his absence, from giving conference is about this issue.

And the standing for an MP, is the biggest affront to democracy in my lifetime!  It will surely tarnish he was the opinions of the official anti Semitic party of the UK: formerly known as the Labour Party.

Friday, 9 February 2024

King Charles cured

2002 and the world renown Moffitt cancer centre, published the one minute of High Intensity UltraSound as a total cancer cure.  An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device clearing all 200 types of human cancer in just 1 minute!  No drugs or surgery involved.  Yet the medics have inflicted prostate surgery on King Charles.

Inflicting spurious above the totally fatal surgery on any body cleared use patient, is criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the involved surgeons and drug companies.

1 minute of external HIUS can uing the inflated prostate cells, wittily to prostate cancer.  All cured in outpatients!  So King Charles is entitled to legal compensation for the spurious an unnecessary surgery.

Medics have now decided he has fired her or cancer of the urethra.  Both totally cleared by external HIUS.  Which causes the inflated cell types common to all cancers to boil and fragment!

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The regular more placid body cells, bud off DNA intact stem cells.  They grow bigger through life then become inactive - they cesstate!  The application of external HIUS removes all cesstated cells, without inducing any immune action.

So 2020 and doctors part on medical records that all cancers had stopped forming around the world, individual still being prescribed the defective cancer medication, would all have been medically murdered by 2022.  All cancers vanishing from the earth!

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest stopping the formation of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and other diseases of age.

If surgeons have found any cancers locally to the prostate, they already had the validated 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit at hand, and could have buzzed away any other cancers.

This is the wrong answer for the drug companies!  Who are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  And such were required to validate and then use HIUS to clear all cancers from 2002.

The manufacture and sale of cancer drugs after that date struck off the drug company, who are family excluded from legal medicine.  Losing all other biochemical drug patents.

Ceasing to have a share price they could no longer borrow from the banks, to make payroll ever again!  As bankrupt corporations in economic history.

Today I got anymore from Cambridge University, the Trend diabetic medical unit.  Yet doctors put on record for every 2023, that all type one or two diabetes had vanished from the world.

In 2013 I've published my personal experience of ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, clearing type two diabetes instantly.  No continuous drug application required!

2016 I validated the experience of my American diabetic contacts, that 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest was required for type one diabetes.

The doctors Hippocratic N is signed by all academic medics and drug companies, plus high up nurses.  So no Dr. Was any more allowed to research biochemical treatments for diabetes.

Not least because the condition has ceased to exist February 2023.  It should have ceased 2013 - type one remitting in three days.  No Dr. Allowed to prescribe diabetic medication after 2013.

No nurse allowed to add Mr. Diabetic medication.  The high up nurses just had to inform lower down nurses.  Yet today he can issue nursing are still busy researching Diabetes'.

A condition which totally cease to exist in the world over a year ago!  And doctors are not allowed to research extinct pathogens.  Totally cleared by local application of HIUS - the one session total cure to all cancers.  1 minute has stopped cancers forming after 2020.

The drug companies are desperately trying to test everyone for cancer!  Despite all at her us coming over a negative results.  Doctors been prohibited from the application of spurious and pointless medicine.

No cancer cells form since 2020.  No cancer tests ever you're doing nothing other than a negative results.  The drug company is also want to cancer diagnostic tests.  When there are no cancers in the world!

As every registered medic firstly validated 2002.  Within that time or the worst doctors ever!  Happily inventing the 20th century cancer medicine, when there to of a century has seen all cancers cured.

So nobody in the world has Diabetes.  Why the drug companies are funding biochemical research into sexing condition I do not lnow.  It is the very epitome are criminal medical malpractice.

Being done by Cambridge University!  I keep telling them that HIUS totally cures all diabetes.  And making responding that they haven't you are biochemical approach is to diabetes.

The malady that use to kill 5% of medical patients until 2013..  Carried universe C. Bradley to each Dr. Has the Hippocratic oath.  It is not a curtain for another a second to applied to themselves.

Biden's memory out with the fairies

President Biden just had a news conference to defend his memory, he referred to the Egyptian president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, as the president of Mexico.

This is incredibly serious!  Every day President Biden will have a phone call to president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.  The president of Mexico.  Then a he is starts with the same letter, and then are totally different!

BVC years just told are really President Biden is 81.  The Internet will not confirm his age.  HIUS is playing Age onset memory loss.  HIUS and three major memory losses in last week.

Confusing the president of Egypt with that for Mexico, IV he vent year would agree is tantamount to not being fit to stand as the U.S. President.  He will have a room full of people checking his facts.

Yes he still get some or all wrong!  He will decide to bomb the USSR.  Though that confederation cease to exist 1991, where the fault of the Russian empire!  Which Jo was the USSR!

I really pity U.S. democrats.  The electoral process has thrown up A guy he is displaying chronic senility.  If you think voting for Jo is a good idea, go see the Dr. for treatment! 

Monday, 5 February 2024

Fix the Manchester potholes

Manchester has 8th biggest pothole problem in the UK.  This is not because of a lack of money!

Highways maintenance and ITB funding formula ...


https://www.gov.uk › government › publications › hig...

20 Dec 2023 — The Spending Review, published in October 2021, committed over £2.7 billion of local highways maintenance funding

It is not above the cleverness of the road maintenance people.

We have the technology!  And 2.7 billion should have seen all roads within Manchester fully repaired.  And it is such a basic requirement for modern life!  Not to have your car suspension fatally weakened by the undulating tarmac structure roads of Manchester.

I realise we live in credit crunch times.  When has not been a financially strapped age?  Was it is such a basic requirement for modern life.  So come on Manchester, Irish navy crews, will work for a minimum wage and a fish supper!

Surely the Manchester evening news should be publicising this crisis.  Surely the fee for salford, Rebecca Long-Bailey should be pressing this point in the houses of commons!

Friday, 2 February 2024

Dementia all cured

But don't expect the drug company is ever, conceed this.  2002 and three medical professors at the world's leading Moffitt cancer centre hospital chain, published the use of one session of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses.

2002 and every registered Dr. On earth acquired an 8 W three MHZ unit and verified the science.  1 minute of external HIUS clearing 80% of cancers totally in one session.  I use an equally effective 8 W one MHZ unit.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

80% of Dr. and drug company income vanished 2002!  Economic history losing 80% of your core income, bankruptcs any industry!  2024 and the drug company is are keeping themselves solvent void testing everywhere he for cancer.  And charging for the inevitable negative result.

No registered Dr. Is allowed to spurious medicine!  They certainly cannot charge for negative test results for non existent disease.  They and the drug company are struck off without legal argument!

The drug companies on to screen the general population for cancers.  When they have personally

confirmed that HIUS cures all cancers.  Making cancer drug prescription fatal an defective medicine.

No registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe knowingly defective medicine.  And they are validated 2002 that HIUS does indeed clear all 200 cancers out there.

The drug company biochemical treatments for cancer, are defective and and obsolete!  Any cancer is a foreign cell types to the body, dividing in a viral fashion.  So by definition HIUS clears all inflated foreign cell types.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray the source of the X rays in ultrasound scans of cancer is tissues.  There being no biochemical source of X rays!  We are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.

So we clear all 200 types of existing cancer.  Any future cancer cell type, would require the same inflated foreign cell nature, to induce cell replication.

So 1 minute of HIUS externally to where it hurts will clear all cancers that have ever or will ever exist.

The biochemical treatments for use by the drug companies are obsolete an defective medicines.  It is infinitely unlikely they would have any useful effect on future cancers!

Which automatically cleared by the single application of HIUS.  The Moffitt Paper covered all so the clearance of viruses.  Which share the same inflated cell nature, to induce cell replication.  Bacterial cells also have an inflated cell structure, to induce replication of the infected cells.

So the drug company is summed focus on infective disease is rubbish!  All viral and bacterial infections, plus plasma is cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.

I have personally cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections since 2010 and freely published my work on the Internet!  I ensured the Chinese president had my papers 2019.

And Chinese medics applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest of Corona patients from December 2019.  Corona virus was a type of Bio chemically altered Covid18 - the care of it number is last two digits of that year's winter.

Declared globally extinct by the World Health Organisation by February 2020.  The world's experts on infections!  Personally confirmed the total effectiveness of HIUS are all viral and bacterial infections.

So the total cancer cure was medically published 2002.  Yet doctors and drug companies are desperately intent on prescribing the defective and fatal biochemical treatments.  Though it leads inevitably to their patients to death in two agonising expensive years!

Striking off the Dr. and drug company without legal argument.  Family by 2020, 18 years after the cancer cure was published, cancer is stopped forming!  There the doctors are pledged to use best published medicine the next day  not 18 years in the future!

So every registered Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since 2002, along with the assisting pharmacist and nurses, plus manufacturing biochemical drug company all struck off and totally remove from legal medicine for ever.

The doctors receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison, for each medicated cancer death since 2002.

Now the drug companies are desperately testing everywhere he for cancer!  Though they have personally confirmed the cancer cure 2002: as voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath, for earlier to have done so and would assume are struck off and totally remove from medicine for ever.

Manufacture and sale of cancer drugs from 2002 struck off the drug companies.  Who were then structural all other biochemical drug patents they once possessed.  Now worthless they could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.

The most bankrupt corporations in economic history!  Tragically also won most persuasive, panting in to make cancer drugs for 18 fatal years!  Killing an estimated 200,000,000 cancer patients around the world.

A global fine of 2000 trillion!  Cancer drugs being defective and prohibited medicine since the Moffitt Paper 2002.  By 2024, they are also are totally obsolete.  And or new cancer is responding to the standard 1 minute of external HIUS.  No Dr. or drugs involved!

Who have for their own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, and cleared all cancers from the world them cells as home.  With any Dr. or drugs interaction!

I firstly validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Though the individual might feel a little unwell for 2 hours!  All be instantly cured.

The drug company drugs have been totally useless since 2002.  Am I have no relevance to any future cancer evolution.  But extinct pathogens do not evolved!  They should be no future cancers ever.

And the drug company drugs so irrelevant yet fatal.  Outside legal Dr. prescription.  Doctors been prohibited from the prescription of defective and totally useless medication.

Doctors are also prohibited from giving spurious test for non existent diseases.  No cancer tests have been legal medicine for 22 years.  All the cancer test money is go back to the patients!

As the doctors arrange to get myself struck off for ever.  Toes remove from legal medicine.  All medical practice since their first cancer drug prescription after 2002, totally illegal.

They must return or all medical fees!  As oh no longer a registered legal doctors.  There prescriptions invalid and illegal.

There is no point in drug company is testing furious if we cancers.  As I have personally confirmed the total 100 per cent cancer cure.  All cancers cured 2002.

All subsequent cancer drug prescriptions unethical and illegal medicine.  Striking off the Dr., Nurse, pharmacists and drug company.  All for ever totally excluded from medicine!

The drug companies want to screen for cancers.  For the are aware they cancer was no longer exist!  They already know there is a all be negative.  But they just want the screening money!

Doctors are prohibited from a spurious and illegal medicine.  And only registered doctors could have done they cancer screening.  By every registered Dr. On earth for the aware that all cancers and infections are cured.

All viral and bacterial infections share the same foreign inflated cell nature.  My practical work was confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all infections.

Which stops the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  2013 I registered doctors formation 30 patient double blind trial, into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys clearing coronary heart disease.  Which suddenly vanished from the world!

Totally remove 15% of drug company income.  2024 and drug company is alcester about hearts rhythm problems.  Caused by a foreign inflated viral cell type on the coronary arteries.

Responding to the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest.  From the ultrasound unit already owned by every registered Dr. On earth.  Able to clear all cancer since 2002.

Or medicated cancer death since 2002 warranting a 10 million UK pound fine, and the Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.  As are most prolific mass murdering bastards in recorded history.

2013 I firstly confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head cause the patient's own immune system to totally clear the inflated viral structure causing MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, depression and mental health problems.

It transpires that mental health is are simple to clear as cancers.