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CO2 supporta life on Earth |
After the Chernobyl incident in 1986, nuclear power was desperate to justify its continued existence. So he paid its academic stooges to concocted manmade global warming.
As the natural climate has 28 year cycles or warming and cooling - produced by regular cellar emission variations. There are longer periods so the emission changes, which cause regular ice ages.
So the climate was in a warming phase. Which ended totally predictably in 1995. Since then all the planets in inner solar system have been cooling. Including mass with 98% carbon dioxide in the air. Average Martian Air temperature -112° C.
In the Jurassic had 80 in prehistory, there was four parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air. There was 10% more oxygen in the air, and 85% more biological life on earth.
There were three natural ice ages!
Scientists have uncovered the reason behind an ice age that took place around 170 million years ago – a large-scale volcanic event. The North Sea Dome is believed to have restricted the flow of ocean water from the equator to the North Pole.8 Jan 2016
Carbon dioxide levels double to eight parts per million. Four times today is present temperate limit! Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas.
Around the temperate earth today in the present epoch photosynthesis is capped the trace of carbon dioxide in the temperate air that is two parts per million. Extra carbon dioxide being converted into additional plant biomass.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ-E+mO₂)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
During daylight hours plant's on land and sea sucking carbon dioxide and combine it with water molecules. Actually building the carbohydrate takes in energy - but excrete oxygen.
At the same time plant so doing molecular nuclear fusion. Turning regular water into helium and oxygen gases, with her in this case a faint blue light and as the the X rays. So plants do nuclear fusion!
Biology has already put on record the emission of X rays by growing green plants in light. It is the reason that avalanches are so dynamic!
2 H₂Os+TU+P→He+O+E²+X-ray
He reached Europe would be has put on record that the turbulent something of ice sheets releases heat and X rays. And also release helium and oxygen gases! Truly molecular nuclear fusion is a most dynamic Energy System on earth.
So in 1986 nuclear power was desperate to justify its existence. As part on some discredited papers from 1950s, on carbon dioxide causing global warming.
In the 1970s science is obsessed with the forthcoming ice age! But the climate would not coo! At this juncture a nuclear power should have done a carbon audit of them selves. They probably did but filed their findings are way out of public sight.
In the two years a nuclear power plant construction, they use a fossil fuel burn on limestone to free use all the cement, for their reinforced concrete to build lower power plants.
Making an active nuclear power building programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Nuclear power is so not carbon zero! In operation transporting, feeding and housing the staff are massive carbon sources! Again air rushed out for public scrutiny!
So the natural solar emissions dictated that all the planets in the cell so system static cooling 1995. The year global warming totally discredited! The air for enters its 28 year period of global cooling.
Future end at 2025. And global warming it was felt nearly got new nuclear power plants ordered. This is from the nuclear wishful thinking!
Since Chernobyl every nuclear power plant has required 40 billion of annual insurance cover. Rising to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010. They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million by nuclear power plant.
There being no commercial source of such insurance! No insurance above one billion available. And the nuclear construction consortium, are prohibited from carrying an insurance in house.
As nuclear power experiences a nuclear incident every 25 years. Think Windscale, 3 mile island, Chernobyl and Fukushima: plus cancer and nuclear leaks from French nuclear. One nuclear incident and everybody loses a nuclear insurance cover.
Who is slow steam and independent insurance. Which is not available in the world! Nuclear plant to carry the criminally insufficient 50 million of insurance. 0.5% of the required amount.
There is no prospect of a new nuclear plant would ever get insured. The United Nations should insist on every existing nuclear plant, gazing required 100 billion of annual insurance.
Or the United Nations ago air as he and and closes down the nuclear facility! All 422 nuclear plants in the world.
Today I mean strange position of the physicists describe me as a genius! But Sheffield University he never awarded me the PH DI is so richly deserved.
Every time the media invokes 'climate change', nuclear power pays them money! Cancer media is full of references to climate change.
But since 1880 the men record tells is the temperate carbon dioxide has been fixed at just two parts per million. Carbon dioxide is a static trace gas! That supports all biological life on earth, via photosynthesis.
Plant's would never allow a buildup of carbon dioxide in the temperate air. Above the arctic ice In winter photosynthesis shuts down. As snow covers the land, the sea ice covers the seas.
And simple gas analysis tells is there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the arctic air. Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap: which is so devoid of life. Life exist only by hunting and eating fish, and sea plant life.
Carbon dioxide is a static trace gas. Having no effect on anything! Our weather is made in the stratosphere where there is a constant 2.5 parts per million/m³ carbon dioxide - ejecting die atmosphere by explosive volcanic eruptions in prehistory.
Man carriers carbon emissions actually release the carbon tied up in the fossil fuels. Which fans turn back into active plant biomass. Within 5 minutes the carbon dioxide is life during the day.
And then the world cooled from 1995. The climate pundits talk about climate change as if he was a global warming: which it is so obviously not! Why invest 10 million a year into voting science which contradicts the phantom science you invested 2.5 billion into promoting from 1986.
Climate change so as the global warming was wrong! There is no prospect of climate change being anything other than nuclear funded science fiction for idiots. The media really should take lessons in her level biology.
And stop invoking phantom science they do not understand! Carbon dioxide static. Climate change nuclear fiction. Fever publicise climate change are acting as paid stooges to the most toxic industry that is ever existed. They are really not nice people!
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