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Global Warming paid fiction |
1986 and Ukrainian nuclear experience is the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The predictable consequence are trying to do nuclear fission from uranium: there is a nuclear incident every 25 years around the earth from 1 of the 422 nuclear plant so around the earth.
After Chernobyl the required annual insurance cover rose to 40 billion. There is no source of insurance cover above one billion. So nuclear power bribed the nuclear regulators to look the other way, and started funding COP.
The first Conference of the Parties (COP) was held in Berlin, Germany, in 1995. Declaring that carbon dioxide were the only important factor for the world climatic system. Since when it as become totally obvious to any idiot on earth, come dioxide is irrelevant!
Any biology student knows that plants eat carbon dioxide. Down to the present temperate limit of just two parts per million. Forming plant biomass!
Nuclear power bills its power plants using a lot are reinforced concrete, the cement for it is free used viral fossil fuel burn on limestone. Making an active nuclear plant building industry mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
2001 and Dr Z commented the turbulent flow of water or high pressure steam double was later called molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E+X-ray
The idea of his uncle from Columbia University. Who published the work on cold fusion. A very weak form of molecular nuclear fusion.
I wrote my first paper on this subject 2001. And PC what was yanked from under my feet - before the finance is full of PH D can be paid over to Sheffield University. The Dr. acemi to continue my work on nuclear fusion. With no possible reward.
In Sheffield I discover that lightening produce five tonnes of helium gas every lightening strike. A quick relativistic conversion teaches is that he is 2.5x10³⁰W. Which use to use or heat! 1.2 MW/m of lightning bolt.
I spent the next few years screaming at Sheffield to family of the steam plasma. Funny my American contact fired me up a steam plasma. And sent me the results!
He firm that a 30x1.5 steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. He confirmed this work in 2020. I have in publishing about steam plasmas since 2008.
Fed into a thermoelectric generator will precede constant 65 kW of carbon zero electricity. For convenience we rectify into mains AC linked current.
The national grid will happily pay us 180,000 UK pounds all that lovely carbon zero heat! Is has only requires 8 kW. So we are freezing carbon zero heat and electricity for eight houses.
And I have been blocking about this subject every week for last three years. Suddenly this year COP28 has decided answered 27 years of telling everyone that carbon dioxide control the climate, it is totally off the conference agenda!
What probably convinced them, was a every arctic winter there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. As there is no photosynthesis over the snow and ice. Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.
Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap. Then spring comes, and we are back to two PPM carbon dioxide. The climate people have preached that doubling carbon dioxide levels would warm the air by 30° C.
What is the average temperature in the Arctic? In general, the monthly average temperature in the Arctic Circle is below 10° C (50 ° F) throughout the year, even in the summer.
So in the summer naturally the air is can't reach 40° C. That is a sore water temperature we have ever made a air and India in the spring. And ice melts at 0° C!
The melting I is will form Rivers back into the seas! Melt the ice As it flows along. A member of the doctors insight. Flying high pressure water does nuclear fusion! So the Rivers are going to have their own heat source,
The ice Will melt within six months! So the next arctic winter, there will be in the few ice islands weather snow will accumulate. Until next spring, when the falling minister of warm water wall that all the ice.
We and the ice free world. If there's one syllable of man made global warming or climate change with a passing resemblance to truth. Totally nuclear funded science fiction!
We can erect a network of steam plasma inches below aluminium flotation balloons. Each releasing 1 MW of heat light and X rays. Beating down 24 hours a day on to the ice.
That is going to raise the local air temperature -50° C. And the summer he'll be just two hot! All year round we are doing the ice floes melting at a spectacular eight.
Horror the COP, sea is have now decided that they want to talk with the air quality in Dubai. Which is heavily contaminated by all the oil rigs burning of natural gas.
First year chemically engineering teaches you that passing methane through a series of aluminium honeycomb catalysts we of regular drainage holes, causes the methane to polymerise.
All the academics have written academic papers on manmade global warming climate change, have been thrown under a bus! They were riding biologically impossible summer's fiction.
Plant around the temperate earth man made come dioxide to just two PPM. Half the polar winter level! So carbon dioxide rises in the cold.
Across Europe in the little ice age at -20° C as the usual air temperature. Back to four PPM carbon dioxide - as photosynthesis shut down! So carbon dioxide rises in the cold.
It is so obviously not a warming gas! Manmade climate change and global warming the paid science fiction on behalf of nuclear power: member mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions!
We pass the methane gas through a multi layer aluminium catalyst, and if fuel oil drips out.
2 16CH₄+(Al)+TU→C₁₆H34+(Al) so the fire alarm as Asian process turns methane into carbon 16 - petrol. Diesel is carbon 12.
So rather than burn of the natural gas and oil pumps, they turn the natural gas into fuel oil. Which will make such a massive difference to the air quality in Bahrain. Really not a problem! So no six 1st year undergraduate Chemical Engineering.
All among students were familiar with photosynthesis. And the green plants' capped the trace of carbon dioxide in the global air. At university we learn to just two parts per million.
Individual is preferred to write spurious science fiction paid for by nuclear power talking biological nonsense about carbon dioxide, the gas of life on earth, should never have had their papers ission in higher education.
They are masterly unsuited to run a primary school milk round: before they were abolished by Margaret Thatcher!
Remember every arctic winter carbon dioxide levels double. As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice sheet. Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!