Friday, 30 September 2022

Diabetic medication unethical for six years

Diabetes all cured by 2016

No registered Dr. Is allowed to medicate the well!  And 2013 I applied ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound (e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound - or the doctors' 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound) to the lower right of a diabetic patients chest, over the pancreas.

And instantly cleared type two diabetes: my American diabetic contacts reported there is a three day in type one diabetes remitting; two-day 16 I validated the full minute of HIUS clear type one diabetes.

And a every registered Dr. Has pledged to be aware off, validate and then use new medical science.  So they should have been no metformin prescription since 2013.  Amherst type two diabetes responded to the standard cure published to all cancers and viruses.

So only 2013 every registered Dr. On earth was aware that type two diabetes was cured.  And type one diabetes remitted in three days.  2016 I validated the full minute of HIUS clears even type one diabetes.

And doctors should have been aware of my work since 2013.  And that type one diabetes remitted totally in three days.

This is so serious, as diabetic medication kills the patient within a decade through diabetic complications.  For last six years there should have been no diabetics on earth!  Nine years ago air all type two diabetes was cured.

So no registered Dr. Could prescribe diabetic medication ever scenes.  I have had 'Trends' who organized diabetic conferences, catering for 18 months.  About attending a conference on diabetic medication: a member no diabetic medication has been legal for six years.

Any Dr. Prescribing insulin or metformin struck off!  Along with the involved hospital and drug companies.  To once a year the merit is so that there were no diabetics left on earth.

There is absolutely no point in attending a conference on the condition that no longer exists.  And there medication medicine has been illegal financially for nine years!

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre two my ideas on ultrasound and cancer, and published a paper on High Intensity Ultrasound clearing both cancers and viruses.  So they should have been no cancer or infective disease since 2002.

The standard medical fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, are applies for all patients are both are cleared medicated to an needless death.  They should have been no cancer medication prescribed since 2002.

Every cancer patient death warranting the same 10 million.  The same planting applies for all diabetic prescriptions!  Unethical and illegal since 2013 or 2016.

Saturday, 24 September 2022

Russia's forced conscription

Putin go away!  Worse than Hitler

For Putin's war which they can't never win.

Shocking footage highlights major flaw in Putin's plan: 'Playtime's over'

Yahoo News AU


24 September 2022, 2:59 am

A Russian reservist with his head in his hands as others yell following Putin's mobilisation move .

A mob of angry Russian reservists have been filmed yelling at a military officer following Putin's partial mobilisation. Source: Twitter/Patrick Reevell

A mob of angry and dejected Russian reservists have been filmed yelling and arguing with a military officer after being recruited to fight in the war with Ukraine.

The chilling footage — posted on Twitter by US ABC journalist Patrick Reevell — shows some of the men sitting with their heads in their hands inside what appears to be a large meeting hall.

Others can be heard screaming at the commanding officer in frustration.

“Another revealing video. Scene inside a mustering station in Russia where an officer yells at angry, resentful men who have been mobilised,” Mr Reevell captioned the clip.

“That’s it — playtime’s over. You’re soldiers now!” he quotes the translated video.

The footage begins with the commanding officer telling off the recruits for “screaming like women”.

“Shut your mouths and act accordingly. Why are you all yelling?!” he continues.

“Why are YOU yelling,” one of the men in the crowd shouts back, prompting most of the group to erupt in loud chatter.

After jumping down off the stage, the officer tells the group they “all are now military men”.

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“That’s it! The games are over! You are all military!” he says before explaining that the men will spend three days at the facility before flying to two weeks of training.

“Salary is like for a contractor, officer or praporshik, depending on your rank.

“Combat payments, statues of a combat veteran, until the end of the special operation, then arrival home.”

The officer also tells the men that their positions at their normal jobs will be held until they return.

Zelenskiy urges Russians to 'avoid draft orders'

The video comes after tragic scenes emerged earlier this week as 300,000 members of the public were conscripted into the Kremlin's war effort in Ukraine.

Videos showing crying family members saying goodbye to their loves ones as they leave to join the military effort have begun circulating widely on social media.

However, a major flaw in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plan has been revealed as military-aged men flee the country in droves, filling planes and causing traffic jams at border crossings to avoid being rounded up to fight in Ukraine.

Police officers detain a protester during an unauthorised rally against a partial mobilisation announced by Russia's President Vladimir Putin on September 21. Source: Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS/Sipa USA

Protests against a partial mobilisation announced by Russia's President Vladimir Putin have erupted in Russia. Source: Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS/Sipa USA

Queues stretching for 10km formed on a road leading to the southern border with Georgia, according to Yandex Maps, a Russian online map service.

The lines of cars were so long at the border with Kazakhstan that some people abandoned their vehicles and proceeded on foot.

Meanwhile, dozens of flights out of Russia — with tickets sold at sky-high prices — carried men to international destinations such as Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Serbia, where they don’t need visas.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy — who has slammed Putin’s attempt to formally annex large parts of eastern Ukraine — has encouraged Russians to resist efforts to mobilise them to fight.

“Hide from Russian mobilisation in any way you can. Avoid draft orders. Try to move to the territory of free Ukraine,” he said, urging those who did end up in the Russian armed forces to "sabotage," "interfere" and pass on intelligence to Ukraine.

With Reuters and AP 

I cured AIDs for the world

HIV/AIDs cure 2012

He HIV patients are ecstatic!  Including all the haemophiliacs who were given contaminated factor eight blood clotting factor.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side the chest, was confirmed by my contact in New York to cure he HIV.  He was HIV⁺.

At his next Dr. appointment he was medically discharged from all AIDs medicine.  The medics had got five billion to research the cure since the disease was renamed from slim in 1986: that was an African specific disease.  He HIV spread all over the world.

So the launch of AIDs happened during are master's degree at Sheffield University.  Falling and near fatal car accident as back working on a PH D 2000.  Professor Z suggested the ultrasounding of liquid water did nuclear fusion.  He was fought a chair of chemical and process engineering, and lost interest in nuclear fusion.

The chair was four for him by uranium nuclear power.  Who so did not want nuclear fusion devising!

1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray but other academics do not want nuclear fusion devising either.  There was an academic bar on the subject!  As their major external funder of scientific research, was uranium nuclear power.

The Moffitt Paper 2002 confirmed my idea and that ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion in foreign cell types.  Which all pressurised by nature!

I suggested that ultrasound as a means to restrict cancer growth.  The Moffitt found he was a one session total cure to all 200 cancers out there.

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray HIUS= high intensity ultrasound.  E.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device.

Professor Z two is allowed to continue working and nuclear fusion.  I get 10 abreast of my developments, that he is never applied!

So a single application of HIUS to where it hurts, causes or cancer cells to boil and rupture - the iving the regular more flaccid an affected.

The immune system then secrete and actions the active human antibody.  Which will cure all 200 types of human cancer!  Also working for animal and pet cancers - or just B ultrasound time for the animal biomass.

I cured 30 my friends all viral and bacterial infections: ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz so we are looking at the published medical science it cures all cancers out there .

ultrasound to either side the chest.

Medics are no longer allowed to prescribe cancer drugs in the now defective and fatal cancer treatments.  An yet they did!  Be struck off the first time they prescribed cancer drugs since 2002.

2018 and medics family conceded there cancers were all cured.  And medicine lost money.  ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys also clears coronary heart disease.  ½ minute to the top left to the chest clears Ventrical Fibulation.  The major heart disease - no coronary heart disease is all cured.  From 2015!

2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, cleared type two diabetes: I cleared the diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  Never not one word of thanks!

The American type one diabetes requires the full minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest.

I wrote up the idea about HIUS clearing AIDs, as an am I gay acquaintances had the condition.

It was picked up by an American contact in New York 2012.  Who bought and used his own HIUS device - as the Moffitt Paper had mentioned the cure of all viral infections.

So 26 years after the condition was named, it was cured!  Medicine launched a huge advertising campaign when the renamed the condition.  There again and as the no publicity to the cure of a virus.

The application of ultrasound makes the infected cells to boil and rupture.  And the body secrete and actions the young antibody to clear AIDs cells from the body.

So I found the cure due to my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000-.  If they had not abruptly and inexplicably ended my PH D work 2001, I would have cured AIDs 2008.

And the curative unit cost under five UK pounds today: they were 45 UK pounds when I started blogging about the subject.

So medicine raised five billion to research biochemical treatments for AIDs: they've so every so anti retroviral drugs, which induces an inevitable agonising two year decline to certain death.

Actually curing the condition cursory 150 pounds.  Though I went through 3 computers - which I have or for other reasons.

The Terrence Higgins Trust is still trying to raise charitable donations, for biochemical research into AIDs.  The and no registered Dr. Is ethically allowed to research alternative treatments and cures for already cured conditions,

And HIV was cured 2012.  All the haemophiliacs who contracted HIV through contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, can be cured in 1 minute!

Every haemophiliacs who is died through the defective AIDs treatments since 2012, oce a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The Dr., Nurse, pharmacist and drug company is all struck off.

The Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term for every avoidable hemophiliac death.  No doctors argue that the cost is charged to their Medical Insurance.  $5000 a year for every patient!

But he HIV eight was cured 2012.  An idea freely circulated around the world over the Internet.  And every Dr. Is charged be aware of and use new medical advances.

So every Dr. Was fully aware that he HIV he had been cured.  Through my PH D work at Sheffield University - 26 years after the disease was named AIDs.

Applying HIUS to clear cancers, heart disease and diabetes has saved 40 million lives a year around the earth.  Getting get me my PH though!

2013 I validated in salford that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia: killing without interest from medics since the 1930s.

They are only got interested as cancers were all cured.  I cured all dementia.  So no biochemical research into dementia treatments legal.  The researching doctors' and drug companies struck off.

20 years ago and I published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear all Covid influenza strains.  Two months ago all the doctors who retired as cancer are all cured, retired again!  As a realise there is no financially lucrative mass vaccination to control influenza.

Medicine specifically prohibits a vaccination to a fast changing viral lines like the common cold and Covid flu.  Which massively had evolved the two year drug licensing required for any vaccination.

Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October.  This year will be on to Covid22.  Even Covid20 was unaffected by the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  Illegal medicine the could not be applied or research by any registered Dr..

So HIV totally cured 2012.  Ever since AID's treatments have been defective and potentially fatal medicine.  Killing within the decade!  Any Dr. prescribing AIDs treatments the struck off and remove from medicine the same day.

So if your GP prescribed just one session or cancer drugs or eights treatments since 2002, they ceased to illegal and insured doctors.  The door civil argument the AIDs total cure was only confirmed 2012.

Which did not stop them prescribing the fatal an expensive AIDs treatments.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

NHS bed blocking

let the innocent out

My friend Chris is in hospital, we cause she had elderly moments!  She is 74.  With an it often comes memory problems.

Which is not strictly a mental health problem!  Though it is caused by an inflated viral structure, that units X rays in ultrasound scans of the brain.  It is a viral rump problems!

Cancer is another viral rump problems.  There are people declare it is due to Alzheimer's.  Which is not strictly true.  But he is cured by the standard medical treatment for all viral rumps.

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear all 200 types of human cancer: instantly the Health Service and Dr.s lost 80% of the income.

Doctors have reacted by not using high intensity ultrasound.  Even though it is best published medicine.  Medics are only interested in biochemical treatments to alter the fatal diseases.

But in my experience the inflated viral structure is cleared by ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of the head.  This is a consumer version of HIUS.

Causing the inflated viral structure not only to cure for X rays, will boil and rupture.  Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the viral rump throughout the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

This is a source of the X rays that the inflated viral structures give off in ultrasound scans: there is no biochemical source of X rays!  We are doing nuclear fusion.

1 minute of external HIUS to where it hurts, will clear all 200 cancers out there.  As every registered Dr. On earth has confirmed!  Yet still continued with the prescription of the defective cancer drugs after 2002.

Even no one prescription struck off the Dr. and drug company.  Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.

So feeble can clear their own burn no problems at home.  They buy the ultrasound unit over the Internet, I should be doing you a one click access to the correct device.  ½ minute each side of the head totally clears the viral structure.

So every registered Dr. On earth has promised to use best medicine.  Each Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs in last 20 years, ceased that day to be a registered Dr..  Each cancer patient medicated callously to death, once a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.

The struck off Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term for each cancer patient death.  Now the NHS is trying to realign itself!

½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys was medically published 2013 as a one session total cure to coronary heart disease.  Again doctors have relished not to use best medicine!  That they have promised on entry Medical Service to utilise.  Or strike themselves off!  Not one Dr. Has struck themselves off.

I have involving frantically for last four years without the use of HIUS to clear diabetes.  ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, clears type two diabetes.  No repeat prescription for metformin has been legal unethical medicine since this idea was freely published 2013.

Type one diabetes requires the full minute.  Again to clear the inflated viral structure.  This time messing with our bodies in saint system.  So no insane prescription in America has been legal since 2016.  When I verified the experience of my American diabetic friends.

That 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally cleared type one diabetes without medication or Dr. involvement.  Six weeks ago medics were meant to either nobody on earth now had diabetes!

The diabetics were ecstatic.  And they no longer paid 5% of the income of doctors and medicine.  Rising to 40 per cent was cancer was cured.

Now the NHS us all these cancer wards, without cancer patients.  So they have invented dementia or as the new major health problem.

2013 I validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  First depression and other serious mental our problems.

The pressure and we use a individuals are running an locked in a shopping centre with a semi repeating weapons.  Killing thousands of people!  There was shooting themselves.

½ minute of HIUS each side of the head in the doctor's surgery, clears all mental health problems.  And every registered Dr. On earth bought and validated an 8 W 3 MHZ unit clearing all cancers.  So they have the required device!

So no registered Dr. Can do any biochemical research into dementia.  As all mental health problems are cured.

The memory problems of age, or caused by the is harmful viral rump in the brain area.  Cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead.  No Dr. or drugs involved!

So all the individuals are cured by NHS towards the mental health problems, can all be cured in 1 minute.  Using the ultrasound unit already owned by every registered Dr. On earth.  Stop as the patient reports warming!  It may only take 20 seconds.  Rather than the full minute.

Which leaves the NHS without cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  All infective disease is also cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

The published medical science which clears even the common cold and Covid flu.  It cured HIV aids via a personal contact in New York 2012.  He bought and used his own 8 W 1 MHZ ultrasound unit.

The Moffitt cancer centre validated the cancer cure.  Since then the medical world has rushed not to use this best published medicine.  Any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs after 2002, the struck off to face criminal trial for multiple counts of patient homicide.

Thursday, 15 September 2022

clear wrinkles

Clear the cells of age

Physiotherapists for 50 years have realise that high intensity ultrasound, clears pathogen altered cells - clearing away and viral or bacterial rumps.  Let the viral rump that causes all cancers!

It also clears sells the have served their useful life, and contract ID and becoming inactive.  Such cells to fund an on body food reserves to cover the individual three times of famine.  But we live in the age of the supermarket!  They would prefer that such inactive cells were cleared away.

Rather for the target for conditions like cancers.  An 8 W 1 MHz I apply externally will clear all organ damage or the accumulated inactive cells of age.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

£1.98 - 2.34/ Piece

And beauty people use such ultrasound devices, to clear away scarring and wrinkles.  And they are so inexpensive!  I apply externally to the lower torso, they clearing away and the fat deposits as people age.

Turning back the age clock for very very little!  There is no need for a regular series of pills or injections.  The ultrasound massage clears the cells of age on demand.

Saturday, 10 September 2022

lesbian mothers

XX mothers (2 girls).  Men have a Y chromosone

We live in remarkable times!  Same sex couplings, has decided they want children.  For he it was always simplest for lesbians, they just need half a helpful male friend.  And forget for the evening that they are lesbians.  A bottle of red wine would help.

If we use a little more involved for gay men.  They can either adopt, or pay an American lady to have a child!  Use of sperm sample of one of the couple.  This is a minute taken by Elton John.  Who now has two children!  Fathers undisclosed.

I live close to a lesbian couple called Stacey and Sarah.  Stacey he is expecting in November.  They paper two rounds of IVF, at the local sperm library.

I have had two marriages, one ended in divorce, the other the death of the lady.  Neither produced any children!  The timing was not right for the first wife, the second wife had massive health problems.

My E mail is  The couple are looking at me for cheap babysitting.  Though obviously need assistance here from my lady friend or my mother.  My mother is a big fan of children!  And he is not remotely followed by the sexual orientation of the parents.

When I rang her up, she is not remotely surprised the expectant parents were lesbians. 'so you're sex couples are becoming parents today' she conceded.  As if he was so so normal!

This is a good year interesting book to write.  Who was he is going to be a day to day diary of what happens.  There must be other couples out there!  Who are be fascinated to hear from.

So the first day he is he in November!  And already it's error is looking a bit concerned, they cure usual expectant father.

I will be particularly interested to hear from foreign couples about their experiences.  Chemo or walled to translations on the fly, they are not perfect, but there better than my Japanese!