10 July 2014
One of the major affects of age
is a volume of the active brain decreases!
As the brain silts with inactive cells.
Physiotherapists have spent last 25 years writing about using High
Intensity UltraSound to clear damaged cells in the arms and legs.
The cheapest source of HIUS is
an ultrasonic massage device ‘1 MHZ 5 W ultrasonic mas sage device’ –bought over the Internet. Such devices are medically licensed for
unsupervised human years.
HIUS clears limb damage, acne, wrinkles
and help you shed the weight gain of age.
Applied regularly for 30 seconds to each side or the head they clear
inactive are pathogen altered cells from the brain. Also the spine!
Pathogen altered cells in the
brain cause mental health problems like Parkinson’s, Altzimer’s, MS,
depression, (ADHD) and schizophrenia. I
am not personally validated HIUS and ADHD.
I have validated the work on the two instances of MS that have come into
my health group.
No biochemical treatment
appropriate! This is important for
mental sports, like snooker. Before
winning his last UK Championship, Steve Davis had been dead for two weeks with
This is an imperfect way of
removing altered cells! Giving a drip of
IL-2&4 when well would also clear mental are problems. Also cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Your own ultrasonic massage
device is fantastically cheaper! More
affective. And does not involve the
Applied to the major arteries
and legs, HIUS will also clear HIV and leukaemia.
Thomason JonThm9@aol.com
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