Climate Change=nuclear fiction for the stupid |
The carbon dioxide has remain static at just two parts per million, in the present epoch! Way he before mankind had even evolved. Manmade climate change is the latest science fiction fewer from a hyper toxic and an insured nuclear power.
Structures or invoking the 'climate crisis'. As saying the nuclear power was right when he declare the carbon dioxide would inevitably warm the earth's atmosphere.
Nuclear power is actually the fourth largest manmade source of carbon dioxide! It is all that fossil fuel burn on limestone to the cement for its reinforced concrete.. So a building a nuclear power plant is a massive carbon source. Quite embarrassing really.
As every high school biology teacher is aware fine is during the day sucking carbon dioxide. Does the present limit of just two parts per million. It's static level around the temperate earth in the present epoch - since before 1880, and mankind's industrial revolution.
If we consult the fossil record, the carbon dioxide level during the warm Jurassic periods there was four PPM: places to Sheffield University who have a world wide reputation for gas analysis.
In the warm Jurassic there was 85% more biological life on earth - there photosynthesis was less evolved! All that life formed the fossil fuels on the Jurassic mass extinction at the end of the Jurassic.
For NG the deep fossil fuels - which mankind is no extracting as or oil and gas. On burning the use fuels during the day, local photosynthesis within 5 minutes while converted back carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cā(H₂O)ā+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray+Lb)
I really hate non deterministic chemical equations. We take in 'm' carbon dioxide molecules from the air. Drawing in the gas of life through the plant's leaves.
We then combine it with 'n' water molecules. To are the carbohydrates of plant biomass. The process is excrete oxygen that takes in energy! The process would not normally happen in nature.
If not linked inevitably to biological molecular nuclear fusion. The r(...). So the nuclear fusion at Sheffield University acemi to devise 2001, as he yanked my PH D work from under my feet, as I wrote my first paper on molecular nuclear fusion - the process devised by Dr Z - my supervisor.
But only named 2004 by the late professor emeritus Bernard Argent.
So far is around the temperate earth during the day are doing nuclear fusion in the plant photo blast, releasing massive energy and even X rays and a faint blue light. There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays, or helium gas!
So your grass does nuclear fusion all day! A system that shuts down or snow covers the earth. The process goes on quite happily in the seas, again and try and biological life down to -22° C, above the arctic ice.
Every year above the arctic ice In winter, snow covers the land, and sea ice covers the seas. Photosynthesis shuts down! Carbon dioxide rises back to a Jurassic one periods four PPM.
The Jurassic had three natural ice ages, including the most serious 1000 year ice age are the historical record. With eight PPM carbon dioxide trapped as gas four walls in the compressed snow.
So the Jurassic ice ages had eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air. And the most serious glaciation are being a record around the earth. Photosynthesis continued on the I's free seas.
So the men record teaches us that the equatorial carbon dioxide level was four PPM. After a time when life on earth was nearly extinguished! As photosynthesis logic shut down for 1000 years.
Every winter today above the arctic ice there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the air, as snow covers the land and ice covers the seas. Carbon dioxide very much not a warming gas!
Life on the attic is supported by a animals hunting fish. There is no plant life! So most animals migrate into the temperate region.
Weather is two PPM carbon dioxide in the air. And crucially photosynthesis continues. Converting the carbon dioxide into plant biomass, excreting the surplus oxygen.
Since Chernobyl in 1986, every operating uranium nuclear power plant on earth needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion.
So nuclear science fiction of manmade climate change, though to the greatest expansion of nuclear power ever. None of which had adequate insurance cover! All were operating a criminal work of the required insurance cover. There national nuclear regulator has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth.
Today and there are 422 nuclear power plant on earth. There is no commercially available insurance cover above one billion. Every nuclear power plant requires 100 billion since Fukushima in 2010.
The nuclear regulator demands are there is adequate reprocessing capability for the used uranium fission materials. Since the closure of Sellafield March 2003 there has been no global plutonium reprocessing capability on earth.
And there is no available storage space for used uranium fission materials. Nuclear power has resorted to using the short term storage trays around disused nuclear reactors. Though it never had planning consent for long term nuclear storage.
And of high concept was removed as a nuclear plant shutdown. So around the world high up lawyers, have the legal imperative to demand there every operating nuclear power station on earth shuts down, and never restart!
France generators 5% of its and far from nuclear sources, and it is massively nuclear focused. By EDF looked at the UK for new nuclear plants. Manner which ever could have met the player clement's to begin operation. The lack of adequate insurance cover so impossible!
The French nuclear operator is now looking at Belgium for new nuclear plants. But again he would require annual insurance cover of 100 billion dollars. There being no commercially available insurance above one billion.
And the plant's will be a static A bomb. Show me at the hyper toxic and illegal plutonium and strontium. Which is no global reprocessing of storage space.
And when the plant virus it will take years most of the north of Europe. All the profits in operation will have gone to France! ¼ friends will be uninhabitable for ever. Nuclear actions do not respect country boundaries.
We could only saw e.g. Scottish lamb ago and six years ago air. After the Chernobyl incident 1986. And rasher has never recompensated for the cost of the most serious nuclear incident in history.
There Fukushima 2010 and was a major triple core meltdown, in the middle of Tokyeo. Causing an additional 20 million air early deaths from cancers or heart disease, within the next 20 years.
The total legal fine for the additional human deaths, and property damage in I it watering 700 billion. O had by now bankrupt Japanese nuclear operator. The flying going out to the IMF and World Bank: the lender of last resort.
Around the world all 422 operating nuclear plants require the impossible insurance cover of 100 billion. Without that insurance cover, every nuclear power plant on earth has to shut down instantly and never restart.
There is no point in a three day gradual plant shutdown. The nuclear plant space of the big red button, and invoke an immediate stop. No prospect of a plant reactivation in the future.
In the UK he the only operating nuclear plant is Sizewell B. Billed as an illegal extension to the down demolished Sizewell A. And never had its own royal commission!
King Charles is E. Morley personally to say that he is very anti nuclear power. The like are available insurance cover makes personal opinion irrelevant. Sizewell B has never had its own valid insurance cover.
Or there is operating illegally since 1984. King Charles gave the opening address at COP28: B annual climate conference is funded by nuclear power. Mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
Packed out by OPEC, who were interested in reducing fossil fuel burn, to increase oil prices. They are so not interested in the natural climate.
The static trace of carbon dioxide in the temperate air has obviously had no effect on anything. Above the arctic ice In winter we have had twice the carbon dioxide level - just four PPM.
And the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap. Charities are invoking 'climate crisis' to try and increase global charitable donations.
Apparently unaware that manmade global warming and later climate change, was summer's fiction emissions of nuclear power. Humanity is fourth largest source of carbon emissions.
That green plants on land and sea eat carbon dioxide, within 5 minutes converting extra carbon dioxide into additional plant biomass and oxygen.
So carbon dioxide as the same level it was in 1880. Carbon emissions boost in life on earth, sucked S the air by global funds around the temperate earth within 5 minutes.
Church is also in America are the return pandemic. The of his the Corona virus was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. Contained within the Wuhan quarantine within China.
The world health organisation retracted the spurious pandemic alert 2020, as he realized the Corona viral outbreak was a locally contained epidemic within China.
The next year's seasonal flu was Covid19 I cured November 2019, using the medically published ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, for an ultrasound massage device to each side of my chest.
This is a consumer source of the medical HIUS there was published 2002 as a one session cure to all cancers and viruses. Doctors founded also cure to all bacterial infections, without drug prescription.
My personal friend in New York use this idea 2012, to obliterate his AIDs. The cure spread around the world within two weeks. And the most pernicious viral infection history totally disappeared.
The drug industry rationalise there was a new suddenly effective biochemical treatment. There was not! People use the medically published physical cure to cancers and viruses. 1 minute externally will clear all 200 types of human cancer.
So the cure to all viral and bacterial infections was medically published 2002, and verified by every registered Dr. and drug company on earth. Or they were struck off and removed totally from medical practice.
So we do not leave a time of 'climate crisis'! We have natural weather controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles. So at 28 year period of global cooling from 1995.
Nuclear power changed its you burn is manmade global warming, into the scientifically spurious an incorrect manmade climate change 2010: not predicting that the warm weather would call and wet - the exact opposite of the changes forecast for the totally spurious manmade global warming.
So climate change predicted that a static trace gas is the only controlling factor to global weather. All the planets in inner solar system, Mercury to Mars have experienced a climatic cooling since 1995.
As Sally emissions have decreased. So the emissions are predicted to start increasingly again this year. Carbon dioxide around the temperate earth still being biologically capped at just two parts per million, in the afternoon air!
Extra carbon emissions results in extra plant and animal life on earth. No climatic effect. Man has no control over the climate. The sun controls the cellar system weather.