Sunday, 4 December 2011

Stopping cancer


 When you were ill your subject to the pathogen genome. Plasma this is common to all infections. The rest is a series of pathogen leaders. These are host specific enzymes which cure the infection and planted on the host immune system. Pathogens share these around.
 So when the infection is cleared, you can have a serious of pathogen altered cells in the body. These make enzymes which make the immune system more pliant, and open to other infections. There are six olden pathogen leaders, which are common to all infections and cancer.
 Cancer arises when a body cell has the golden six in. It then devise an uncontrollably in an undifferentiated way. That is what cancer is. As such it is a post pathogen disease. My ideas about her HIV turns on the immune system to clear week viruses: viruses which do not do the cell damage that is the initiation signal to the human immune system.
 Cancer also does not do cell damage to other cells. So my cytokine drip (IL-2+4) will produce the specific antibodies to cancer. It will make the six: antibodies to all infections and cancer. So a course of these pills will cure all 200 sorts of cancer. And also cure the common cold. 

Covid vaccination never legal
Since the Covid flu line star to causing the regular seasonal flu 1934, medicine has always prohibited research or application of a Covid vaccination.  The first Covid flu virus was Covid34.  And every 1st of October we have a new Covid strain!
So Covid19 virus only existed between the 1st of October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  So any Covid19 vaccination was medically unethical and illegal.  And only halfway through drug testing when already obsolete.
This is why Covid in common cold vaccination are medically and legally prohibited.  The vaccination could never be three drug testing in time to be useful.  So the drug companies are pressing suppose the registered doctors to use the illegal Covid 19 vaccination.
For absolutely no medical reason!  The regular flu is no Covid21.  Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, which is totally unaffected by the previous year's Covid19, obsolete and never licensed a vaccination.
India found that e.g. ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of a Covid patient's chest would clear all Covid flu strains.  This is the medically proven science, High Intensity UltraSound which clears all cancers in 1 minute, all infections ½ minute of ultrasound to a patient's chest.

So no registered Dr. Has ever been allowed to research a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  Or they were struck off the first day of such unethical work!  Drug company is are also constrained by the same Hippocratic oath.
And and others prescribe from the manufacture and sale of any vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  Or they were struck off, back in 2002 as HIUS pro to be a one session total cure to all 200 types of human cancer.
So no cancer drug manufacturers legal from 2002.  Certainly no registered Dr. Could ever have applied it.  A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds applies for each cancer drug death.  My the Dr. receiving 25 years in high security jail.  As most prolific mass murderer in history.
The vaccination for Covid flu was never legal and certainly no the Covid19 vaccination is obsolete and was never licensed.  Always so criminal Drucker application!
The standard viral cure applies to all instances of Covid flu all the common cold: ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of her patient's chest.  This will also clear all bacterial infections.
Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  The only parts of medicine that make any money.  All stopped from forming by local application of HIUS, from e.g. the 8 W 3 MHZ unit personally verified by every Dr. On earth to cure all cancers from 2002.
Every cancer patient who had died in expensive or agony within two years of cancer drug application, was medically murdered.  Warranting the usual fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.
Even to of a Covid21 is totally cleared by 1 minute of HIUS to the chest.  No Dr. or drugs even legal!  Every Covid death since 2002 was intentional medical murder.  Every registered Dr. On earth owns the required HIUS unit to clear all viral and bacterial infections.
All the European Covid cleared by the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest of Covid patients.  No Dr. Intervention even required!  Biochemical prescriptions applied to Covid, are intentional medical murder.  Totally needless deaths!
There is no legal argument: by medical definition the Covid19 flu strain was replaced automatically by Covid20 on the 1st of October, 2020.  India eradicated 77,000 of Covid20, using the medically published ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
The Covid19 was as medically expected, totally ineffective against a new flu strain.  So or 100% clearance of Covid flu and now we're on Covid21.  Which will respond as usual to medically published viral and cancer cure.
Which medics and drug companies are desperate for people not to hear about!  So sure that your GP has personally received this message.  And then is medically required to communicate it to every other Dr. In his address book.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

The ccarbon cycle

Plants and bacteria take in carbon dioxide, combine it with water and excrete helium, methane and oxygen. Most of the methane is bonded with more water to form carbohydrates. This is in the university text books.
By releasing more carbon dioxide mankind has increased life on earth, though singularly not increased carbon dioxide in the air. Over 20 years 20% of the carbon dioxide in the air is from man is machines.
This equates to 0.0000175% extra carbon dioxide every day. So man is carbon dioxide is 10,000 times less important than a local forest fire. Such an event boosts plant growth.
So over last two centuries there never has been an increase of carbon dioxide in the air caused by man. Global warming and climate change were PR fiction on behalf of nuclear power.
Based on an erroneous assumption that man could influence the level of carbon dioxide in the air. This is controlled exclusively by photosynthesis. So all the climate fiction was devised the no global increase in carbon dioxide.
This is the only number which might have affected the weather. And obviously does not. Local values at engine exhausts in the city have no influence.
The methane from life abducted down to magma chambers, colonised in the presence of titanium or platinum, and formed the long chain hydrocarbons. That we are now burning.
So we are increasing life on earth. The carbon cycle concerns biology; which explains why professors of physics have been talking such rubbish for 30 years. Carbon dioxide makes life.
Nuclear power makes death. In 1986 Russia suffered Chernobyl. Nuclear power made up global warming.
But the natural climate was due to turned in 1998: nuclear power assumed by then than have a new generation of toxic power stations. They didn’t.
Hence the change to climate change. Which is nuclear speak for ‘global cooling’. Which obviously has nothing to do the carbon dioxide. Everything to do by solar cycles.

Jonathan Thomason

Limit to life

The limit to life around the earth is available carbon dioxide in the air for plants to metabolise in photosynthesis. A combine it with water to form carbohydrates: greeting the surplus oxygen.
Animals breathe in this gas and combine it with the carbohydrates which came from plant matter. The breathe out carbon dioxide. And this stimulates plant growth.
At the end of the cretaceous 90% of life on earth died due to insufficient carbon dioxide. Life I only got over this problem when more animals existed to create more carbon dioxide.
Mankind’s carbon dioxide has increased life on earth. But he’s has not increased the level of carbon dioxide in the air, which is pegged by photosynthesis.
Nuclear power dreamt up man made climate change: which is biological rubbish based on a fictitious rise of carbon dioxide in the air. Which can never happen.
Man has increased life on earth. It is outside his power to affect the level of carbon dioxide in the air. Is carbon emissions amount to 0.0000175% daily.
So every day there are more plants to convert carbon dioxide into life. There isn’t our more carbon dioxide in the air. For the last two centuries carbon dioxide levels have been static at two parts per 1,000,000.

Jonathan Thomason

Friday, 2 December 2011

The climate is nature

The world climate has been cooling for 13 years. Immaterial of low level of carbon dioxide in the air.
Green plants have converted additional carbon dioxide into extra life on earth. So for 650,000 years global carbon dioxide levels have been controlled exclusively by photosynthesis.
In a temperate period like today, modern photosynthesis is only two parts per 1,000,000 carbon dioxide in the air. He each day dawns with more green plants alive, taking in mankind’s additional 0.0000175% carbon dioxide in the air.
A static 2ppm carbon dioxide in the air obviously has no effect on the climate. Mankind is emissions increase life on earth.
Global warming was their PR by nuclear power in 1986 after Chernobyl. The world started cooling 1998. Hence the change to man made climate change.
But there has never been any change of carbon dioxide in the air, since it fell after the little ice age. The level of carbon dioxide in the air is controlled exclusively by photosynthesis.
All the scientists talking rubbish and there carbon dioxide have large research grants from nuclear power. Even in New Scientist magazine acts as if the biologically impossible man made climate change was science. It isn’t.
High school biology teaches that photosynthesis controls the free carbon dioxide in the air. Mankind’s emissions have just increased life on earth. They are not affected the level of carbon dioxide in the air.
Any scientist saying otherwise should not be in education. Maybe it New Scientist should rename itself ‘Nuclear Scare Stories’. The


No increase in CO2


Most of the world is undeveloped land in the countryside. There is a massive excess of photosynthetic plants. These had taken in all mankind’s carbon dioxide and converted into new life on earth. So the global average carbon dioxide level in the air has not changed due to man.
Harvard University did a global survey from 2008 to 2010 confirmed this. Is a prediction of high school biology. While there is sufficient minerals and water the limit to life on earth is available carbon dioxide in the air.
Man has increased the level of carbon dioxide in the air by 0.0000175% daily seem to industry of revolution. This is not pumping out carbon dioxide. Nature has not even noticed we have evolved. We are that unimportant.
The might have been weather is affected by global average level of carbon dioxide in the air. So in other words, is not been affected at all. Is no mechanism by which carbon dioxide amount two parts per 1,000,000 to have any impact on the weather anyway.
In cities new scientist published 2004 that carbon dioxide had risen to 3.7ppm. This could have had no impact on the weather. The preindustrial level was 2ppm. Life at this out on the Internet, suddenly the climate people are saying the real figure is 3 the70ppm. Exactly 100 times greater. With no personal point. It knocks totally fabricated.
Limit to life on earth is available carbon dioxide. In city Parks we spraying fertilizer and initiate the soil. So this means grass would grow by 10 centimetres a day. Rather than to millimetres a month.
Watching the grass grow would be a high intensity sport activity. During your lunch hour ago to a city park and water that he knows of may and with sythes hacking their way through the verdant plants of the city Parks.
The cities would be 10,000 times more fertile than the largest rainforest. 370ppm is still only 0. 0037 percent. All the date of the extra infrared absorbency by air starts the carbon dioxide at 2%. That is a whole basis for global warming.
I fly around the world. None of it is warming. American scientists say the global climate has been cooling for 13 years. The climate pundits say year on year carbon dioxide emissions have been growing since 1986: the year off Chernobyl. Where nuclear power started putting money into the discredited science of global warming.
Europe has been significantly cooling since 2005 hence the sudden change of the PR fiction to the man made climate change. Suddenly carbon dioxide is making the world wetter and cooler. Climate change is scientist are missing the carbon dioxide has no effect on the climate.
My conclusion in 2001, were said global warming was fiction by nuclear power. And suddenly my PH D was ended for no reason. In contravention of the universe C statute: which gave me the legal right to see a written explanation within six months. After 10 years I am still waiting.
And the world is still cooling. And carbon dioxide is still at home free industrial 2ppm.