Saturday, 18 July 2009

Nuclear fusion on Earth

By JonThm on Jonathan Thomason 

 On the sun we have a hydrogen plasma, in a strong electric and magnetic field. Oxford University has go £1 billion to look at an H plasma with laser light.
 They may get nuclear fusion, but I doubt it! Fluorescent tubes show the way! We have a Na plasma, in an electric field. In mid life we fission the Na, down to He and H, as we are emitting IR light: Which we turn into visible light using a phosphor.
 So why not start off with an H plasma? Because it will give you nuclear fusion, and all the collages are desperate for the research money from Global Warming. The world is cooling now, so nuclear power is pushing climate change.
 This is pinning the blame for the weather on CO2. Hey guys, there was weather while the only CO2 out there was from animals breathes! Plants take in CO2, and excrete O2. So CO2 is the gas of life. Life that nuclear fission kills, big time!
  Leave fission to bombs, it is fatal stuff. So an H plasma does nuclear fusion. Higher pressure, lower driving current and more nuclear fusion. The point about nuclear fusion is that it is power with no CO2, or the toxic death of present nuclear power.
 The only output is light! We feed in H, and get out light. We use the H plasma to run a steam cycle, and use a tiny bit of the current to drive and top up the H cycle. Once started, it draws no external current. Clean, safe, cheap power.
 There is a lot more to learn about the H plasma, but until universities consign Global Warming to the rhyme of dangerous, fatal fiction, they will not research it. This is a shame, as it will save life on Earth.

The cure to swine fever

By Jonathan Thomason 117 Merchant’s Quay, Salford Quays, M50 3XQ
Doctors have known for 230 years, that provided we are dealing with a full virus or bacterial infection, penicillin will cure it. It wakes up the immune system to make the active antibody, provided we are dealing with a full infection. And not a weak one like HIV. Here we have to give a drip of IL-2 and IL-4, and we make and action the active antibody. 
Covid vaccination never legal
Since the Covid flu line star to causing the regular seasonal flu 1934, medicine has always prohibited research or application of a Covid vaccination.  The first Covid flu virus was Covid34.  And every 1st of October we have a new Covid strain!
So Covid19 virus only existed between the 1st of October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  So any Covid19 vaccination was medically unethical and illegal.  And only halfway through drug testing when already obsolete.
This is why Covid in common cold vaccination are medically and legally prohibited.  The vaccination could never be three drug testing in time to be useful.  So the drug companies are pressing suppose the registered doctors to use the illegal Covid 19 vaccination.
For absolutely no medical reason!  The regular flu is no Covid21.  Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, which is totally unaffected by the previous year's Covid19, obsolete and never licensed a vaccination.
India found that e.g. ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of a Covid patient's chest would clear all Covid flu strains.  This is the medically proven science, High Intensity UltraSound which clears all cancers in 1 minute, all infections ½ minute of ultrasound to a patient's chest.

So no registered Dr. Has ever been allowed to research a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  Or they were struck off the first day of such unethical work!  Drug company is are also constrained by the same Hippocratic oath.
And and others prescribe from the manufacture and sale of any vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  Or they were struck off, back in 2002 as HIUS pro to be a one session total cure to all 200 types of human cancer.
So no cancer drug manufacturers legal from 2002.  Certainly no registered Dr. Could ever have applied it.  A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds applies for each cancer drug death.  My the Dr. receiving 25 years in high security jail.  As most prolific mass murderer in history.
The vaccination for Covid flu was never legal and certainly no the Covid19 vaccination is obsolete and was never licensed.  Always so criminal Drucker application!
The standard viral cure applies to all instances of Covid flu all the common cold: ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of her patient's chest.  This will also clear all bacterial infections.
Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  The only parts of medicine that make any money.  All stopped from forming by local application of HIUS, from e.g. the 8 W 3 MHZ unit personally verified by every Dr. On earth to cure all cancers from 2002.
Every cancer patient who had died in expensive or agony within two years of cancer drug application, was medically murdered.  Warranting the usual fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.
Even to of a Covid21 is totally cleared by 1 minute of HIUS to the chest.  No Dr. or drugs even legal!  Every Covid death since 2002 was intentional medical murder.  Every registered Dr. On earth owns the required HIUS unit to clear all viral and bacterial infections.
All the European Covid cleared by the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest of Covid patients.  No Dr. Intervention even required!  Biochemical prescriptions applied to Covid, are intentional medical murder.  Totally needless deaths!
There is no legal argument: by medical definition the Covid19 flu strain was replaced automatically by Covid20 on the 1st of October, 2020.  India eradicated 77,000 of Covid20, using the medically published ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
The Covid19 was as medically expected, totally ineffective against a new flu strain.  So or 100% clearance of Covid flu and now we're on Covid21.  Which will respond as usual to medically published viral and cancer cure.
Which medics and drug companies are desperate for people not to hear about!  So sure that your GP has personally received this message.  And then is medically required to communicate it to every other Dr. In his address book.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Nuclear Fusion



Is all through nature, but there is so much to learn. Oxford are talking about firing a high powered laser through an H plasma.

This will give a lot of research years, but it will not give the world nuclear fusion – which is what they got the £1 billion to give the world.

You are far better off with an H plasma tube: This is like a fluorescent, but filled with H gas, rather than Na vapour. I think we can top up with water, to generate steam which will do molecular nuclear fusion: But what do I know.

Certainly the H plasma will give us nuclear fusion with a small driving current. We are talking about 2 amps generating 100 MWatts!

The exact driving current will vary with pressure. We may even get to the pressure where we require no driving current, so once started the H plasma tube drives itself.

Certainly we will get as tube which liberates power, by turning H gas into He! OK, we put in power to start the tube, then we add more H gas, and get pure power out.

No CO2, and none of the toxic death of present nuclear power. I thought of this idea at Sheffield University, so they are going to get me working on the tube ASAP.

No. Nuclear Power has control of all universities through the funding agencies, so academia would prefer YOUTUBE did not tell anybody how to do nuclear fusion for free!

None of the plant CERN or Oxford University wants. You could build a fusion plant in your garage this week end.

And save life. And fix the climate. All with no academic input. Becau7se not even Sheffield has dared to comment. This is a shame, as my old PhD supervisor, Prof Zimmerman, is a very smart guy, whose input would have been worth having. His comments to me about nuclear fusion and turbulence is where the idea of steam plasma came from.

H plasma came up, and do more nuclear fusion, but steam plasma are easier to work with, and easier to top up.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

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