Friday, 29 June 2007

Ordsall pottery

Let's go potty at the hall! If teh ghostsdon't mind!

Ordsall pottery

Let's go potty at the hall! If the ghosts don't mind!

Ordsall hall

The leading Tudor hall in Salford

St Clement's, the Quays

My Church

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Radio Lollipop

Manchester's Hospital for kids is at Pendlebury. And we are the hospital radio - Radio Lollipop

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Deb & JT II

Yet more of our holidays in 2007

Holiday '07 I

The holiday in '07 included Hong Kong, the Dominican REpuclic, Bali, Singapore. So e-mail me if you recognise this stuff!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

The OCC Day

The Ordsall Cafe Open Day.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Car speed cameras are fatal

These 'safety' devices kill!

The gas of life

You are only alive, due to the little CO2 in the air. Plants want more!

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Labour Swindle!

New Labour has mortgaged our futures, to support their todays! Now the bills are due.

More Museum

Steam power is nuclear fusion! Come see how it all started

Hazel saves, herself

Hazel Blears, may not save the world, but at least she looks happy about it!

Britain Worst PM

Tony Blare PM wants more nuclear, as he is so off!

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Salford War Museum

Salford has a war museum at Salford Quays devoted to 20th century war!

Tuesday, 12 June 2007


SARELI is the chartiy for refugees

Saturday, 9 June 2007

World trips

Travel the world with Debs!

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

COs does not control the weather

The weather controls it! So CO2 levels are higher in an ice age! Lower when it is hotter, and there is more plant growth.
The people who first said CO2 affected the weather were the nuclear people, who wanted to site more plants. The trouble is, such plants kill millions! And they needed to get the environmentalists on their side.
Nuclear fission releases no CO2, but makes very toxic waste, and kills! The alternative is to do molecular nuclear fusion.
You want to see how? A water fall does it, as does a beating heart. It turns water into He and O, and is very very safe! Steam engines and green plants do it. And man can make all his energy that way, with no toxic waste.
The dangerous byproduct is He3, with a half life of 0.004 of a second. A rain shower makes it! It is that safe.
Life on Earth starts with plants and bacteria taking in CO2 – it is the trace gas of life. And there is only 0.000037% of it in the air.
Anybody who thinks this affects the climate is just stupid! A deserves to have a nuclear plant in their back garden!

Salford Water Sports Centre

Salford Water Sports Centre often run dragon boat racing

Friday, 1 June 2007

Antibody to cancer

Many thanks to the cleaver people who have shared ideas with me!
Firstly to Prof. Fossil, who told me that cancer shares its way of division with infections. He could have gone further!
Infections gain accommodation with the host, but making pathogen leaders. Small pox made inappropriate IL-1ra, and killed a third of Europe, by blocking the cell damage signal.
Cow pox did not, and only killed 5% of people deliberately infected with it. Once you had got better from cow pox, you could not then catch any pox virus! Genner did a good job in sorting out vaccination as a result.
So all infections out there share host specific pathogen leaders. These get shared around, and can be left behind after an infection.
Whne you have the golden 6, you get cancer! Which as a group of pathogen leaders, does no cell damage.
Dr MatZinger pointed this important point out to me, so I hit the immunology text books hard here!
If it did cell damage, The immune system would activate the immune system, which would make and action the active antibody: And yes, all 200 sorts of cancers out there have antibodies, and share 6 with infectious disease.
If we give a drip of the lower immune signals, we make and action the antibiotic, and once the target cell type is found, we get a full immune action, as if cell damage had occurred!
So there are 6 common HAVs to all cancers out there. They share them with infectious disease.
If you have infectious disease you go on to get cancer, or heart disease. So we want the HAX to infective disease, to change life!