Tuesday 15 October 2024

Curing Lyme disease

Lymes a;; cured

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of an infected tick. It's the most common tick-borne infection in the United States and is curable if treated early: 

Last year there were 300,000 cases of lyme disease in the U.S..  Apparently a consequence of some defective biochemical more research in the U.S..  Releasing infected ticks!

Like any bacterial infection, the bacterial infected cells have a foreign inflated cell nature.  Just lie there viral altered structures causing AIDs.  Which vanished from the world as my American contact in New York, I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side use chest.

The standard medical cure which will cure all viral and bacterial infections.  So patients with lyme disease can be cured by the standard ½ minute of this High Intensity Ultrasound, either side the chest.  Where the bacterial cells are very exposed.

The immune system or cause or bacterial infected cells to boil and rupture.  As experience biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Medics dislike HIUS, as the patients were owned by physics.  Makes five centuries ago!  Use an 8 W one MHZ unit will totally clear all infective diseases, including Lyme disease.

Sunday 13 October 2024

vaccinations defective medicine

Dr.s accepted vaccinations defective 1990s

The strongest medical validation on the planet, is 100 patient double blind trial in the world scenic and hospital chain, supervised by multiple medical professors.

2002 the world renown Moffitt cancer centre chain, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear cancers and viruses - supervised by three medical professors.

A peer review medical trial there is a way he below that standard of medical validation.  Every registered Dr. On earth is required to personally validate the such new medical science as it is published in the medical press.

So the three medical professors must have had a high hopes 2002, there all cancers were being cured.  The should have been.  But there's too much money tied up in the no defective biochemical treatments.

Which kill the cancer patients at great expense in two agonising years.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz externally was medically proved 2002 to clear all 200 cancers out there.  And 2024 will cure all cancers that ever exist!  Which require a foreign over inflated cell nature to induce infected cell replication- to be cancer.

So the HIUS works by causing inflated cell types to boil and rupture.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody, to clear the exploding cell type from the body.  As HIUS makes the inflated cells explode.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So all cancers there so every existed or potentially ever will exist require the same foreign inflated cell nature to divide and grow.  So 2024 the drug company is are publicising that 112 Americans had developed cancer is last year.  No they didn't!

1 minute of the ultrasound from the 8 W three MHZ unit, all bought to validate the cancer cure detailed in the Moffitt Paper 2002, will cure all inflated cell types have ever or will ever exist.

Cells not inflated are not cancer.  All viral and bacterial infected cells share the same overinflated cell nature.  To get infected structure replication.  Viruses look after their own cell division, which is why cancers and for her or the viral type RNA do single cell type division.

I have practically 2010 and that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest clears all 30 viral and bacterial infections my friends had.  The drug companies are desperate for a continuous round a vaccinations.  And have been since at least 1895!

There was always a problem!  Even licensed vaccinations kill one individual in 200.  And may be more fatal than the disease.

The link was first suggested in the early 1990s and came to public notice largely as a result of the 1998 Lancet MMR autism fraud, characterised as "perhaps the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years".

It 2019 Astra Zeneca defied medical kaw, and launched a vaccination to the seasonal flu.  Covid19.  Medicine has specifically prohibited too fast changing viral lines like care of it flu and the common cold since 1934.

As it was realized the medical intervention or be obsolete and counter productive Annie by three drug licensing.  The care of it vaccination obsolete an increasing the flu severity and death rate within six months.

Astra Zeneca Air was still making and selling the defective vaccination until three months ago.  Even though he was never medically licensed - never a legal human drug.

From January 2021 financially motivated corrupt medics had issued C and the legal medicine.  Giving out by one per billion vaccinations globally.  Causing 17 million patient deaths intentionally around the world.

The most psychopathic medical intervention in history, any Dr. Giving a care vaccination struck off at their own hand without legal argument.

There vaccinations to Covid21...23 were divide and it never even entered testing.  We're on the year of Covid24.  Though it responds to the standard cancer cure it even cured AIDs 2012; which is why HIV suddenly vanished from the world without explanation!

Brett used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device bought over the Internet each side use chest.  And totally cleared his AIDs.

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The most exciting medical department in history.  Totally eliminating the week viral condition that he killed five million people around the planet.  Including Freddie Mercury.  He died November 1991.  Before the medical science of HIUS have been developed.

And 2010 I firstly validated that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Just as 1 minute of external HIUS cured all cancers and have ever or would ever exist.

Curing all viral infections in 1 minute stops the development of cancers - which are thrown off by a active viral infections.  They are a part virus.  Now we can cure all viruses in 1 minute there will be no new cancers.

As they can cure all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute using an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit bought for under five UK pounds, all the doctors are validated 8 W three MHZ unit, there is no need for vaccinations.

With their accompanying death of one or 200 healthy people.  HIUS will cure all infections on demand, even clearing care of it flu and the common cold.  In the same amazing way that AIDs was cured 2012.  Without any Bio chemistry there disease became extinct.

There will be no HIV₂, as all viruses are cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  I wrote to say that Astra Zeneca has backed away from a vaccination against shingles.

The virus it kills 50 UK people a year.  Vaccinated 2.5 million of age pensioners, will kills 20,000 of them.  A total fine bass of 200 billion.

The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and counterproductive when given from January 2021.  It did not save 1.4 million lives!  He was totally medically redundant and hellishly counterproductive when given.  As mentioned above the medically expected death rate globally was 17 million.

The total legal fine an eye watering 170 trillion.  In excess of the well from the planet.  Any Dr. Giving a Covid vaccination, always aware there is added date and medically inert.  But fatal medicine!

So the involved doctors, nurses and drug company is struck off without legal argument: the uncontestable result of them signing the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Nurses and drug company is and sign it voluntarily.  So a high up nurses can instruct the lower down nurses what is best medical practice they should apply a common to their nightingale pledge.

Not one life around the world stage by the massively lethal Covid19 vaccinations.  Every vaccinating Dr. Struck off just as surely as the MMR doctors were struck off in the 1990s.

Each death warranting a 25 year jail term in high security prison.  Which I rather think the persuasive doctors have talked their way around!  There are more persuasive even than lawyers.  As Charles Dickens is said 'the law is the ;aw'.

Each care of the vaccinating Dr. Struck off, a fine of 10 million for every patient vaccination death.  A jail term of 25 years in high security prison: and throw the keys away!  They jail term as all be in millennia anyway.

So Astra Zeneca Air wanted a vaccimnation for shingles.  Which kills 50 people a year, and the vaccination would kill 20,000 every year!  A legal fine of 200 billion.

I can't find the next viral infection Astra Zeneca U.S. he wanted to vaccinate against.  All viruses are cured within ½ minute of HIUS each side a patient's chest.

Which will clear all bacterial infections, and strongly suspect parasitic infections.  And talking to a medical school tonight about this very issue.

Drug company is making and selling the defective Covid vaccination struck off, primarily and most importantly Astra Zeneca.  Who knew better!  That vaccinations were intentionally fatal medicines.  More lethal than most infections.

Shingles vaccination so fatal

Not a cery fatal virus

 Astra Zeneca kicked the Shingles vaccination into touch

Every year in the UK 50 people died from the shingles virus.  This is massively pure and the accidental death rate.

Year Killed Serious injury

2019 1,752 25,945 (30,144)

2020 1,460 20,102 (22,069)

2021 1,558 23,363 (25,892)

2022 (provisional) 1,695 (28,101)

The drug industry fortu have a good idea to vaccinate against Singles.  Which my grandfather survived in the 1970s.  Registered vaccinations have a one in 200 patient death rate.  That is a number of people who die directly from the vaccination.

Astra Zeneca are wanted to vaccinate I fusio shingles.  Dispensing 2.5 million vaccinations every year.  Which would expect to kill least 20,000 UK residents!  A truly massive intentional medical killing spree.

The fine for each death will be 10 million UK pounds, so the total fine bass 2000 billion, and it may well might not work!  The UK has 40 thousand practicing G P's.

So the shingles vaccination would wipe out maybe 15,000 UK G P's.  Though from legal medicine for ever.  Sharing in at total fine of 200 billion.  Life he her personal Health Insurance are just 100 million.

Who has Astra Zeneca suddenly decided A shingles vaccination was not a good idea.  The biggest recent deliberate medical homicide.  Fined 200 billion.  20,000 deaths!

Astra Zeneca away trying to think of our staff make and vaccinate for.  By one bowlers of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest for just ½ minute, was firstly validated to clear 30 different viral and bacterial infections.

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1 minute curing all 200 types of human cancer 2002.  So working for every infected disease out there.  Without any patient death.

Child heart disease sorted

All rixed

From 2013 Dr.s found that ½ minute of my High Intensity UltraSound to the top left to the chest the kidneys, totally cleared the inflated bacterial structure causing adults coronary heart disease.

It was seem reasonable that children have the same bacterial structure around the coronary arteries all kidneys.  So rather than just scan if our heart rhythm have a non masses, medics and should give young people application of HIUS to clear all heart rhythm problems.

A steam for a non intrusive way to clearing all heart problems.  It is so much better than a lifetime.  As 2013 and Anne had all coronary heart disease was eradicated from the earth.

HIUS is 8W 1MHz ultrasound from a massage device.

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Friday 11 October 2024

Free electricity for IT

Computer centres produce excess power

How do practically confirmed that a 15x1.5cm steam plasma rel two A commercially sourced ease a constant 500 kW of carbon zero heat.  The plasma burns the water molecules into just heat light and X rays.

1 H₂O+PL→E²+L+X-ray just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year being converted into plasma kilowatts of carbon zero power.  And the X rays are no more powerful and from a boiling kettle minute kitchen today!  Not like a high at x-rays from nuclear power.

We pass it over a the heated cylinder, where he had alors two Ait takes up of heat.  Which  thermoelectic generator, which free use a cancer 65 kW of carbon zero mains electricity.  Linking the phase and voltage with the National Power grid.

Even the most electrically demanding confusing centre, is are going to get three or 30 kW of electrical power all day.  The are going to sell one 3rd alors power to National Power grid, and get 6000 UK pounds.  $8000 a year.  For all that lovely zero carbon electricity.

And this also works out in the 1930s!  The staff are steam plasma, get a lightening strike liberated a constant 1.2 megawatts of heat from a 1.5km x 2 cm steam plasma which Prix uses five tonnes of helium ions in 3 seconds.  2.5x10³⁰W of heat energy.  My American contact verified that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma liberated a constant 1 MW of heat.  So a 30 cm steam plasma it gives those are 500 kW of carbon zero heat.

Are thorium salt, the thermoelectic generator, gives us three phase mains voltage and phase linked AC current.  Just accept it is the correct voltage and synchronises the AC current.

Some the Data Centres move from being lights' electricity users, to being 60 houses carbon zero electricity producers.

And high us to eight Chatbot.  He was aware that I used to work in IT.  After my master's degree in to engineering specializing in electricity generation.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Best selling author

I was wondering what my current account had four players or 5000 pounds more in it every month the it should have had, and also getting hassle by an American book agent, a very publishing my book about cancer and old age.

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cure to age and cancer -HIFU: 1 (Life books)

by Jonathan Thomason | 30 Jul 2018

Then he phoned me from America tonight.  And till me the Amazon E book uring cancer and HIV

 has entered the New York Times top 150 titles as a ebooks.

I wondered why is it any house or by an American book agent about the publishing a book on cancer and HIV.  Which I hold the total copyright on!  There is some stand to lose same block as my E book on curing cancers.  The different title mains I her and the exclusive copyright.

150 top seller in the U.S., From the UK!  Which implies I'm going to spend a lot of my time on a jet plane between the UK and America.  The killing a world important author was not on my life pocket list.

It all happened almost by accident.  I found out my Lulu book as in ebook on Amazon, this system at interest for my paper back.  $6.00 a Copi, that will soon rank up to be a lifetime income.

My English teacher Ralf Britan would be so proud.  Bolton School will obviously take the praise.  I only started writing drama at Sheffield University, who has ever roles in carers centre in high school.

For summer school can find the evil burn and there's an.  'cure to cancers and HIV by Jonathan Thomason'.  He only took up writing the plasma this high school English teacher. 

BBC predicts impossible wind

Quite breezy

The highest wind speed ever recorded on Earth was 253 mph (408 km/h)1

. This record was set on April 10, 1996, during Tropical Cyclone Olivia on Barrow Island, Australia1

. This gust was part of a smaller-scale circulation within the cyclone's eyewall, known as a mesovortex2

Hurricanes like Hurricane Milton in the U.S.  Can make the weensy air of the breezy!  Somehow BBC app predicted that the winners in the south of England were going to reach 1200 miles per hour.

This is over five times the highest ever reported winds on earth.  And a he and was a us to intervene, and stop this rubbish being posted.

There are for ever suppose the science rubbish about the nuclear 'climate change'.  Which fell to take into account the capping effect of photosynthesis on land and sea.  Motoring free carbon dioxide around the temperate earth to just two parts per million.

And the the arctics in winter we have four PPM carbon dioxide naturally - as there is no active plant life there.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack,

The maximum air speed in a wind tunnel can range from less than 200 miles per hour 

So the tail end of water needed from a third of the planet away, wasn't have used wins fees six times the maximum winces ever occurring naturally.  For no reason!  Just somebody forgot to of a human checking the computer generated rubbish.

Is it any wonder that when the BBC he says he will rain, people a kettle of India and check!