Wednesday 10 April 2024

What do doctors do?

2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated cell structures common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

Drug companies are frantically it doubles the commission for cancer drugs - which are now leave for an defective medicine.  Just one prescription of cancer drugs so since 2002 and the Dr. and drug company, plus assisting nurses struck off.

2013 registered doctors published a 20 patient double blind trial, and high us to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clearing coronary heart disease.  This will also clear all heart arythmia problems.

Drug companies turn them 2024.01.00 new heart disease!  They would reduce the blood pressure and library so reduced stroke risk.  Cleared in over 2 minutes by being 8 W three MHZ unit in every nursing office in the world: four when they validated the cancer cure.

½ minute was found 2013, with 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied to the back of the chest, clearing type two diabetes instantly.  Type one requires the full minute - verified 2016.


g the prescription metformin there is then criminal from the relevant dates.  At least eight years ago!  Any diabetic medicine there prescription striking off the Dr. and drug company.

The Dr. then remove from medical wages are having no future pension entitlement.  There subsequent prescriptions illegal and invalid.

In a panic a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 mysteriously escaped from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.  Those the world as Corona virus!

Chinese medics applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest of Corona patients, an last 44,000 cases on earth were cured.  Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.

Absolute no relationship we've Covid19, causing human death through the seasonal flu since 1934.  Also cured using the same ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

Astra Zeneca have a use of high us for an economic future on a regular vaccination to Covid.  Though this was specifically prohibited by the Hippocratic oath, doubly so now or flu was cured.

They flu this year is now Covid23, automatically being renamed as Covid24 and the 1st of October.  Tragically vaccinations you're Y unlicensed, kill one in 200 people.  The infection is two more fatal, or the vaccination illegal.

Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September 2019.  We then have the year of Covid20.  This is not stopped party logical doctors are still offering the obsolete, unlicensed and counterproductive Covid19 vaccination every winter.

Though it became obsolete and counterproductive only six months in 2A2 year drug licensing scheme.  So January 2021, and the care of it vaccination obsolete and counterproductive.

Given to 3.5 billion global citizens, it intentionally and deliberately killed 17 million of them.  Striking off the Dr. and involved nurses plus pharmacists.  Also be manufacturing biochemical drug company.

The total legal fine is 170 trillion!  In excess of the worth of the planet.  Striking off every vaccinating Dr. Without legal argument.

2012 my New York contact verified that the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest totally cleared AIDs.  The infection vanished from the universe in two weeks.

B and drug company is scrabbling around, say they have been so only knew effective biochemical treatment.  No!  Just the 100 per cent effective cure to all viral and bacterial infections.

The rest or medicine heavily loses money!  Even dementia, killing since a 1930s totally clear my practical experience, by ½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's head.

Clearing MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  I think even clearing clinical depression!

Which they use medicines and doctors through a exactly nothing to do.  It care of it vaccination doctors struck off, and all subsequent prescriptions invalid and illegal.

The same applies to any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since 2002.  Oh in 10 million UK pounds for every medicated cancer death.  And receive a 25 year jail term in high security prison.

The involved doctors, nurses and drug company is all struck off without appeal.

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