Saturday 13 April 2024

EDF adverts not true

The ITV advertising standards legislation requires all adverts are honest legal and true.  EDF is promoting its nuclear power plant as zero carbon.  This is just nuclear science fiction.

For the last 11.2 1000 years global photosynthesis around the temperate earth has limited free carbon dioxide to just two parts per million.  As plumbers or tell lies the night's carbon dioxide, they ran into a growth brick wall!

They can only metabolise the carbon dioxide released five burning the fossil fuels.  The carbohydrates of life were converted into hydrocarbons as the mass extinctions transfer the carbohydrates of life down into deep heated earth's interior.

1 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+P+T→CₘHₙ+nO so we strip the oxygen atoms and air to the carbohydrates, to form hydrocarbons.  Which is why the earth's deep produces so much free radical oxygen.  Which ends up as ozone gas.

So your tank of petrol is actually the razor dinosaurs that died in the Jurassic!  Continuously around the earth plants are eating the carbon dioxide produced via a fossil fuel burning.

Burning oil or gas it already does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 CₘHₙ+pO₂→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂Os+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

The main energy release is from the nuclear fusion we are doing.  They ran out there is no chemical source of helium.  The high in the light and X rays and produce five fossil fuel burning,

For cheekily deli is emission of X rays from were running internal combustion engine.  Which means we must be doing nuclear fusion!  The total cycle does result in the enrichment of the carbon.  Which then decays there are five year the year half life.  The erroneous basis of carbon dates!

3 ⁱ²C+X-ray→ⁱ⁴C the same process enriches the ash from a bonfire!  However walsall was also a two physical molecular nuclear fusion.  As to growing green plants and free books.

4 H₂O+TU→He+O+Lf+X-ray who is Warner walls give out light flashes.  And free use X rays!  As the termed a fantastically tiny volume of water into bubbles of helium and free radical oxygen gases.

The X rays nurse with the half life of carbon, so staff varied within living memory the last 50 years, persona carbon dates are 2000 BC!  Archeologists leaders some other dating mechanism.

During building a nuclear power plant the construction team to use a fossil fuel burn on limestone to drive of carbon dioxide, falling cement!  For all their reinforced concrete.

Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest, and only totally of voidable carbon source.  EDF is boasting that he is carbon zero!  Just not true.

During the construction of uranium nuclear power plant, in two years they release the carbon equivalent from operating a commercially fired power plant.  For 25 years.

TV adverts which are factually inaccurate should not be screened on television.  Or the ITV Company is in contravention to its broadcasting licence.  Advertising standards demands that the others are factually accurate, legal and true.

B year alerts had not been, so soon first star to go on and the carbon zero!  Presumably 1986 -the year of Chernobyl.  They nuclear power to drive to invent a reason to exist.

After Chernobyl the required annual insurance rose to 40 billion.  Nuclear power Carries a criminally insufficient 50 million.

A locally photosynthesis and nature caps carbon dioxide at the Prix industrial two parts per million.  So the EDF and others are factually misleading!  And then hellishly inaccurate.

Nuclear power is 1/4 largest source of carbon emissions from all of them and technologies.  Always criminally under insured!  Every EDF nuclear plant should have shut down in 1986.  The up legal fines for the illegal operation of criminally under insured nuclear power, is a matter for the lawyers.

The usual legal fine will be in the cure to profits from the legal industry are 18 and 1986.  And immediate stop orders on all 422 nuclear plans - which are operating criminally under insured. 

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