Friday 19 April 2024

CO₂ not a warming gas

In the afternoon air circling the temperate earth there is just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.  The static level last five global photosynthesis for last 11.2 thousand years.

Green plants on land and sea suck in all that lovely carbon dioxide.  And build the carbohydrates of plant biomass.  As every biology lecturer and student will tell you at university, the in just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+rO₂+chlorophyll→(Cā‚˜(H₂O)ā‚™+O₂-E)+r(He+O₃+E²+X-ray)

Who came clear for all wander in the temperate earth through a field of growing green crops, as for the ozone gas!  And a Geiger counter measure the release of the X rays - or which is no chemical source.  So plants are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.

No 18 billion dollar fusion torous.  But single he fails to do nuclear fusion!  The fusion scientists showed that surrounds the magnetic coils, with aluminium foil.  And no 10,000,000° C required.

The face centre cubic metal ball double the amount of physical molecular nuclear fusion, the torous is doing!  Professor Z suggested we should refer to torous by the time the coiled helix which will quadruple the medicine of physical molecular nuclear fusion we are doing.

But there is a far simpler idea!  Every 3 minutes around the world heavy rain or snow storms, are doing physical molecular nuclear fusion as we talk.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

University geography departments have recorded the X ray emission from storms.  And the release of helium from Asia where the effects.

My American friend had fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder.  And got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

The simplest and cheapest way to turn this into electrical power, is to drive a commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectic generator.  They sure free use three phase mains linked voltage as AC current.

The national grid pay us 180,000 UK pounds, for all that lovely carbon zero electricity.  We are producing the carbon zero electricity for between eight and 20 houses: depending on the day and power demand!  Eight on Christmas day.

The garage scientist can produce a plasma power plant in the out house or the cellar/attic.  Engineering firms should be selling the plasma power plants.  Four below 2000 UK pounds.

Every month generating an income of 50 thousand UK pounds.  Altogether 'what A payback!'.  There every day he already green plants' cap carbon dioxide at just two PPM.

It's static level for last Xi Point two thousand years.  Go back 60 million years, we reached the Jurassic age.  There photosynthesis left four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

There was 85% more biological life on earth then pump out and today.  There was 10% more oxygen in the air.  And lonely sea levels were 60 metres lower!

UK walk to France, that the cyan there were no breakthroughs cell lines!  The Jurassic one periods had four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

But three natural ice ages.  One lasting 1000 years.  The long this glacier Asian a mineral record, the carbon dioxide air to eight PPM.  So four times the present trace level, in a ****ing major ice age.

Today around the temperate earth we still have the same two PPM, there was in the air 11.2 1000 years ago air.  This is not forget sea levels 60 metres lower!

Today in the polar winters photosynthesis shuts down: as happily familiar to every scientists on the planet.  We have four PPM carbon dioxide in the polar winter air.  As if in some lowest natural temperatures on earth.

Down to -50° C above the arctic ice.  With the snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas.  And we have massive ice caps.  Which had higher up the cold in the ice.

They were prefer to that cold flow back naturally to the equator.  Not hard!  We set up much heat pumps, driven by a steam plasmas.  Which turn the turbulent flow of steam with within the plasma, into massive carbon zero heat and so electricity.

3 H₂O+PL→2(He+L+X-ray)

Again I a 30 cm steam plasma will freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  A little tough 1000 pound steam turbine will convert into ½ MW of electrical power.  All totally carbon zero!  So much better than burning petrol, gas or diesel burners,

We have a gas like ammonia or nitrogen, threw a venturi nozzle!  And the temperature of the gas drops from 0° C to -250° C.  The wonders of thermodynamics!  A low pressure gas is automatically cold.

We draw in low temperature heat from the seas that down to -20° C.  And then we do the thermodynamics magic!  We double the pressure on the gas, and used half the volume of gas or 350° C.

This science worked out by the Rev. Sterling in the 18th century.  In the later he had a four bedroomed house in Europe during winter, from a frozen duck pond!  Which acts as a very deaf use so the collector.

So we felt at the hot air over the ice.  Which melts, and is back into C as liquid water 0° C.  It mixes with the sea water, and the warm sea currents at 10° C.

So we massively increase the flow of a maximum density of water, at 3° C!  Water expands as it freezes.  Which is why ice floats!  And there was the seas and the world will be frozen even in the Caribbean, to within 10 feet of the sea surface.

As he is the colt seawater flows back to the equator, wearing rises and fix up equatorial heat.  Flowing back towards the poles as the warm sea currents.  It is the natural heat shuttle of the earth.

Now we of using 18th century magic of the heat pump, to melt the ice!  And Lisa cold to have her back to the equator where the cold is very welcome.  We will increase the natural rain over the equator.

So dry lands will become cooler and lusher.  We were on the increase the photosynthesis around the globe.  Sucking in that carbon dioxide, and building plant biomass for free!

Over the arctics we can erect a network are steam plasmas below aluminium flotation balloons.  So illuminating a warming that dark areas the world's, to have 24 hour sunshine and heat.

5 H₂O+P+PL→E²+L+X-rau 1 MW of carbon zero heat, from two little water burn and every year ever to measure.  Warming and lighting the dark lands.

Which gets 24 R, 365 days a year agriculture.  More productive than Texas!  And the steam plasma will run for basically free.  Sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide!

I thought of this idea at Sheffield University, where Yorkshire has a significant Dr. Period over winter.  They can erect a network are steam plasmas, and get at 24 hour, 365 days a year agriculture.  The memory the green plants eat carbon dioxide!

If all this extra plant life, the great shortage on earth will be available carbon dioxide!  Man's industry is has signally failed to raise the trace level of carbon dioxide in the air.  Still at the same two parts per 1,000,000 in the afternoon air, it was at 11.2 thousand years ago.

And the static trace gas has no effect on anything!  The last words go to Mars, which is aimed T percent carbon dioxide in the Martian Air.  Average Martian Air temperature -112° C!  Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!

Around the temperate earth at a static two parts per million for the last 11.2 thousand years.  Nuclear power forgot to include biology into its science fiction about carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is fixed by nature!  There again as additional carbon dioxide by burning the fossil fuels, gradually return or 85% of life that died at the Jurassic mass extinction.

And seas were 60 metres lower!  There was 10% more oxygen year.  But I see carbon dioxide!  If we use a little cellar powered pumps, one Watt of vacuum will cause even see water to boil off into fuel water vapour.

Which is anyone 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water.  So we irrigate the deserts, and distribute seeds and soil mats!  This ever seeing lush rainforest over what is now at desert.

Sucking in all that lovely carbon dioxide!  To feed the growing world population.  More plants leads inevitably to more animals!  So we increase the global food supplies.

Really carbon dioxide is going to be such a scarce commodity!  And over the north myself poles we reestablish winter 24 hours a day he, 365 days a year.  We will have no cold dark winter months.

And of course we melt the polar ice!  And he exposed by nurses will now be home to a massive our spring of life.  I told Sheffield University this 2001.

They ended my PH D work with no award, Aggie in their high school educated santis did not understand the carbon cycle - the basic life support system on earth.

The sulphur cycle is too acidic, an early goes on around volcanic bombs.

6 H₂SO₃+L+P+TU→H₂S+O₃+E²+X-ray

7 H₂S+catalyst+2O₂→SO₂+H₂O+E+O

There is were to be done here by biology!  So the sulphur cycle is very very acidic¬

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Curing orphaned diseases

All infections cured 2002

These are rare diseases which or drug industry is do not wish to study!  But in 2002 the one session total cure to all cancers also cures all viral and bacterial infections.

The drug companies hate the cancer cure, as they are not involved in it!  By any person can cure all cancers, all 200 types or at home!

The Moffitt cancer centre discover that 1 minute of high intensity ultrasound (e.g. 8 W three MHZ) I applied externally cause the inflated cells common to all cancers.  All viral and bacterial infections to boil and rupture.

This causes the body's immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the foreign cell type totally from the body.  The total 1 minute cure to all cancers.

I wrote this idea up about AIDs in 2008, and 2012 my contact in New York used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side use chest to clear his HIV⁺ status.  Such units can be purchased for under five UK pounds over the Internet today.

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That virus and bacteria share the same foreign inflated cell nature with all cancers/so 1 minute to an infected organ.  Or ½ minute each side of the chest will cause the infected cells to boil and rupture.  And induce a body wide immune action to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.

After my friends cure of AIDs infection had vanished from the world within two weeks.  But suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and fatal AIDs treatments until 2018.

Doctors are not allowed to medicate the well!  As it cancer result in the deliberate and callous death of the patient.  AIDs treatments being delivery the fatal within the decade.  HIUS clearing all viral infections in 1 minute!

And it does not matter how minor the infection years.  It works for all viral and bacterial infections, and all registered medics were required to purchase an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound the 2002, and verify the total cancer and viral cure.

Now all off and infections are cured!  All manner infections cured in Africa: so no suddenly emergence of the new deadly 'incurable' virus.  As all viruses are totally cured.

Losing AIDs has caused some medical or $648,000,000 in drug treatments every year.  They have never celebrated the cure are the most pernicious viral infection in history.

That killed five million individuals around the planet.

The RE as five billion in donations to fund a biochemical cure.  The residue that money must be returned to the donors.  Now that AIDs has ceased tonnes.

Medics are desperately looking for AIDs₂ from 2012.  But the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral infections.  Just as the extinguish all 200 cancers from the world 2002.

Registered doctors no longer allowed to prescribe the now defective an intentionally fatal cancer treatments.  Since 2002.  Without being required the same day to strike themselves off the medical register for life!  Ceasing all medical practice/

There medics proclaimed there was a noble prize waiting for the person who cured AIDs.  No there wasn't!  I found the cure with the assistance of professor Z.  He never E burn awarded me A PH D my work at Sheffield University 2000!  Which lead on doubt the to the cure of all cancers.

Which cast medicine 20 billion a year.  But doctors confirmed the heart disease cure 2013: ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the vacuum the kidneys.  Which will also clear all heart rhythm problems.

½ minute over the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas clears type two diabetes, supposedly incurable since the 1950s!  Type one requires the fall minute, or only remits in three days as immune system gets busy.

My American contact Mrs Woods or ask any potential cured three day trial.  And it worked on day three!  I later found out the full minute gave the instant cure I had discovered we had type two diabetes.

The usual ½ minute of HIUS cleared Corona virus in Wuhan Province China.  And there was firstly found to clear my own Covid19.  There detecting medics from the or prescription pad is almost impossible!

They applied the obsolete, unlicensed and counter productive Covid19 vaccination from January 2021: even though it was obsolete only six months into a drug testing regime.

3.5 billion people were given the unlicensed vaccination illegally from January 2021 and 17 million and ended up dead.  The total legal fine is 170 trillion.  In excess of the worth of the planet!

Every Covid vaccinating Dr. and nurse struck off without argument!  The the cells totally and utterly from legal medicine for ever.

So 2024 and week in no cure all infections!  ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest.  No Dr. Intervention or drugs even legal!  Remember it annihilated AIDs from the universe 2012.

Monday 15 April 2024

BUPA defective dentistry

Bad dental care

I recently had a fall and tragically checked a front tooth.  I research cancer, and I have found that 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears all cancers I tried it on.

Ultrasonic Facial Skin Tightening And Lifting Beauty Device, Including Neck, Eye And Face Massager, Without Battery

SKU: sb2312277521627521
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This is what the Americans term High Intensity UltraSound.  ½ minute each side the chest also clearing all viral and bacterial infections,

So ½ minute externally each side of them mouth would also clear all infections, and two thick!  Since cancers have realized, that 1 minute of this HIUS would clear all two fake, to decay and also Murphy infections.

So I recently waited a month to see Neil at Eccles Old road, salford.  He charged 100 pounds so given a mouth earth inspection.  Though not wanting to 44182 sex traction, are now on the specified healthy an paying free two tooth.

This is a sort of dentistry specifically prohibited by the dentist Hippocratic oath.  No spurious of pointless dentistry, or the genesis is required to strike themselves off and seek or dental practice for life.

He has supervision by his senior dentists.  So how many other patients had lost health E and pain free teeth, just to give them an income!

He announced that I had four page three Murphy infections.  Which I was unaware of!  I a pointed out that I had applied HIUS to each side of my mouth.

He was required virus Hippocratic oath, to have validated 2002 that this clears all their cancers with no other medical intervention.  Per personally validate this new medicine would have struck a off as a dentist anyway!

And presumably his land masses were monitoring his dental activity.  So he should have noticed mortals spurious two for extraction and for no reason.  Just one spurious tooth extraction.  Striking off Neil for life.

He wanted to treat my four earth infections with and fillings, which obviously would hours the no effect on the mouth infection, just again damaging my teeth for no reason!  Except personal gain.

All that dentis have had a hand the validated 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, to clear all patient Murphy infections.  Which I medically proved 2014.

2024 and Neil offer a 2 for extraction, and drill work for no possible medical gain!  I a pointed out that HIUS was medically proven 2002 to clear prostate cancer.  And subsequently found to clear all cancers and infections in one session without drugs,

Firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth!  Who were still prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal cancer drugs until 2020.  When doctors put on record that all cancers have ceased.

So the drug company is started chatting 150 pounds a time, to apply he spurious and negative cancer tests to the global population.  There were no cancers on earth!  Doctors are prohibited from applying spurious and negative tests for money.

To do so was to striking off the Dr.!  As was the or prescription of intentionally fatal cancer treatments since 2002.  All dentists using extraction and drill work, to clear nonexistent mouth infections, is so obviously 80 effective dentist.

So I would have expected the managers at flu for dental care on Eccles alder road salford, to their struck off any Dr. Offering spurious extractions and roll work, for non existent Murphy infections!

Around the world dentis have access to the 8 W three MHZ unit, clearing all Murphy infections and abscesses, that 1 minute of external HIUS to the affected area.

Neil panicked!  He fully discharged you refer the to the dental hospital.  They carry on with his illegal and defective dental care.  BUPA have the legal duty to expel all such defective and illegal dentists from their palaces.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Clean up the quays


My home

Salford Now › 2020/12/15 › liberal-democrat...

15 Dec 2020 — Alex Warren started the 'Clean Up The Quays' petition in the hope that it would draw attention to littering and other environmental issues that ...

At just spent the early afternoon with Jonathan Moore, tidying up salford quays.  Visitors tend to damp they cans and other trash, as if it was an open air rubbish bin.  Is have a nice to be where I live!

I am not rich.  I nearly died in a car accident and few years ago, so why people bought me a nice house in which to live.  And people dump trash everywhere!

This would not happen in France!  This is a prestige development, which two people or Manchester insured take pride in.

Germany standard for cancer or on the 2nd of May, he tries to engage the local community to improve life for everybody.

Liver or out during the week doing a trash collection.  As he walked around two we collected 20 bags.  What will happen to apply he chipped washing machine I do not know.

We will call the council to come and collect all the wrong way sure beats are carefully collected.  It is good to see that somebody is taking pride in Manchester, and where I live!

I actually gave Johnson my practically confirmed work from Sheffield University: where is doing a PH D, and set was mysteriously ended!  As I have found a source of carbon zero power.  You are there to study climate change, but not cure it.

Every day A plants take Ian carbon dioxide during daylight hours.  So around the temperate earth afternoon carbon dioxide is limited to just two parts per 1,000,000!  It's static level for last 11.2 thousand years.

High school biology teacher would tell them is just not possible on earth !Any rational scientist not NUPA nuclear power, would agree that a static trace gas affects nothing.  Every winter above the are six carbon dioxide doubles to four PPM.

As they experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth!  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice sheet.

Carbon dioxide obviously not a warming gas!  As the trace level of carbon dioxide has a static for over 10,000 years, it obviously affects nothing!

The earth's climate has 28 year periods or warming cooling - cause five predictable solar emission cycles.  Totally outside the control of mankind!  So the earth started cooling 1995.

House fire 2005 uranium nuclear power were promoting their latest science fiction of manmade climate change.  Caused again like manmade global warming, but highly school biology teachers would tell nuclear that a change change in carbon dioxide level.

Not on the planet with a active photosynthesis!  Miles has 90% carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere.  Average temperature -112° C!  Again carbon dioxide obviously not a warming gas.

Science academics have a vested interest in promoting science truth.  So every university biology lecturer professor, I must tell the world that carbon dioxide is static!

This year we're back to natural global warming - cause five predictable solar emission cycles.  Expect nuclear funded stooges, to dust off their papers on manmade global warming from 30 years ago!

He is an idea: three words the science truth!  Or get the hell out of education.

Saturday 13 April 2024

EDF adverts not true

The ITV advertising standards legislation requires all adverts are honest legal and true.  EDF is promoting its nuclear power plant as zero carbon.  This is just nuclear science fiction.

For the last 11.2 1000 years global photosynthesis around the temperate earth has limited free carbon dioxide to just two parts per million.  As plumbers or tell lies the night's carbon dioxide, they ran into a growth brick wall!

They can only metabolise the carbon dioxide released five burning the fossil fuels.  The carbohydrates of life were converted into hydrocarbons as the mass extinctions transfer the carbohydrates of life down into deep heated earth's interior.

1 Cā‚˜(H₂O)ā‚™+P+T→Cā‚˜Hā‚™+nO so we strip the oxygen atoms and air to the carbohydrates, to form hydrocarbons.  Which is why the earth's deep produces so much free radical oxygen.  Which ends up as ozone gas.

So your tank of petrol is actually the razor dinosaurs that died in the Jurassic!  Continuously around the earth plants are eating the carbon dioxide produced via a fossil fuel burning.

Burning oil or gas it already does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 Cā‚˜Hā‚™+pO₂→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂Os+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

The main energy release is from the nuclear fusion we are doing.  They ran out there is no chemical source of helium.  The high in the light and X rays and produce five fossil fuel burning,

For cheekily deli is emission of X rays from were running internal combustion engine.  Which means we must be doing nuclear fusion!  The total cycle does result in the enrichment of the carbon.  Which then decays there are five year the year half life.  The erroneous basis of carbon dates!

3 ā±²C+X-ray→ā±⁴C the same process enriches the ash from a bonfire!  However walsall was also a two physical molecular nuclear fusion.  As to growing green plants and free books.

4 H₂O+TU→He+O+Lf+X-ray who is Warner walls give out light flashes.  And free use X rays!  As the termed a fantastically tiny volume of water into bubbles of helium and free radical oxygen gases.

The X rays nurse with the half life of carbon, so staff varied within living memory the last 50 years, persona carbon dates are 2000 BC!  Archeologists leaders some other dating mechanism.

During building a nuclear power plant the construction team to use a fossil fuel burn on limestone to drive of carbon dioxide, falling cement!  For all their reinforced concrete.

Making nuclear power mankind's fourth largest, and only totally of voidable carbon source.  EDF is boasting that he is carbon zero!  Just not true.

During the construction of uranium nuclear power plant, in two years they release the carbon equivalent from operating a commercially fired power plant.  For 25 years.

TV adverts which are factually inaccurate should not be screened on television.  Or the ITV Company is in contravention to its broadcasting licence.  Advertising standards demands that the others are factually accurate, legal and true.

B year alerts had not been, so soon first star to go on and the carbon zero!  Presumably 1986 -the year of Chernobyl.  They nuclear power to drive to invent a reason to exist.

After Chernobyl the required annual insurance rose to 40 billion.  Nuclear power Carries a criminally insufficient 50 million.

A locally photosynthesis and nature caps carbon dioxide at the Prix industrial two parts per million.  So the EDF and others are factually misleading!  And then hellishly inaccurate.

Nuclear power is 1/4 largest source of carbon emissions from all of them and technologies.  Always criminally under insured!  Every EDF nuclear plant should have shut down in 1986.  The up legal fines for the illegal operation of criminally under insured nuclear power, is a matter for the lawyers.

The usual legal fine will be in the cure to profits from the legal industry are 18 and 1986.  And immediate stop orders on all 422 nuclear plans - which are operating criminally under insured. 

Clear tooth ache at home for free


Dental pain all gone

Can be removed in ½ minute at home!  We need an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, they can be purchased over the Internet for under five UK pounds.

Ultrasonic Facial Skin Tightening And Lifting Beauty Device, Including Neck, Eye And Face Massager, Without Battery

SKU: sb2312277521627521
(61 Reviews)


1 minute of this ultrasound to where it hurts will clear all 200 cancers out there.  It is what the Moffitt cancer centre termed High Intensity UltraSound, as they published the one session total cure of prostate cancer 2002.  Registered doctors confirmed he works for all 200 types of human cancer.

Hence the sudden closure of all global cancer hospitals.  There's cancer drugs became defective and fatal medicine.  There prescriptions illegal since 2002.  The National Medical regulators have the legal imperative to strike off every cancer prescribing Dr. Since 2002.

The usual legal fine for any resulting patient death is 10 million UK pounds.  The daughter getting a 25 year jail term for each deliberate and callous medical murder.  Caused by the prescription of knowingly defective medicine.

Every registered Dr. On earth had to confirmed 2012, that HIUS cleared all cancers.  Or they were struck off and totally remove from legal medical practice anyway!

HIUS works by causing artificially inflated cell types to boil and rupture.  Which includes all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So all cancers cured 2002.  Subsequent prescription of cancer drugs was defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  10 million for every resulting cancer patient death.

2010 I have personally confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  As we again do !.  Causing the viral or bacterial infection to boil and rupture.

Inducing the patient's own immune system to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.  It is only a limited to the undesirability of that foreign cell type.

This idea also works for tooth skerries.  Where the HIUS causes the inflated bacterial structure to boil and rupture.  Causing is total clearance from the body.

2014 I used this idea on my friends tooth abscess.  Her dentis first perfect or the reaching for the drill, which share no curative effect!

I cured her answer is totally in one minute.  Which had dentis was very angry about!  As a continuous defective care was is a economic income.

Today he will face of the UK population no longer have access to an NHS dentist.  The NHS dentis have tended to offer the patient's private nursing care.  As NHS dentistry does not make money.

But when a person has tooth discomfort, they should apply he ½ minute of HIUS externally to them earth.  Or maybe up to 1 minute!  Stop as you feel warming.

The immune system is then activated to clear the distinct foreign bacterial cell type totally from the body.  Retaining the danger log, to stop that distinct foreign bacterial cell type, ever infective a patient again.

So we came clear all two discomfort.  Them earth is an immune system provision zone, a quick buzz of HIUS as home and that it is cancer is totally cured in 2 hours.

No drill dentist visit required!  Utilising the T does not do anything useful.  It may have provided a week danger signal, around the infected area.  Or it may not!

A quick buzz of external HIUS clears all two discomfort at home.  No dentis visit required!  I sent this issue to the British Dental Association last night.  I am always seeing their reply.

I had a E-boo flow of private dentists offer me the extraction of a totally healthy an paying free tooyh.  He offered to draw out my temporary filling.

Which can last as long as the white filling today at the dentist!  First left in peace.  He also wanted a four repeat dentis appointments, to clear the dental discovered I do not have.

I told her I had used HIUS, the total cancer cure, to clear any fossil bacterial infection.  He went white and fully discharged me!  Charging 100 UK pounds for the spurious dental examination he had given me.

Absolutely no dental care at all!  All he had was that real and filling gun!  Both totally inappropriate and useless for totally healthy mouth.

Friday 12 April 2024

Clearing tooth ache

------- All toothache is caused by infective bacterial infections in the mouth.  I was just that flu for dental hospital or in Salford, seeing Neil.

Who charged 100 pounds to inspect my mouth.  He suggested the dental work resulting for the two damaged by my fall should be repaired finally hwwauggestedby the dental hospital.

He had suggested I had mouth infections and requires serious mental intervention!  Including a tooth extraction.  I a pointed out as a PH D student, who have been involved in the development of high intensity ultrasound to clear infections.

Cancer and viruses look after their own cell replication,.  Using the viral type of cell division.  The Moffitt cancer hostels are published the use of one application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, to clear all cancers and viruses.

Which is alleged to exclude all cancers from the world!  And the drug companies are not happy about it.  With the cancer hostels are empty!

I confirmed that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears all viral infections.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+X-ray

The ultrasound coals all cancers and viruses to boil and rupture.  Inducing the immune system to clear that dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body.  It clears all 200 cancers from the earth.

Bacterial infections must also have an inflated cell nature, to induce infective structure replication.  By the over helpful B cells of the immune system.

So the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead clears all bacterial infections from on earth.  Totally clearing bacterial abscesses and Carries.  All caused by an inflated bacterial structure.

You can buy a an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device over the Internet for under five UK pounds, and he will totally clear toooth ache.

Don't insight doctors are constrained from spurious and pointless interventions.  When I mentioned to him that I had used ultrasound to clear any possible mouth infection, just like ultrasound has eradicated cancers from the world.

The colour drain from his face!  As he realized he had acted unethically and illegally.  He firmly to the dental hospital, and quickly grabbed £100 and disappeared.  He did not even replace the temperate two for failing in my back teeth - the reason for the dental appointment.

There is no possible way I had a mouth infection.  His interest cent infection action were spurious and useless dentistry.  Today in the UK he one of five people can not get an NHS dentist.

Even getting a private dental appointment taught me a month!  He was also an all two thick is being cleared without a drill.  Deserts I resorted to RE doing work that has worn out!  And standby a previous dentist.

By the defendant had a serious dent or from for a few years, I applied ultrasound externally to the area that have been the problem, and it never needed to C a dentist ever again.

I think we are seeing a sudden crash in dentist numbers!  As all tooth ache is cured without the drill, the NHS have responded by sending around the emergency dental vans.  To provide the same defective dentistry from the 1980s!

To clear dental abscesses and other T problems, I applied ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound externally to you on earth.  And keep your teeth intact.  This medicine was published 2002, since and the has been no need for the dental drill!

together. We are the voice of dentists and dental students in the UK. We bring dentists together, support our members through advice and education, and ...