Sunday 7 April 2024

drug companies all confirmed cancer and Alzheimer's cure

2002 and the world renown Moffitt cancer centre published use of high intensity ultrasound to clear all foreign inflated cell types.  Which includes all cancers and viral infections.

Including the inflated viral structures in the brain area, secreting inappropriate neurotransmitters, causing mental health problems.  Like MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

The foreign cell types include the viral altered cells causing all cancers and mental health problems.  Also diabetes and other diseases of age.  Here I am indebted to to Dr Z, for confirming idea that ultrasound scans sets off biological or nuclear fusion,

Going off from water molecules, where to adjacent hydrogen ions bond to form helium and massive heat.  Hence professor argent named to this process molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²+X-ray here US= EU 5 Watts 40 kHz ultrasound.

The amount of nuclear fusion we do, is insufficient to cause inflated cell boiling.  In the Moffitt Hospitals they turned up the ultrasound power.

The Moffitt used e.g. 8 W three MHZ (I verified the work using an 8 W 1 MHz device - 2,000 times cheaper).  We can theto such a medically licensed unit over the Internet, designed to give ultrasound massages.

2002 or they are apply the ultrasound externally to prostate cancer.  And to everybody's amazement got a one session total cure of the leading male specific cancer.  Now the cancer cells boil had!

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray HIUS= high intensity ultrasound, e.g. 8 W 1 MHz.

Stars is found to their disgust, this provides a one session 1 minute cure to all 200 cancers out there.  Their patients are all got better from the cancers, but the doctors made no money.

And the no defective cancer drugs have represented 80% of the income.  Yet from 2002 then became defective an intentionally fatal medical malpractice.

Health Systems around the world give the record of the doctor's prescription habbits.  So from 2002 any prescription of cancer drugs was defective an intentionally fatal medical malpractice.

Striking off the Dr. without legal appeal, the drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath and as such are prohibited from manufacture and sale was defective drugs.

Since 2002 just one day's manufacture and sale of cancer drugs, the struck off the biochemical drug company from the register of biochemical organisations.  Although drug patents then void and worthless.

Very importantly they could no longer the bridge borrow them from the banks against a nonexistent share price, to make payroll every month!  They were the most bankrupt corporations in economic history.

Each and every biochemical drug company had validated that HIUS clears all 200 cancers out there.  As all cancer of viruses require a foreign inflated cell nature, to induce viral type single cell division.

Infective viral and bacterial infections share the same foreign inflated cell structure, so ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all infections from 2002.  MAA cure of viruses was specifically mentioned in the Moffitt Paper,

So since 2002 any Dr. Prescribing infection medication including vaccinations, the struck off without legal argument.  The Hippocratic oath, and the nurses nightingale pledge, are absolute more beyond legal argument.

So no registered nurse was prevented to assist the cancer drug delivery since 2002.  Or struck off, stripped of all subsequent medical wage and pension entitlement.

2010 as warning around with an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.  Percy verified to clear lung, breast and colon cancers.  Lung cancer making up 80% other cancers out there!

And I freely published our work on the Internet.  Which he the Dr. was compelled to Percy verified and then use the best new medical science, or be struck off and remove from all legal medical practice for ever!

I it was incredulous 2013, there were three stranger should have thought my church health group, with MS, our Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  I have been blogging about HIUS clearing dementia.

It would either clear their diseases, or make them feel very relaxed.  There is using an ultrasound massage device of the right specification.

½ minute of HIUS each side of the head and a low mental health problems instantly remitted.  There was no a three day delay!  There pain and discomfort went instantly.

And more importantly the diseases are totally cleared for ever.  I freely published my work on the Internet.  And doctors already had the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, since validating the cancer cure.

Making the prescription of cancer drugs defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  As country to the doctors Hippocratic as possible.  High up nurses and drug company is also signed the Hippocratic oath.

The nurses were required to are have eyes lower down nurses, the cancer cell volume was defective medicine.  The only legal cancer medicine was the external application of HIUS.  So no nurse could give cancer drugs to any patient after the nurses were told cancer biochemistry was defective medicine.

From 2002 no Dr. Was allowed to prescribe cancer drugs.  But they were so a financially lucrative, was registered doctors will quite happy to prescribe the drugs, though it meant they were struck off on their first cancer drug prescription.

There are legally remove from medicine for ever!  Are applying defective medicine is the worst medicine in recorded history.

The drug companies are required to validate the effectiveness of HIUS 2002, or instantly ceased cancer drug manufacture and sale.  The drug company lawyers, are very adept at producing legal so any arguments, to justify the continued illegal drug manufacture.

No biochemical drug company is allowed to make and sell defective medicines.

Any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since the Moffitt Paper 2002, the struck off.  Losing the power to prescribe any medication.  There medical practice then totally illegal and not insured.  They were so not doctors anymore!

So could not prescribe any drug.  Hence 2018 the number of registered doctors crashed.  So Astra Zeneca invented the spurious idea that they could vaccinate against the seasonal flu.  Medical name Covid xx.  Where xx is the last two digits of that year's upcoming winter.

Even though vaccination against the common cold and Covid flu and, was specifically prohibited by the doctors Hippocratic oath.  It would take six months to freeze a vaccination even today, which is so enter a two year drug testing regime.  A legal requirement before the drug could become legal human medicine.

So Covid19 became Covid20, 1st of October, 2019.  The previous year's vaccination was then counter productive, worsening the seasonal flu and increasing the death rate from the sub pandemic 3.5%.

By medical definition pandemics kill over 5%!  The regular seasonal flu did not.  Unless you have survived the defective Covid vaccination.

No registered Dr. King give an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.  Physically one we've counter productive effects.  So doctors giving just one Covid19 vaccination required to strike themselves off the doctors' register the same day.

They are being taught on the first year of a medical degree, the vaccination medicine can never work for the common cold war seasonal flu.  They changed too quickly!  There vaccination unlicensed and are obsolete.  Never legal human medicine.

But since 2002 and every we're on earth has been aware, that 1 minute of external HIUS clears all cancers.

½ minute of the same ultrasound each side of the chest, clears all viral, bacteria are parasitic infections.  Yes it will clear malaria!

Just as it cleared AIDs for my New York contact from 2012.  Though most pernicious viral infection history totally cured, using 1 minute of the ultrasound from an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.

We shared the cured the world, and AIDs vanish from the world in two weeks.  The Elton John  AIDs foundation, are still trying to raise charitable firms for biochemical research into HIV.

Medicine does not permit any registered Dr. To research alternative treatments for cured diseases.  And the total physical cure was HIV was done 2012.  So no registered Dr. Would ever dream of researching biochemical treatments for the cured AIDs.

As the disease she would totally vanish from the planet, such research work was naive all possible.  But no doubt psychopathic doctors are still a applying the defective AIDs treatments to patients, by inducing the death within the decade.  So void 2020 to the world should have been totally AIDs free.

So the total one session cure of AIDs using a medically licensed 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.  The drug company is are less than impressed!  They had $638.00 million business, selling the defective AIDs treatments.  And side legal medical prescription as AIDs was totally cured 2012.

Once again we see the drug company is don't accept diseases are cured!  That the existing treatments are then defective and criminal medical malpractice.

With dementia, Alzheimer's and the rest, the diseases are caused by a viral altered foreign cell type, making inappropriate neurotransmitters.  And they must have and overinflated foreign cell nature to induce infected cell replication in a viral fashion.

½ minute of HIUS each side ahead was personally confirmed 2013 to totally clear all dementia.  Though I have actually it took six months to understand why it works so well!

Doctors fought on rich and record February 2023 there as all dementia had vanished from the planet.  The drug companies don't see this as a problem!  They still want a fund suppose the registered doctors to research biochemical treatments.

Registered doctors are not allowed to research alternative treatments for cured conditions.  And due to the worldwide presence of the Internet.  The Alzheimer's cure was familiar to every registered Dr. and drug company on earth.

Allowing no biochemical research!  Every academic medic on the planet have personally validated the use of HIUS to cure all dementia.

Thus all dementia PH D's were an ethical medicine from 2013.  The medical school must return the funds paid out by the students for the course of study.

Not be allowed to study extinct conditions!  How exactly could the study our Alzheimer's, when every registered Dr. could cure rate in 1 minute.  Using the unit bought to cure all cancers.  Though they did not cure all cancers, for purely selfish financial reasons.

So Alzheimer's totally and utterly cured 2013.  Extinct from applied by February 2023.  This is April 24 and the drug company is are first seen a still can't cure Alzheimer's.  Luckily the physical cure to Alzheimer's was medically published by myself 2013.

And a every registered Dr. Has the 8 W three MHZ unit in the nursing office.  Cure all our Alzheimer's and mental our problems in 1 minute.

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