Wednesday 1 May 2024

Hepatitis C cured

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the foreign inflated cell types, like cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  Suddenly all 200 types of human cancer were cured.

Any cancer treatments became defective an intentionally fatal medicine: but doctors were addicted to the finances!  So continue prescribing the knowingly fatal medication, in exchange for 2000 UK pounds over two years.  That is how much they value to a patient's life.

Doctors continue prescribing the defective cancer treatments until 2020.  Resulting in an estimated 200 million cancer patients die and expensive, agonising and needless death.

I became aware during my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000, that ultrasound scans of cancers sets off molecular nuclear fusion: though the fuse hydrogen ions from molecules, to form helium and molecular fragments.

1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray

So or 1 minute of e.g.  20 kW 50 kHz ultrasound will cause a one metre flask of water to boil intense

seconds!  Producing my crew bubbles of helium and free radical oxygen gases.

I wrote my first paper on this 2001, and Dr. Z release me from my PH D studies, to go and do a medical Ph.D. at Cambridge University.  That medicine is a closed shop!  And my master's degree in engineering was not sufficient to do medical PH D.

The professors from the Moffitt tried for eight years to get other medics to adopt the life saving new science: which should have been a no brainer - every registered Dr. Promises to be aware of and validate new medical science, as the take up medical practice.

Otherwise they lose Dr. Registration and Medical Insurance.  Making continued medical practice doubly criminal.  And there prescriptions invalid and illegal!  No registered pharmacist should ever have filled the drug orders as they have failed to validate the Moffitt Paper.

Higher up nurses take the doctors full Hippocratic oath.  So well aware that HIUS cleared all foreign inflated cell structures, like all cancers!  And were required to inform lower down nurses no longer to assist the cancer treatment drug delivery.

Cancer treatments being relegated to defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  Outside legal Dr. Prescription!  No drug company allowed to make and sell cancer drugs either.

The Moffitt Paper amazingly enough covered the cure of all viruses!  So I wrote up the idea about curing AIDs using ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest.

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray given the name of biological molecular nuclear fusion by the late Professor Bernard Argent.  An emeritus professor of Engineering Materials.

So a total cure to all viruses!  I sent the idea to Chinese medics in 2019, and by February 2020 Corona virus was extinct within Wuhan in China.  Never having penetrated the speedily erected quarantine around Wuhan.

By now or every registered Dr. On earth was aware of the total viral cure.  I wrote a papers about the cure hepatitis C: but drug companies responded by saying we were already on hepatitis E.  Which responds to the same standard viral cure!

½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side of the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections: in case you wonder, the foreign cell types all viral and bacterial infections half to have a foreign inflated cell structure, to induce infected cell replication.

So ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Clearing the common cold and Covid flu!  Care of it just being the medical name for the regular seasonal flu that circles the planet, tracking winter.

So 2012 and Brett in New York used ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest to clear he is HIV/AIDs.  Medics are likely about AIDs₂, but it would cured by the same standard viral cure.

First 2012 and AIDs vanish from the planet.  The psychopathic former doctors were still illegally prescribing AIDs treatments until 2018.  Though treatments having an intentionally fatal results within the decade.

They argued that the AIDs treatments has a preventative effect on HIV.  The AIDs treatments were developed to stop the advance of AIDs - it never had any preventative effect!

Doctors must return or $5000 a year they charge for the useless an intentionally fatal AIDs treatments, and strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.  And stop pretending to do medical practice ever again!

So for five years I have been talking about using HIUS to clear hepatitis.  We were on hepatitis A...C, there hepatitis C was thought to be incurable.  In the UK he we had the contaminated blood scandal, where tramps and other low income individuals, gave contaminated blood samples.

Which we used to produce factor eight for haemophiliacs.  Amazingly nobody actually checked for a HIV and hepatitis contamination.  Each HIV patient death warranting a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and the Dr. receiving 25 year jail term.  The Dr. and nurse struck off and remove from medicine totally for ever.

So around the world doctors have been happily validating that HIUS does indeed clear Covid, the common cold, hepatitis and HIV/AIDs.  It no drug total cure to most pernicious viral infections in history.

Just as 2002 it totally cleared all cancers.  Doctors prescribing the intentionally defective and fatal cancer treatments since 2002, struck off!

Their Hippocratic oath require them to validate the 100% effectiveness of HIUS clearing cancers plus viral and bacterial infections 2002.  So the prescription of fungal antibiotics became defective and far too fatal medicine!

Certainly the Moffitt Paper invalid the total cure of cancers and viruses.  And 2012 Brett firstly confirmed this included the cure of AIDs.  As non am I gay acquaintances had HIV mercifully.

2012 I sore the disease eradicated totally from the planet!  To which the drug company is said nothing.  Just as they have said nothing to the Moffitt Paper on the cancer cure 2002.

Not commentating on the noble prize for curing cancer or walled he had two and three medical professors 2015.  Which was also overlooked by the newspapers mostly!

So the hepatitis treatments are defective medicine.  1 minute of 8 W ultrasound, clearing all viral infections.  With hepatitis applied to the base of the rib cage over the liver.

The technique which will even clear hepatitis E, the drug companies desperate attempt to exchange the earnings from medicating hepatitis.  There never medication was defective an intentionally fatal medicine!

Lay summary: Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis B with or without compensated cirrhosis who receive long-term entecavir or tenofovir therapy have excellent overall eight-year survival, which is similar to that of the general population.

HIUS cures all hepatitis strains in 1 minute.  It will even clear hepatitis F & G when they arrive.  The total cancer cure also fix is liver disease!  As every registered doctors should have been aware off for last five years.

And were constrained from the prescription of defective hepatitis treatments.  As the liver disease was totally cured using ultrasound!  And he already had the 8 W three MHZ unit, used to cure all cancers!  Also clearing AIDs.  Making the prescription of AIDs treatments defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

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