Friday 15 July 2022

Cooling the air

Anself Solar Pond Pump Solar Fountain Pump Solar Powered Water Pump 9V 1.8W 200L/H 
nearly free cold



Every year in the middle of summer in the UK, there taking the Riesling predicting the warmest weather ever!  Which never materialises.

As running wrote down the street in Hong Kong the other year, not even thinking it  was hot!  It was 40° C.  Oh really not a problem!  In India it was 48° C and the locals were still wearing a jumper.

To call the air in a town or city, we need a little vacuum pump at the highest end of the stream or river that flows through the city.  This idea even works with sea water.

We get a polyurethane snorkel into the river or sea, and apply a vacuum from the 28 W solar powered vacuum pump.  The solar pump fires up a battery, so continues operating all day and night.

We apply one what of vacuum to the water, and even see water will boil off into fuel water vapour.  Then transfer the water vapour to a high us for winter in the town.  As we vent the vacuum, we form a cooling mist of fresh water.  Which Mr. Them aids into water droplets and falls off the ground.

What we call the air down!  Effectively for free.  A20 watt vacuum pump can be purchased over the Internet for about 20 UK pounds.

And the polyurethane five thing years are trivial expense!  All around the world we can create a cooling water minister in the high planets in the town.  And the cold war flow down through the city.  The heat to being carried away in the river or stream.  Or in the open sea!

So we produce masses of cooling moist air.  Any decent engineer can set up the system in a weekend.  I will probably already have a suitable solar driven pumps.  Which provides mains free E vacuum.

And Alling even operates through misty air.  So the a BBC are predicting more life threatening heart weather over the weekend.  If we set up a little solar vacuum plumps tomorrow, we can stop that life threatening heat.

My old PH D supervisor at Sheffield University can set up a suitable system in the lunch hour tomorrow.  Savings so many lives!  For very nearly free.  Is the BBC listening?

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